Welcome to Hubski! We are glad you found us. We have been around for a while now, you can find our first ever post below:
Hubski is a community for sharing thoughtful information and conversation. Here you can find stories, original content, discussions about whats happening in the world and outside the world, debates over the latest technologies, longer form content, and exploration of ideas. The best part is you can post & share what interests you with others. If you don’t see your favorite topic of conversation being posted, post it yourself – there is a diverse crowd on Hubski.
In addition to discussing topics together, we have book, food, and film clubs, and we collaborate on making music and podcasts. In addition to meeting here (and at our weekly Pubski post), we meet in IRC, and in real world places like DC, Detroit, Amsterdam, Seattle, and Denver.
Here are some other helpful links to get you started:
- Hubski Post List for New Users
- You can use #suggestions & #bugski if you have an idea for a feature or stumble upon a bug.
If you have any other questions, PM thenewgreen, insomniasexx, or mk.
So, enough about us. What brought you to Hubski? How did you find us? What are you hoping to get from the site? Are you confused about the user interface? Want to test the waters before diving in? There are many of us here that would be glad to answer any questions you might have. Add a comment below.
FYI, you can't post immediately to Hubski. Once you've contributed to discussions for a while, you'll be granted the ability to post.
We look forward to seeing you around the site!
Hey, as a long time reddit user I have just recently been remembering the old school style message board forum and realised I kinda miss just having good online discussions with people about random topics and learning about stuff in the process.
So did some googling and here I am!
I actually only just discovered this place about an hour ago and loved everything about it straight away. What a breath of fresh air. I've been battling to find a decent online home for years now and I hope that this is it. No hand holding, no automoderators, no one to control the flow of information but yourself, for yourself. This is great.
Years ago I used to use Reddit. Then certain news stories about Snowden and the NSA started disappearing from the front page for dubious reasons and I discovered Voat in the process. Loved Voat up until Reddit decided to Righteously purge itself of 'hate' subreddits and all of those fuckers came running to Voat, ruining it in the process.
Since then I've just been using Reddit for one niche subreddit while every now and then wandering out of my safe space into the rest of Reddit, always horrified by just how much more batshit insane it has become since the last time I checked it out. Driving away the 'hateful' people has turned it into even more of an echo chamber than before (who would've thought that would happen) and it's created an environment where it's near impossible to discuss anything without being forced into being either for or against it. Well I've been vocal and critical in these moments (and I've noticed that from time to time these posts of mine simply disappear from the discussion but that's another story) and I guess it finally caught up to me because a couple of days after my last post (about pro wrestling) it seems that I have been IP banned from Reddit. Looking for information on this is what led me to find this place..
Anyway, I hope that this is the place I've been looking for all along. I'll probably be doing more following than being followed, I'm more of a commenter than a submitter but I look forward to being able to actually choose what I want to see and not see. I am from South Africa and my interests are games, modding, programming (absolute beginner), alternative music, politics and for good measure, some good old pro wrestling. Glad to have finally found this place!
Welcome to Hubski! It's a great place, indeed.
Either commenting or posting is welcome, as they both could promote thoughtful discussion. I saw people welcome you here already, and I don't know how much they've told you, so I'm going to reiterate what I think is important to know here:
Your name matters. Here, people are able to build genuine connection with each other due to the way conversations are ran. People will remember what you said, and you have time to think before posting. You seem like a reasonable person, but I'm going to say it anyway: take that time. The reason being...
People are genuine here. Often enough, it leads to serious clashes even between friends. Sometimes, people will say things that will incite anger in you. Take the time to sit back or take a walk and think about what you want to say, and whether you want to say anything at all right now. If this is something you're not used to - which, coming from Reddit, you might not yet be expecting of yourself - it will take some effort. I'm sure you'll be fine in this regard, but, again, worth saying.
If you need a place to start, there are a few tags you might want to participate in, commenting, posting or simply following.
#AskHubski and #TellHubski are self-explanatory, and your topic doesn't need to be special to apply. If you notice a bug in how Hubski works, feel free to post the description to #bugski; the search is currently broken, with the devs working tirelessly to fix it. Site-wide announcements are made with #hubski and #devski, so you might want to follow those.
I'm a Russian native, and this being a US-centric forum, people seemed to be interested in knowing what it's like to live in the mystical red land, so I post under #russiabynatives sometimes. If you're interested in the US politics and the shitstorm that's going on there, be sure to follow #sillyseason (about the silly part of it) and #seriousseason (about things not so funny). I'm sure you'll find a bunch of other tags to follow; just check the Tags tab.
You might also find it interesting to follow the Hubski IRC channel, which you can access with the link below. There are quite a few dwellers, including myself, and people who visit sometimes (usually with prior announcements).
Welcome to Hubski, and best wishes to your stay.
Welcome, welcome. TFG (ThatFanficGuy) seems to have got the ball rolling quite well. All I'd like to add is #newtohubski is a good tag to pair with any questions you have about the site itself if you're asking around in a post. Over time you may gravitate to following more tags than users, or vice versa - maybe even equally or not at all. I get the impression following people is more fulfilling as you can also fill your "chatter" feed and peek into different discussions. On a more serious note, it speaks more to ThatFanficGuy's point of building connections with other users on Hubski. That, truly, is where the fulfillment comes from.
Anywho, there's a recent newcomer who got some great feedback on the culture of Hubski. So, if you're ever interested, then there's some nice posts embedded in this discussion:
Enjoy your stay. :)
This place really seems like quite a quaint and small little community full of some really nice people. Reddit I think just got a bit too hectic for me - it seemed every other day was some great conspiracy or outcry, and overall the community seemed quite rabid. It would be nice to be part of something a little more serene, I guess!
I'm still really active in the metasphere over on reddit, but I think you're right that it has lost its sense of community as it grew.
Many users on Hubski spend time on reddit still. Hubski scratches a different itch for most of us though. Like Herunar mentioned, it's smaller and less fast paced. I would say that "quaint" is probably a good description. The truth of the matter is, most of you that are here today, will not be here in 5 days, let alone 20. I think it takes about 20 days to really get hubski. By that time, you'll have much of the functionality down, you'll know some of the more prominent community members, you'll have the tags you like followed and you'll be actively participating in discussions beyond "why I left reddit." But most people don't make it to 20. Hubski expects more from it's community than other sites. Hubski is not fast-food.
Welcome! I hope both of you (and anyone else reading this) make it to 20.
Is there an API exposed for apps yet? The site is fine enough on mobile, but it'd be nice to have a native app.
This definitely looks like it's gonna solve that itch I've been having for real conversations online, tho. :)
Thanks, I'm glad it was well received. Don't get me wrong, I love a good meme from time to time, a funny pic etc. but there are no shortage of places to find that online already. Man can't exist on jalapeño poppers alone! -Well, I actually could, but it's nice to have a balance in life.
Happy 4th and welcome to Hubski!
I agree. I feel like more personal connections will be able to be made with hubski. You are right, on Reddit there was far too much internal drama. It detracted from the actual content.
I've been on hubski for a day so far and I like it. Hopefully, I'll end up staying.
I agree. Comment sections on reddit always seem to break down into the cynical and sarcastic variety with very little actual conversation, especially when there is internal drama. I really like this sites ideas with user wheel and badge over the karma and gold of reddit. Hopefully I am able to grow to love this site as I used to with reddit.
Hello. I'm glad I found hubski. Found it by Google searching Black River State Forest backpacking. Looking forward with enthusiasm to exploring hubski! #newtohubski
That's awesome.
WanderingEng you have the 4th listed Google result for the phrase used by troischiens.
Neat! That was my first overnight to test out my gear. It's a nice spot even if it isn't incredibly remote.
troischiens if you have any questions on that trip or other hiking in the area, let me know! I've started working on the Ice Age Trail, and it has some backpacking opportunities, too. There are some dispersed campsites along the trail that aren't heavily advertised because they're intended for hikers doing long stretches of trail.
Hi, just signed up. Yet another person trying to find a better alternative to reddit, which in my opinion has become too dominated by haters.
This looks like a positive space, full of interesting themes.
Yep, same here. I was banned from dozens of subreddits for my political views, and thus I moved here as this seems like a more sane and calm website I can discuss things at without being yelled at when stating my opinion.
Welcome, RedditUser. No need to fear getting banned for your views here. Moderation is bottom up, meaning you choose what or who you want to listen to. This feature is highlighted just below the top bar when first entering tags, or under "moderation" when viewing another user's profile. Of course, keeping an open mind is encouraged.
Enjoy your stay!
My impression so far is that the conversations tend to be a lot more mellow, in part because it is a smaller community and people remember each other. I had the same experience on smaller subs on reddit. I love that approach as it makes people better at listening, and less likely to attack each other.
It is quieter, but my experience is that people welcome comments and new posts.
I still use Reddit, but I believe it's important to have a diversified social media ecosystem. There is too much concentrated power in the hands of a few internet companies right now, and that power ultimately leads to stagnation and abuse.
My wife has been on hubski for many years now and has tried to get me to join several times. She's a lurker.
I am getting my grad degree in information systems engineering so i avoided it as i didn't need yet another place to go to lose time. But hey, it is a new year so now is a good time to get the ball rolling and if all goes well i will have the degree in a few months and lots more free time.
I love philosophy music and lively debate so i hope I will fit right in.
Hello, Hubski! I’m glad I’ve found this place (through googling); being a non-native English speaker, I had been searching for a forum like this to practice my language skills while having thoughtful discussions and debates.
I hope I can learn about new things while I'm here and contribute as well in the future.
I'm retired from the IT world, stuck in the middle of nowhere, and pretty much flabbergasted at the state of the world today (hence the username). I've become fascinated lately by the phenomenon of Trump, Trump cultists, the GOP, and the failure of our political system to deal with the current crisis.
Yes, I'm a redditor as well, but I'm not a teenage nazi edgelord, troll, or Red Pill member (reddit is OK if you know which neighborhoods to avoid).
Looking forward to joining some discussions on various topics. Anything new that promises to create positive change for the world interests me, including technology.
Hey tavington, welcome. I always suggest that people check out the primer page and the badged posts (upper right corner of site) to start. Feel free to PM me with any questions.
mk Have a look at the primer page. Seems to be truncated for me. I'm on iPhone.
Welp, "Firebrand" was already taken by a barely active user almost 2 000 days ago.
I was a member here before. Then I left. Now I'm back, 'cause it's just about the only place to have any serious conversation from the many I've visited, and I'm nothing if not a serious man.
Let's see how this goes.
I've done the tutorial three times. When am I getting allowed to shoot the mooks already?
No, I mean this here upper part shooting off. It doesn't wanna on its own.
Welcome to Hubski! Well my hobby is painting.. hope to see some of your works here:)
Yes, I've looked around and this seems like the best for me yet. It looks mature and not simply a clone. I'm surprised how I had missed it all those years, to be honest. Considering Hubski and a bit of Hacker News for the most part.
(and first post, so hello!)
You're right about Hacker News part - that's where hubski originally came from, way back in the day. The site started being built before reddit was open source enough to clone it, although even if it had been, it probably wouldn't have been used.
From there it's been hacked on, rebuilt, hacked on some more, new features added and so much more. It's its own little monster now. Glad to have you, jug. Cheers, and hope you see you around.
There's a screenshot in this thread of what hubski originally looked like - check it out. You can see the Hacker News in it there.
Thanks igisdt99. Welcome! Let me know if you have any questions about the site/functionality. Enjoy!
Hello! I was looking for a forum with discussions instead of memes and bad energy, seems like I found a good space!
I am trying to improve my English so I might take a while to make sense.
I think it's very nice community to share idea and for discussion. I am new user here . I'm Marceline , and I'm so glad to be here! I'm keen on visual art. But my main and favorite work is Essay writing.
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Hello, i saw someone mention this place on HackerNews as an alternative to reddit. I sometime miss the old reddit so i thought why not see what Hubski has to offer.
I read some post and all the discussion around here seem so thoughtful, i think it's definitely the right place for me!
Hey! I came to this site as a way to escape reddits steady conversion into a sort quasi-facebook. It looks like one of the few places on the internet where you can have a reasonable discussion. Looking forward to exploring the site!
hi. total newbie, but have been lurking a bit. I've never played much on reddit so all this is sort of all new to me. Looking for a place to have decent conversations, basically. Hope this is it :)
Hi I just signed up yesterday. I'm just looking for alternatives to Reddit having gotten fed up with all the crazy on the site. Hopefully I'l stick around and make some friends here :)
I have been lurking around Hubski for a couple of months before making this account. It seems to be a cool place. I went through tutorial, faq and primer. Site seems to be really intuitive and easy to use.
There aren't many details that I want to share right now. I found you by accident - a link on one of your user's website.
Hello ignac! Welcome to Hubski! Hope you enjoy your time here!
No problem, share whatever and whenever you feel like, we are happy to have you here:)
Yeah, we've been around for a while now. You should have seen the place when we first started. Wow! Lots of changes. Glad you found us Z. Enjoy the site!
Yes, it's not normally this slow to load pages, but our team is working to keep the lights on right now. Glad you found us. Let me know if you have any questions about functionality etc. cheers!
It's not a stupid question, it's actually something that the community has been asking for for years. -which is very humbling.
We are working on it. A mechanism will be in place soon. Give us a few weeks.
just came from there now. Someone posted from a front page post
Hey there! Always nice to see new users trickle in. Trickling is better than explosions.
Let us know if you have any questions getting started.
Whoever you find interesting. Find a cool post and follow, then find another. If they turn out to be boring, unfollow. There honestly isn't a cheatsheet for optimal following.
Is there a post that details users who have lots of followers or who make posts with certain tags? I'm just not used to this model at all, and after knowing about the site for months, I finally decided to familiarize myself. I'll do some poking around.
The community page https://hubski.com/community has a couple different lists of users based on how much they post and how popular the posts are. As well, the "most badged" people are mostly the most followed users. The https://hubski.com/tags tags page shows most used tags, too.
Just a way to say what's going on in your life, hence "pub". Talking about something new with you and maybe sparking some discussion about it.
If you are reading this, and you are new, then welcome to Hubski! Let me know if I can be of any help. I've been told that Hubski can be a bit confusing at first, which is hard for me to recall after being on the site for so many years.
This is why feedback from new users is so valuable. Let us know what your fresh eyes see, what is confusing etc.
Also, I'd be very interested in knowing how or where you heard about us?
Also, #didyouknow?...
BWAHAHA! Once you are in, you can never leave.
Bottom right hand corner of your screen. See you soon, I hope. AND WELCOME!
So is this website largely discussion or is it also picture friendly?
It depends on what you mean by "picture friendly". Images inline when you use a direct link so it's inherently more picture-friendly than other sites. However, a majority of content that gets shared is more indepth and discussion-focused. A post with a single image is unlikely to get shared around like a photo on /r/pics does. A single photo (probably with some text) that broaches a topic, instigates a discussion, asks questions probably will.
Hubski has been referred to as the "Third Place of the internet" meaning that you get your low-fi content from other places, your socializing with your friends in other places, and you come here when you are looking for something a bit deeper, a bit slower, a bit less vitriolic, etc.
I am still trying to find the place where i can post something..! This is the first text box i saw so taking the opportunity to post something...! hello all
I was here before under the pseudonym of scatterbii (I believe). Life caught up with me, I started catching up with life, and I remembered the stickers that were sent to me a while back.
Got back on the site and there was a post about aa after I just got into that program.
Feels like fate stepped in.
This feels like a quieter hub for discussion on the net and I feel like I can stop in to see what is happening every week and not feel pressured about it.
Hello, i saw someone mention this place on HackerNews as an alternative to reddit. I sometime miss the old reddit so i thought why not see what Hubski has to offer.
I read some post and all the discussion around here seem so thoughtful, i think it's definitely the right place for me!
It's a relatively small site. This impacts conversations in a few ways. Two ways which you don't see in other sites are
A) When you see heated arguments, it's not because we're all being anonymous jerks to each other. It's because we know each other well enough that two people can vehemently disagree in one thread and heartily agree in another thread. You'll still get some conversations that go too far from time to time, that might lead to hurt feelings, but they're very much a rarity around here. Because it's a small site and because of that dynamic, if you find that there's someone you just butt heads with often, it's best to exercise some self restraint and interact with them on the minimum.
B) Don't be surprised if it takes days for a conversation to unfold. For example, I might make a comment, get a response from someone, and might not respond back for hours and sometimes even days. For that matter, thread necromancy and referring back to threads that are literally years old is a normal thing around here.
Greetings everyone. I've come here looking for an alternative to the more popular social media platforms that reinforce the spreading of viral garbage. I used to enjoy Facebook and reddit back before they became the screaming matches and echo chambers they are today.
Hopefully hubski's design principles actually do reinforce thoughtful discourse even if/when its popularity grows.
Neat! That was my first overnight to test out my gear. It's a nice spot even if it isn't incredibly remote.
troischiens if you have any questions on that trip or other hiking in the area, let me know! I've started working on the Ice Age Trail, and it has some backpacking opportunities, too. There are some dispersed campsites along the trail that aren't heavily advertised because they're intended for hikers doing long stretches of trail.
Neat! That was my first overnight to test out my gear. It's a nice spot even if it isn't incredibly remote.
troischiens if you have any questions on that trip or other hiking in the area, let me know! I've started working on the Ice Age Trail, and it has some backpacking opportunities, too. There are some dispersed campsites along the trail that aren't heavily advertised because they're intended for hikers doing long stretches of trail.
Lastly, watch that video up there real when you're done reading this post. It's a pretty good metaphor for what you're experiencing right now. You're like that warthog. You're in a new environment, and not only are you getting used to your surroundings, you're also getting to know the residents and they're getting to know you. Know why it's such a great metaphor for this place? Because that Savannah exhibit is full of different animals and here, with the exception of a few common traits, we're actually really diverse. We have people from different countries, different classes, different ages, and different education levels all mixing it up. Even with such a small site where we know each other relatively well, with such a diverse user base sometimes signals get crossed. It's normal.
Lastly, watch that video up there real when you're done reading this post. It's a pretty good metaphor for what you're experiencing right now. You're like that warthog. You're in a new environment, and not only are you getting used to your surroundings, you're also getting to know the residents and they're getting to know you. Know why it's such a great metaphor for this place? Because that Savannah exhibit is full of different animals and here, with the exception of a few common traits, we're actually really diverse. We have people from different countries, different classes, different ages, and different education levels all mixing it up. Even with such a small site where we know each other relatively well, with such a diverse user base sometimes signals get crossed. It's normal.
Your name matters. Here, people are able to build genuine connection with each other due to the way conversations are ran. People will remember what you said, and you have time to think before posting. You seem like a reasonable person, but I'm going to say it anyway: take that time. The reason being...
People are genuine here. Often enough, it leads to serious clashes even between friends. Sometimes, people will say things that will incite anger in you. Take the time to sit back or take a walk and think about what you want to say, and whether you want to say anything at all right now. If this is something you're not used to - which, coming from Reddit, you might not yet be expecting of yourself - it will take some effort. I'm sure you'll be fine in this regard, but, again, worth saying.
If you need a place to start, there are a few tags you might want to participate in, commenting, posting or simply following.
It's on here! It's a filter that removes the majority of the gamification aspects of the website. Namely, share count and follower information. You can find it in the drop down menu on your settings page. If you don't know how to get there, just click your username on the top left corner, then click the link that says "settings." The zen option will be on a drop down menu in the third column of your settings page.
B) Don't be surprised if it takes days for a conversation to unfold. For example, I might make a comment, get a response from someone, and might not respond back for hours and sometimes even days. For that matter, thread necromancy and referring back to threads that are literally years old is a normal thing around here.
My wife has been on hubski for many years now and has tried to get me to join several times. She's a lurker.
I am getting my grad degree in information systems engineering so i avoided it as i didn't need yet another place to go to lose time. But hey, it is a new year so now is a good time to get the ball rolling and if all goes well i will have the degree in a few months and lots more free time.
I love philosophy music and lively debate so i hope I will fit right in.
A) When you see heated arguments, it's not because we're all being anonymous jerks to each other. It's because we know each other well enough that two people can vehemently disagree in one thread and heartily agree in another thread. You'll still get some conversations that go too far from time to time, that might lead to hurt feelings, but they're very much a rarity around here. Because it's a small site and because of that dynamic, if you find that there's someone you just butt heads with often, it's b
Neat! That was my first overnight to test out my gear. It's a nice spot even if it isn't incredibly remote.
troischiens if you have any questions on that trip or other hiking in the area, let me know! I've started working on the Ice Age Trail, and it has some backpacking opportunities, too. There are some dispersed campsites along the trail that aren't heavily advertised because they're intended for hikers doing long stretches of trail.
Welp, "Firebrand" was already taken by a barely active user almost 2 000 days ago.
I was a member here before. Then I left. Now I'm back, 'cause it's just about the only place to have any serious conversation from the many I've visited, and I'm nothing if not a serious man.
Let's see how this goes.
ever they want as if it's a pub. That's were I'd recommend getting a good feel for those that are in the site poppin' into the site. Of course, that's just a sample of who's available that week.
There are some tags out there that give you some insight to a handful of users around here like #adayinthelife and #3questions. Take your time with them if you go down those rabbit holes. There's a bit there.
ever they want as if it's a pub. That's were I'd recommend getting a good feel for those that are in the site poppin' into the site. Of course, that's just a sample of who's available that week.
There are some tags out there that give you some insight to a handful of users around here like #adayinthelife and #3questions. Take your time with them if you go down those rabbit holes. There's a bit there.
ever they want as if it's a pub. That's were I'd recommend getting a good feel for those that are in the site poppin' into the site. Of course, that's just a sample of who's available that week.
There are some tags out there that give you some insight to a handful of users around here like #adayinthelife and #3questions. Take your time with them if you go down those rabbit holes. There's a bit there.
ever they want as if it's a pub. That's were I'd recommend getting a good feel for those that are in the site poppin' into the site. Of course, that's just a sample of who's available that week.
There are some tags out there that give you some insight to a handful of users around here like #adayinthelife and #3questions. Take your time with them if you go down those rabbit holes. There's a bit there.
ever they want as if it's a pub. That's were I'd recommend getting a good feel for those that are in the site poppin' into the site. Of course, that's just a sample of who's available that week.
There are some tags out there that give you some insight to a handful of users around here like #adayinthelife and #3questions. Take your time with them if you go down those rabbit holes. There's a bit there.
ever they want as if it's a pub. That's were I'd recommend getting a good feel for those that are in the site poppin' into the site. Of course, that's just a sample of who's available that week.
There are some tags out there that give you some insight to a handful of users around here like #adayinthelife and #3questions. Take your time with them if you go down those rabbit holes. There's a bit there.
ever they want as if it's a pub. That's were I'd recommend getting a good feel for those that are in the site poppin' into the site. Of course, that's just a sample of who's available that week.
There are some tags out there that give you some insight to a handful of users around here like #adayinthelife and #3questions. Take your time with them if you go down those rabbit holes. There's a bit there.
ever they want as if it's a pub. That's were I'd recommend getting a good feel for those that are in the site poppin' into the site. Of course, that's just a sample of who's available that week.
There are some tags out there that give you some insight to a handful of users around here like #adayinthelife and #3questions. Take your time with them if you go down those rabbit holes. There's a bit there.
Hello, i saw someone mention this place on HackerNews as an alternative to reddit. I sometime miss the old reddit so i thought why not see what Hubski has to offer.
I read some post and all the discussion around here seem so thoughtful, i think it's definitely the right place for me!
Hello, i saw someone mention this place on HackerNews as an alternative to reddit. I sometime miss the old reddit so i thought why not see what Hubski has to offer.
I read some post and all the discussion around here seem so thoughtful, i think it's definitely the right place for me!
Hello, i saw someone mention this place on HackerNews as an alternative to reddit. I sometime miss the old reddit so i thought why not see what Hubski has to offer.
I read some post and all the discussion around here seem so thoughtful, i think it's definitely the right place for me!
First off, as someone who has been around various forums for years - it feels wrong for me to be posting in a thread that is (as of now) 801 days old, but from what I understand that is not unusual around these parts.
I'm Stephanie. I signed up for hubski a few years back and have basically just lurked, as is my M.O. around the internet. I'm rather fond of Keifer, who introduced me to this site in the first place. I'm not much of a contributor, but I have certainly enjoyed the quality posts that people make and the resultant discussion (without the reddit-style shitposting everywhere).
It has taken me quite a while to understand the site layout, as it isn't particularly intuitive, even with the tutorial. Definitely still don't understand tags, but I suspect that will come with time.
You're not alone
tags are more like twitter hashtags than subreddits
They can be straight up categorical : #uspolitics
They can follow a specific thread of events : #whiterabbit
They can be shitposty: #weregretnothing
They can be subredditesque: #askhubski
There's no wrong way to tag.
Edited to add that I'm so, so happy to be here. My original comment read as being very negative; finding all of you has actually made me feel great!
The bitter divorcees and twenty year olds who think that primary caregiver = conniving leech have finally chased me off reddit. The fat activists and MLM folk have corralled most of the Mummy internet AND, annoyingly, the small business community as well.
I also don't spend enough time online to be able to participate in speedy, blow by blow discussions, so the more relaxed, thoughtful pace here is very welcome. I may not write for a while, but I'll be reading a lot.
My mind latched onto Reddit -> Twenty Year Olds -> Activists -> MLM
and then filled in MLM to mean Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, which has a decently sized base of twenty-year-olds on r/socialism.
In retrospect, it wasn't really the obvious choice for me to assume as for what MLM meant.
... I need to remember not to comment on stuff before I have coffee.
Just signed up after searching for a good informative forum. I dumped Reddit because of the Kidiotic comments that infested every post. I lasted less than 24 hours on Voat, the same kidiots filtered in over night. This looks like a nice calm grown up site.
Welcome mrmm, if you have any questions about the site etc, feel free to PM me any time. Also, check out the primer page as it answers a lot of faq.
Enjoy the site!
Hello Hubski!
I've been lurking seriously for about a week, and have realized this community is something I'd really like to be a part of. The discussions here feel appropriately entertaining and in-depth as opposed to the social aggregation site I've primarily used for years.
As I'm sure is true for many, the reason I heard of this place was due to a few of said-site's debacles; but those were bad times to visit, as that site had inflicted temporary chaos here at those moments. I've been lurking for about a week after realizing how unfulfilling my usual feed was and that I would like to be somewhere where it's easier to participate meaningfully.
I am a web developer, recently out of school (unemployed for now), and have undergone some rather monumental life changes that have left me with a desire to invest in my mind and the world around me. My interests are varied, but tend towards technology and politics (big surprise, I'm sure).
I hope I might invest in this community and receive more directly the wisdom and intelligence on display here. Thanks for existing, Hubski!
Same as a lot of people, I decided to look for new sites after Reddit started falling to pieces. Most people said Voat was good, but when I went there it just seemed like a shallow copy of Reddit. Hubski seems a lot better, though. It kind of blends the mechanics of Tumblr and Reddit into something that I could really get into!
Just moved from Reddit today as well. That place was really getting toxic and unbearable.
The first few hours that I've been here on Hubski, I'm already loving it. Seems like a much more laid back place with much friendlier people. I think I may have found my new home page.
I agree. Reddit was getting annoying with all the people trying to "revolt" and such, this place imo looks a lot nicer and I think I might start using it more
Welcome!! Enjoy the waters. Let me know if you have any questions
I found Hubski on a subreddit community thread. Thought I'd wander over and give it a try.
I'm excited about leaving reddit. I feel like hubski has the potential to be better than reddit ever was.
Hello, Hubski! Will you have me?
Like some of the other users here, I too miss the older Reddit. I have been a user over there since about 2010 and have watched it change substantially over the years, mostly in negative ways that have stripped the site of its focus on useful content and discussion. I've witnessed its shift from a portal of communities to a portal built on community manipulation. With each passing year, the look, the feel, and the experience has shifted towards more easily digestible content and the interface towards memes and images rather than information -- a trend that has taken a major step forward in recent days. And don't get me started on the trolling and negativity that has experienced quite the surge in the last couple years. I've started feeling like most of the site is in a race to the bottom for some reason (with the exception of some very interesting and informative subreddits). And it looks like this is by design rather by accident.
This combination of issues has left me wanting to find a better online community, a process that has been ongoing for quite some time. I tried to give Voat a go, but I'm guessing you can surmise how that went down :/ (I am apparently a "deep-state cuck nosed jew" according this very vocal gentleman and his dedicated team of like-minded friends -- whatever that means, lol).
As far as Hubski, I have been tangentially aware of the site's existence since 2015 when I saw it mentioned on a forum, and in recent months I have been lurking around the fringes, stopping in on occasion to find a bit of news, or to read some comments, but, until now I hadn't taken the step of joining and learning the finer details of the site or how the community/system works. So far, Hubski, with its focus on quality and discussion seems to be the closest in terms of what I am looking for in an online community. I hope as I learn the mechanics of the site that this will prove to be true! I suspect it will!
Anyhow, I am looking forward to our time together and hope that we are both bettered because of our interactions! Thank you, and does anyone happen to have any pointers for someone just starting out?
- Thank you, and does anyone happen to have any pointers for someone just starting out?
It's a relatively small site. This impacts conversations in a few ways. Two ways which you don't see in other sites are
A) When you see heated arguments, it's not because we're all being anonymous jerks to each other. It's because we know each other well enough that two people can vehemently disagree in one thread and heartily agree in another thread. You'll still get some conversations that go too far from time to time, that might lead to hurt feelings, but they're very much a rarity around here. Because it's a small site and because of that dynamic, if you find that there's someone you just butt heads with often, it's best to exercise some self restraint and interact with them on the minimum.
B) Don't be surprised if it takes days for a conversation to unfold. For example, I might make a comment, get a response from someone, and might not respond back for hours and sometimes even days. For that matter, thread necromancy and referring back to threads that are literally years old is a normal thing around here.
I just got blocked by a user for the first time. I found out because I was told I was silenced on another post by them that I encountered; a post which I found interesting, I still shared the post, it was worth sharing. All I did was try to point out their misunderstanding of an article. Can I ask if this is normal and if I have somehow violated a community rule? Sorry to take up your time, but you are my first encounter and a lifeline to the culture here. It wasn't my intention to drive the user off, nor insult them, it was quite an angry response I received. Any pointers?
- Can I ask if this is normal and if I have somehow violated a community rule?
Moderation is done by one's own hand on Hubski. The ability following, un-following, or muting tags extends to users alongside a couple more features. That said, I would hope others take agency into their own hands when it comes to curating their feed and what they want to get out of the site. Is it normal? It can happen. Did you violate any community rule? Nope, someone merely thought it wasn't worth the time for whatever the reason may be.
Okay. First of all, don't sweat it too much. It happens from time to time and some users are quicker to use block than others. Some use it liberally, while others rarely use it, if ever. Me personally, I only use it on overt, unashamed trolls (of which we get pretty much none of).
Second, kantos and keifermiller both jumped in and commented in the time it took me to hunt down a single video. If anything, that should illustrate this place is pretty inviting, so don't let a single negative experience discourage you. If it helps, I personally think some of your comments are well thought out and I'm interested to see what you have to say down the road.
Lastly, watch that video up there real when you're done reading this post. It's a pretty good metaphor for what you're experiencing right now. You're like that warthog. You're in a new environment, and not only are you getting used to your surroundings, you're also getting to know the residents and they're getting to know you. Know why it's such a great metaphor for this place? Because that Savannah exhibit is full of different animals and here, with the exception of a few common traits, we're actually really diverse. We have people from different countries, different classes, different ages, and different education levels all mixing it up. Even with such a small site where we know each other relatively well, with such a diverse user base sometimes signals get crossed. It's normal.
Sometimes, it just goes with the territory.
rd95's point A is on point, but is probably skewed towards our experiences versus yours as a newcomer:
- Emphasis on "know each other well enough": the communal give and take is built up over time as people get to know you. pubski is one main of the spaces on the site where that can happen.
- Also, I'd place emphasis on "best to exercise some self restraint". Often, people will tell you when you are stepping on toes.
Once you step on toes, everyone has different thresholds for how long they will let the situation go before using the moderation tools. One of the distinguishing features of the site versus reddit is that hubski is built around decentralized moderation (with an on-again-off-again exception for spam). Everyone is responsible for ensuring that the site remains enjoyable for their own use.
The site won't run if no one has fun. What constitutes as "fun" varies. Sometimes you get blocked.
Thank you for the response, and I will keep these tips in mind! Have a good day!
It's on here! It's a filter that removes the majority of the gamification aspects of the website. Namely, share count and follower information. You can find it in the drop down menu on your settings page. If you don't know how to get there, just click your username on the top left corner, then click the link that says "settings." The zen option will be on a drop down menu in the third column of your settings page.
but then the only outlet for a negative response is to leave a comment. Then the comments tend to be mostly negative as some or all of the positive responses were just "likes". You need a quick response for both positive and negative.
Hubski runs on thoughtful discussion. There is no "quick" way around that (e.g. up/downvotes) on here for that purpose. The hubwheel serves to share comments or posts with people that follow you so that they may view it as well. Sharing says "hey, I want you to look at this too" rather than "hey, I really approve of this."
Hi friends!
Introducing myself..
Urvashi here, I live in India,and I like development related affairs, so my interests lie in governance, economics etc.. besides i paint,sing, dig deep in music world, learn about new places, cultures, philosophies...
Currently due to some reasons i have limited my social circle, that's why need a virtual world to interact with, to come out of this lonliness...
Hope I find some amazing company here, as of now, figuring out how to go about with hubski...
Hello Devac!
Nice to meet you, and Thank you for your kind support, that is of immense help to me..:)
I will follow the guidance you have provided for sure..
As of culture issue, I feel hubski is pretty much of my liking and people here seem to be quite intelligent with lot of quality discussion going around.. I will try to fit in to my best!
And hey, for you! Best wishes for your endeavors in Physics and Maths!
Dziękuję Ci, Again!! :)
Hi! Looking to figure out how to do this. So I'm introducing myself. Ruby here. I like reading, writing, crafts, drawing, decorating, collecting card decks and some other things. I love Batman, Harley Quinn, Supergirl, Wonder Woman, Katana, ahhh... Star Trek, Dr. Who, Harry Potter, The Big Bang Theory, um... I love Joe Kenda! I love Halloween and Christmas. ET, The Nightmare Before Christmas, horror movies/psychological thrillers, with a few artsy indie types. I also like documentaries. I like to ride my bike. I have a recumbant (sp?) bike for rainy days. Not a fan. I want a regular stationary one, but it was what I could afford at the time. Okay, I think I've rambled enough!
Hey, here's a question. On my profile I see this: stats following: 0 followed tags: 0 followed domains: 0 badges given: 0 of 0 member for: 20 hours style: normal
So my question is, what does 'style' represent?
Good question. Click on your username and then go to "settings." There you will be able to choose a style of your choosing. Dark is the most popular outside of the default. I hope that helped.
Followed your advice, and I've got to say I can see why dark is a popular style. Related question, what is the 'zen' option in the settings?
“Life is a journey. Time is a river. The door is ajar”
:) Check it out. It's a way to use the site without any indication of popularity of posts/comments etc. It's zen.
I'm from reddit by the same name.
Reddit always was huge and everything was going on. While it was a great place to find out new things, I might try this less hectic site. You all seem so friendly!
Yeah, the site's falling apart right now. I might stay for a while
I'll go check on the status. I don't want to bring reddit crap here.
Mainly a lurker but I enjoy reading thoughtful discussions on relevant world topics. If I feel I can contribute to the topic I'll post. About me, electrical engineer and enjoy an outdoor lifestyle but have a desk job. Traditional Rock climbing, backcountry skiing, and mountaineering are some of my past times.
Ooh nice to meet you! You sound like a person I have some in common with. I'm currently in school to be a computer engineer, also enjoying an outdoor lifestyle, rock climbing, skiing, and mountaineering. If you don't mind, I'll follow you to add someone to my feed!
Awesome! Welcome to Hubski.
I hope you start posting outdoorsy stuff on Hubski. There's not much here right now but there are a lot of people interested in that kind of stuff.
I rock climb as well but mostly indoor as (1) I live in the middle of a city and (2) all the gear is expensive for a relatively new hobby.
Hi there. I've been using reddit since about 2006. I've actually been looking for a better community for quite a few years now actually, as the discussion and content is way too meme-centric. The new hullabaloo there is making me look for alternatives. I found this place in a Hacker News comment, actually. I really like the design here, but more importantly I really like the idea behind how the communities are set up here.
Heh, I think I saw the comment you mean. Welcome to the site. There's been a lot of different posts about new user stuff under the tag #newtohubski, so look there first if you have questions.
hi! I am very interested in this site! I hope it's good X3
I was searching for an alternative to reddit and the first result was a subreddit dedicated to such alternatives. Then I just clicked on all the links until I found a site that doesn't suck too much. Just kidding, I'm liking it here. The user interface was definitely a bit confusing at first, but only because it was different from any other site I'd seen. Now that I've gotten used to it, I think it's actually very well designed.
That, or follow somebody who posts about history.
How do I discover new communities? For example, I typically follow /r/Eatcheapandhealthy, /r/trollxchromosomes, /r/femalefashionadvice, etc. Is there a list of "subs" or whatever their equivalent is here?
At this point, there's no separate "communities" like Reddit. If you like a subject, you follow a tag and if you like what a person posts, you follow them.
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Welcome, Devac.
If you visit a tag feed like #math, you can see which users use that tag most. Click the 'more' link at the top of a tag feed to get more stats.
As Hubski is much smaller, another approach is to just follow #math, and then over time, filter any users that use the tag that you don't want included.
Hi! I'm an engineer with a lot of interests, just looking for a place with more in depth conversation and content than reddit offers anymore. Maybe it's a sign that I'm emerging from my chrysalis of awkwardness into adulthood, but I'm tired of memes and shallow comment section fighting. Plus I don't trust that reddit's popular content isn't paid for; the hubski model seems so much more resilient to abuse.
Also I love the slow pace here. I hate how fast-paced modern life is, online and in person. I can't catch a chance to think anymore before the world is onto something else. Ugh.
Anyway nice to meet you all! =)
I came here because reddit became a mean nasty place and I loved what I read about hubski
If you're interested in politics, there is #seriousseason which is a result of #sillyseason. You can follow, or block, both. #science, #grubski, #meethubski etc
Greetings everyone. I've come here looking for an alternative to the more popular social media platforms that reinforce the spreading of viral garbage. I used to enjoy Facebook and reddit back before they became the screaming matches and echo chambers they are today.
Hopefully hubski's design principles actually do reinforce thoughtful discourse even if/when its popularity grows.
Hello everyone! I found a link here deep in a reddit rabbit hole, and I am very glad I did. I'm looking forward to contributing to discussions--folks seem fairly chill, reasonable, and articulate here.
wassup hubski? don't delete me because of my name, I'm not really a bot :) #newtohubski
Welcome OCT! Pro tip: check out the "random" button at the bottom of the page. It's a great way to surf the content of Hubski
Enjoy your time here and feel free to PM me with any questions or feedback.
This place seems like a breath of fresh air. Mind if i stay a while? Ill introduce myself. I'm Frank, I'm Australian, and i am a Neurophysiology Scientist.
My number one hobby is photography, i love it. It has led me to many places, like my number two hobby; hiking. I also game pretty hard, and i have a cat named Charlie!
I so far like the overall attitude of hubski, i'd like to dive in further. What can i do build my feed/hub? What do the more experienced users recommend?
Welcome Frank! Come on in. I think you'll find yourself in good company here with interests overlapping others'.
In terms of growing your feed, a common recommendation is following people who (1) tend to show up in tags you're interested and/or (2) write in compelling manners - of course, so long as they are things that you're open to reading/receiving.
For example: We've also got a few people here interested in photography as well, iirc. One place that happens to show up in is #tripreports, for the adventurous of us... that, or I'm just easily impressed by some of the shots people take in #tripreports. From there, you can dabble in who/what you're interested in following. In general, though, every Wednesday (on US time, I think that's today for you, though) we have a post called #pubski where people pop in and chat about whatever they want as if it's a pub. That's were I'd recommend getting a good feel for those that are in the site poppin' into the site. Of course, that's just a sample of who's available that week.
There are some tags out there that give you some insight to a handful of users around here like #adayinthelife and #3questions. Take your time with them if you go down those rabbit holes. There's a bit there.
On the flipside, another feature of Hubski is self-moderation, so you're free to mute/hush/block whoever you want or even whole tags. As such you can follow a person, yet mute a tag they post in that you're not fond of and vice-versa. Or just straight up block, that's cool too and none will be the wiser.
Probably missing more of the general spiel than usual, hope that's helpful, though. Welcome!
EDIT: I remember now. Hubski is still relatively small, so this is the "be the change you wanna see" bit in terms of "bring the discussion you want to see." You should be able to post now too, so you're all set if you have questions or want to post something you're interested in. Lurking for a bit is always an option as well. Still a quasi-lurker myself after a couple years.
Hey! I’m new here, came because I just cannot tolerate reddit’s nonsense anymore.
I love books, classic movies and rock music.
Searched for reddit alternative. Found that hubski encourages constructive posts and thought I give it a try.
Hello everyone, I have just signed up as an alternative to Reddit. Looking good so far.
I gotta say, going through the math problem tripped me up. >_<
I haven't heard any version that rolls off the tongue yet. I thought that being a skier could be fun because we don't surf the web, we ski it. I also like hubbie. As in "Where my hubbies at!?"
- Might scare off people who don't read well.
I'm actually okay with that. Barrier to entry and such.... ;)
We've been saying Hubskier on the team for years, but I know that sounds_sound and others have had varying ideas.
Hubski is often referred to as the "third place" of the Web. Often, redditors continuing using reddit and also use hubski. They aren't mutually exclusive.
For this same reason, a lot of times you won't find that viral article or video on Hubski because it's featured heavily on Facebook and reddit and random forums and wherever else.
Anyways, welcome! Hope to see you around.
Welcome to Hubski WesleyAnton. Let me know if you have any questions about the site. I think it's always a good idea to start with the Primer Page.
Also, check out the "badges" in the upper right hand corner for some particularly good content.
I am trying hubski because work is slow and my boss is on a extended vacation. I found hubski a while ago from searching "alternatives to reddit". I hope to be able to participate in online conversations. I think I understand the interface, however I was stuck outside the gates of Hades or something for while.
After a couple days looking around, it seems topics are mostly limited to US politics, art, food and tech. These are not big interests of mine, so we'll see how long I stay. On the other hand, my coworkers are occupied with trading baseball cards online and watching stock prices, so I probably will be here a few weeks at the least.
- After a couple days looking around, it seems topics are mostly limited to US politics, art, food and tech.
The interests this place focuses on is varied and comes and goes in waves. US Politics is big right now just because shit is crazy at the moment, so it's hard not to talk about. You can always post things that interest you. Unless it's something esoteric and uninteresting, there's a good chance someone on here will appreciate it.
New to the site. So far its been good. Will share something more soon.
New to the site. So far its been good. Will share something more soon.
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Hi there! I am a student researcher at the University of Michigan who is currently studying online communities. This week are discussion forums and I chose you guys! I've only been on the site a couple of days now, but I feel like this may be a community I stick with long after my class is finished.
In regards to my research, I was wondering if any of you could tell me what some of the contributions users can make and how they are incentivized to interact with/contribute to the community?
Also, if anyone happens to know what the total population on the website is and the total active population that would be lovely!
Thank you so much! I'm excited!
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Hi there, this seems to be a de facto introduction thread so I'll add to it myself.
I'm in my 40s, I live in Europe (3rd country so far), and a lot of my life is currently taken up adjusting to a recent move, getting into hiking and trying to furnish a new flat!
I used to be a professional musician, though now that's just a hobby. I work in biopharma, trying to find better ways to help people primarily with neurodegenerative diseases. The rest of my background is in heavy IT and business transformation.
I've been on the net since before the web, and helped build some of the largest early ecommerce sites, after an early focus on AI and gaming. I've been through most of the big discussion sites from slashdot and livejournal and SA through to reddit and ello. I found I increasingly removed chatty / meme-heavy content from my feed and found there was little with more consideration, hence me having a look here. Look forward to some good discussions and a bit more thought.
I did the "still here" check-in before this. I joined recently, but had yet to post, so I guess it might be true that I am both saying hello and still here.
Out of the lurkness...
Just randomly heard about this site as a reddit alternative. Decided to check it out! I actually don’t mind reddit as i only discovered it over a year ago but sometimes it can be a bit much.
First time poster, just arrived from the bigger fish site in this same category, but am looking for some place without political censorship. Not that I'm posting or promoting radical ideas, just want a place that isn't corporate and govt. controlled.
How free and independent is Hubski?
This was one of the first options as a reddit alternative. Looks promising!
hello all, I am new here and I have looking for a place to post...I guess I have to started by dropping some comments.
hello. i'm new here. I'm happy i found hubski )
I think this is an enlightening post and it is extraordinarily productive and gifted
Hey there, like the interface. Looking to share content related to web development!
It used to be that I'd sit on Reddit all day, but I find myself less and less inclined to check it lately. It's the terrible comments and atmosphere, as well as the fact that now I'm simply finding myself staring at reposted content far too often for my liking. Then again, it's still great for certain things like smaller communities, and r/meirl still speaks to a deeper, darker part of my soul, so I don't think I'm ever going to abandon it completely.
Anyway, welcome, and enjoy your stay! What are some of the things that you'd be interested in discussing?
/r/space was a great place. It was full of smart people talking about everything from robotics to astronomy to physics. Then, they made it a default sub. When they did that, I deleted all my accounts and bailed. The last time I looked over there was about a month ago, and man, it was sad. memes, low value content, re-posted images, and more importantly in my eyes, not nearly as many comments as before. And the comments they did have were all what I consider low value. Post like "repost!" and jokes and memes in response.
I've got a few friends who are still active on Reddit, and when I look over their shoulders to see what is going on, I'm not impressed. Reddit went through a serious demographic shift right after the Digg Migration, where the site got popular way to fast to absorb the new people into the culture. This is when "Le Reddit army" became a thing everywhere.
The only place I really 'internet' any more is here, slashdot (and that place is a whole post in itself) and a big astronomy forum site. That is about it. And I used to drop 30+ hours there... now I go there once a few months if that.
Welcome! Let me know if you have any questions about Hubski. The primer page is a good place to start regarding what makes Hubski different:
Enjoy your time here
still can't figure out how to post anything.
so many words
so like no way the share them
Hi everyone. I have a suggestion, can we get a time for a post?
Or is there a way we can find out? Thanks
This looks as good a place start my journey here as any. I created an account here in the past but didn't end up very active and this website became lost to me again in a sea of bookmarks that I'll probably never get back to. I was reminded of it randomly in a Reddit thread and thought I would give it a try again. Let me introduce myself by using some adjectives. I got a bit carried away, so if you stop reading at this point I wouldn't blame you.
I am white with olive skin, Roman feet, Asiatic eyes, part brown, part blonde hair, a y chromosome, a second generation South African whose father was the only one of his siblings not born in the Netherlands. I don't speak Dutch and was raised 100% English. I don't feel at home in my own country anymore or like I belong to any specific culture or creed and I have current aspirations of learning another language and becoming a stranger in a strange land in a South American country somewhere, where I have no sociopolitical battle to confront of my own. But I have no current steps or short term goals for getting there.
I procrastinate too much and am currently unemployed with only blue collar skills on my CV and I tend to daydream about being something more without acting on it more often than I'd like. I used to read a lot and write short fiction that I would mostly keep to myself. I was a metal vocalist for a while for three different bands over a short time fuelled by beer, pot, failed romance, financial hardship and in-fighting. I also used to play acoustic guitar and write my own songs. Over the years I lost my way, probably starting from the moment I discovered Pink Floyd's 'The Wall' in my father's LP collection when I was a small child. One of my all time favourite books is Philip K. Dick's 'A Scanner Darkly' and the last book I ever read and thoroughly enjoyed was 'Steppenwolf' by Hermann Hesse about ten years ago. Since then I've battled to get through any book. I also stopped writing music or singing years ago and my guitar currently collects dust in the corner of my cupboard, it's few unbroken strings old and out of tune.
When I was thirteen years old, curiosity got the better of me and I ate some highly hallucinogenic flowers without knowing what I was really getting myself into, having never been intoxicated before. It was simultaneously a great experience and a terrible experience. I followed the white rabbit into Wonderland and at times it was hard to remember that I was just creating this strange new strange new world without becoming one with it. Actually at most times it was hard to remember. I still cannot remember if I was in Wonderland for one day or two days and I haven't dared to ask but I spent most of it as mad as a hatter. The only problem is that because I was too young and too stupid, I ate them during a school break time and while my mind was busy changing from a caterpillar into a cocoon on the inside, my paralytic body was being dragged across the school quad into the sickbay, and into a hospital where I spent the next day or two looking for the secret escape tunnel to get away from my captors and into the wild. I ate the same flowers again years later after a particularly bad case of heartbreak and hopelessness and thanks to being around good people, I was much more in control of my experience. That second time was also about ten years ago, coincidentally.
Over the years I have grown angry, although I can't tell if I'm angry at society or angry at myself. And I want to regain my love for reading and writing and music and finally let my mind emerge from that cocoon, whether it's as a butterfly or a moth. I want to slow down my news and politics intake and watch from a distance as the world burns without getting too close to the flames. I want to learn multiple languages. I want to teach myself programming. I want to stop smoking so many cigarettes and slow down with the pot. I want to get unstuck.
So I guess I'll finally get around to introducing myself to this website. I am Zero22xx, or John Smith as far as the internet is concerned. I hope that I'll find this website to be a place that can replace most other social media and start feeding my soul and my mind more than my base emotions. Somewhere that I can slow down my social media intake without giving it up altogether. I'm even thinking that I might switch to Zen mode after checking out all of the features and workings of this website first. I don't always talk this much about myself and I honestly don't know what got into me here. Glad to be here, I look forward to discovering what this place is really all about and hopefully interacting as positively as possible with other travellers in time.
The only reason I'm here or even found this place is because I'm at work and Reddit is blocked. Nevertheless I've spent most of my day here and although the posts aren't always up-to-date or 'world news', I am really enjoying the original content and sometimes obscure links.
The community seems really nice and welcoming too which is refreshing. Glad to be here, keep up the good work.
I entered so many usernames in that little box before settling on this one. I'm indecisive and I spend way too much time on things that boil down to vanity. Now that I made it past that hurdle, I can say I'm happy to be here.
One question - why does the Primer cut off abruptly mid sentence? Am I missing something, maybe I already failed the community riddle?
I had a buddy recommend Hubski to me, and it appealed to me in every way that Reddit never did. I lurked every couple weeks but never even created an account.
We're a small collective of active, friendly, and passionate folks who can engage in a productive collaborative dialogue... ON THE INTERNET. How did this ever happen? Somebody call the Guiness Records hotline!
I'm still trying to figure out the basics, but I have help if needed. The bad part is trying to learn primarily on a smartphone...
Thanks mk! Most of it is due to typing nerd Rants (case in point: it just changed rants to rands... whatever that is...) on a TouchPad with autocorrect as the bane of my existence, but as I tinker I'd be glad to. Do far it seems pretty tight.
We are glad that we have got a nice community to share our ideas and our skills with others.
Hi hubskiers. I have an old account from ~1100 days ago that I haven't used much since. I decided to make a new one and try to be more active. Have things changed here? I remember that posting things used to be encouraged (even self-promotion), but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. Is commenting on old discussions still encouraged? That was a nice difference from other social sites.
Hello! In an effort to severely curb the amount of spam from bots the 'promotion' system was introduced where users must either complete one full hubwheel (aka achieve the ability to badge), get badged by an existing 'promoted' user, or get promoted by an existing 'promoted, before accessing the post feature. As a consequence, self promotion for new users is limited to comments until promotion. The trade-off is a cleaner global feed.
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Hey all!
I'm a long-time redditor, but for a while now I've been searching for a social media site with more depth. With the way Reddit (and most other social media sites) functions, content that can be quickly consumed tend to rise to the top, at the expense of longer articles and videos, and at the expense of deeper discussions.
I've tried a number of alternative sites over the last couple of years, and now the time has finally come to give Hubski a chance. Why not sooner? Hard to say. I think mostly because the front page never really appealed to me, looking kind of boring and old-fashioned. It was only when I started taking a closer look and reading up on the features of this site that I figured it might be worth a try.
So yeah, you'll probably be seeing me in the comment sections around the site for at least the next few weeks, and maybe even for the foreseeable future. :-)
Users who have been here a while, what topics and users are worth following? Anyone interested in starting up the #movieclub again?
I am glad to join this beautiful community where there is freedom to talk about your interests with other like-minded people. Looking forward to a great time over here and hello to all.
I am looking for a place to bring a community of leaders who are spearheading "Grand Challenges," bold, audacious goals with massive social benefit. We want to talk with each other, share resources that include videos, sound files, documents and links. I am with a tribe that is looking for a home. So, I am trying this out to see if this is the place.
I just watched the video and I am super stoked to be apart of this. It takes fun and creative people to come up with such an easily understood and enjoyable to watch video.
Also, compliments to the people who put in the video clips. They were all very applicable to whatever the tutorialist was saying.
Let's go guys!
Welcome! Let us know if you have any questions about the UI or how stuff works. Glad to have you.
Hello. I am looking for platforms to share ideas of what is going on in the world and in the Baltic states in particular. As for me I am interested in politics and defence matters.
Hey, there. Like most of the users here, I think, I found the post about Reddit alternatives during what SRD lovingly calls AMAgeddon. I also checked out Voat a few times, but it's been down every time I've been there, and stacksity, which seemed a little more juvenile. I like the idea of a Reddit alternative without the front page dominated by low-hanging fruit that people have visceral reactions to, like memes or simple, self-affirming pictures.
Redditor of 5 or so years here. I was looking for an alternative, something more welcoming, something that might help me with my forum shyness. Hubski seems like a very welcoming place :) I also enjoy discussion and learning. Im still trying out the site, but so far, it seems like a good place to be :)
Hi there! I'm Phil. Came here exploring reddit alternatives, as well. I'm a big fan of your policy on original content; "not mine" is a policy frustration I've had for a very long time with reddit. Even if it isn't explicitly disallowed via moderation, across most of the website it's ingrained in the community and, therefore, implicitly disallowed. I also like what I see so far of the discussion here!
The orange badge wheel at the top of your page means you have unread notifications. If it's teal it means read, but not dismissed. Gray means no notifications.
You can control through our horrible settings panel what you get notified for and not for. Let us know if you have any questions about settings - it's simultaneously the hardest page for us to modify as well as the hardest page to understand on the site.
Welcome to Hubski!
Hello to everyone. I am new user of this website)
What is Hubski's revenue model? I don't see any ads anywhere.
That's because we are really good at hiding them. No, there aren't any ads. We don't bring in any revenue right now, in fact we don't even make money on the swag. We created Hubski to be a thoughtful place to create, share and discuss interesting ideas etc. It certainly wasn't for the $. That said, our server costs are going up and we may end up needing more help to keep the lights on, so we will be implementing a donation mechanism in the coming weeks. At least that is the plan.
mk posted some thoughts on the aggregator as a business model that gets to why we haven't taken any funding etc.
Edit: In short, we always describe Hubski as a project and NOT as a startup. We don't like the connotations associated.
Have you considered a patreon model? I'm sure others would chip in.
As thenewgreen said, we are going to start with a simple donation soon. We have some ideas for other revenue mechanisms. For example, we have considered creating a blogging platform that integrated into Hubski with a custom domain.
We have been doing something called DvH (Discussion via Hubski) for a time where posts that you submit to Hubski feature the comments on your blog:
DvH is free, and a bit experimental. I think there may be a better way to go about it.
Since there aren't shared spaces, we have some options to make revenue without changing the average user's experience.
New here, came because I was getting a bit disillusioned with reddit and I think I made a fool of myself on some subs there, so it will be nice to start fresh. Maybe reddit still holds a place in my heart, I dunno.
I'm still learning this site, but I'd love to stick around! I am a sports fan and one thing I appreciated about reddit were the sports communities there, so perhaps I will find one here!
Welcome, vonwillebrand! There isn't a lot of discussion re sports on Hubski. But... that's not to say that there can't be or that there shouldn't be. We have some baseball enthusiasts in the hood. ButterflyEffect and flagamuffin are fans, as am I. b_b is a sports fan and an avid hockey player. This is all to say that sports fans exist on Hubski but there doesn't seem to be a community that has coalesced around sports.
You should feel free to cultivate this though.
No matter, welcome! Glad you found us and I hope you enjoy your time here.
Cheers! -TNG
edit: added BE
looks like a nice place. I am interested in music, classic cars, college sports and running.
how many message should i send to be able to post man?? :((
But can you tell me how do i get the right to post a tread? Is it decided by admins or is it time related or amount of comments related? Do you know how does it work?
i am the founder of this new movement: inviters.org
that is way too many days. would you mind sharing it for me with the community so we all can discuss this?
You're more than welcome to share here. Personally, I'm not that interested after googling what that domain offers.
The system is in place to divert non-sentient users from flooding the site with ads and spam. So long as your intent to stay awhile is evident, the matter of time is a non-factor. In other words, if you're invested in being here for your own being here, then I guarantee you'll be allowed to post in a much shorter time.
there is this problem tho, my ideas can be, umm, unpopular at first glance to some people. I assume, common way of thinking with a good prasing would get the most "share" and revolutionary thinking only get likes from people who already thinks that way or very open-minded which is rather a smaller part of the group regardless how good the community is. so, the "quality" thing is relative.
Stay around. Look what the site has to offer. Join in on discussions. kantos is correct in that you'll likely get to post much earlier (hopefully not by sheer volume), but it comes with a caveat of not seeing this place solely as a promotion platform for your movement-to-be. Or, to put it in other words: we are inviting you to join our society.
Sharing isn't about agreeing, but more about finding a point as interesting. At least that's a rule for me, and it seems it strikes true with many others. Look around comments from users like kantos, kleinbl00, rd95 or veen (top of my head): surprisingly often I don't even agree with their points, but it ends up entertaining or citing an interesting article. Or making me think about something from an entirely different angle. That's why I want to share it with others.
- Tip about website design: Don't put goals after something like "Before reading further one must declare zirself as an inviter." I read those, but that's because I scarcely agree to anything without due research. Plus it's one of those honour-based safety guards, not unlike "are you 18?" gatekeeper.
- Tip about website architecture: If you don't need it (and it doesn't look like you do), uninstall Wordpress. Seriously, it's at best a nuisance to work around and a security risk at worst.
Thank you for your time and efford.
I agree with your critisizm there. I think in my position i should be open with my belief to anyone who wants to read more. MY aim was pushing people to focus on the ideology rather than the belief part if they are not on the same page but i should be open and still can ask them to focus on the ideology. So you are right, i ll delete that line.
I dont know the website architecture. I like thge design and a friend made it for me. I ll keep it this way and might change it when it gets bigger.
Thanks again for the respond.
i really liked what this website stands for and i think i like the community too. way better than the offensive assholes in void. and i find reddit guys a bit shallow or more into deepweb than the actual site. so i ll be around here. i hope i ll get the chance to share my ideas in a post too.
hey new here because i want to share something with the community but cannot post yet because i am new. anyone knows when i ll be able to share?
I've been lurking the site for quite a while. I had an account a couple of years ago (never commented) but I can't seem to find the correct password and the recovery link doesn't seem to work.
I really enjoy the almost personal nature of conversation here, and always look forward to weekly updates in the form of Pubski.
As a new user I find the site to be a bit confusing. What are the requirements for creating a post?
Bots spamming posts throughout the global feed plagued Hubski for months. Instead of manually removing accounts, a system was put in place to prevent the former.
Ways to create a post as a new user:
1. Complete one full circle-dot (or wheel, located next to your name in the top left) and earn your first badge.
2. Receive a badge from another user.
3. Get promoted/vouched for by a user that's met the above requirements.
I've done that latter for you. You can now post.
I am just used to hubski. I wish I get informed here
looking forward to being a member of this community :)
Well this site seems very well put together, thought out and goes against the main stream social media platforms. It seems the world is in a conversationally crumbled state and what I mean by that is people don't know how to have conversation anymore. They respond to one liners with emojis and not emotion. They have conducted studies showing that kids are now socially in the realm of autism do to the fact that nobody communicated face to face anymore. Ever seen a group of kids at a birthday party instead of talking to eachother, they sit in the same room sending texts and pictures to one another and when they talk it's like they have no understanding of body language and social cues anymore. Unlike other sites, at least this one is based around real conversation, which is real hard to find these days. Honestly I feel as if I am going crazy cause I moved half way across the United States and can't make friends where I am. I came from a place where I knew everyone and here people stare at thier phones all day and my god, trying to talk with people you don't know here is treated like some sort of rudeness. Anyways. Looking forward to getting to know some people on here.
#NewToHubski. Nice video, but I still have no idea of when I can post or how. I thought I was becoming a part of a community where I could communicate with others, but it seems the new users are banned from posting when they first join? If not, could you please let me know what I'm missing? I don't see a way to post. Thank you.
Helpful video thank you. I hope i can learn to use hubski productively and learn some new stuff!
Yes, but what I mean was that you could be a better Hubski if you incorporated reddit's one policy of letting you post right away, because that what the other folks are here for. I understand fully that you are a more refined and polished reddit, and I think that tremendous, but if you leave me hanging, I won't come back. Sorry -- I hear you, believe me, but I urge you to think a little more deeply, because it directly affects your ability to make dinero's. It what is stopping you from entering the big boy's arena, the only one. Think carefully.
Welcome. It seems you've already been allowed to post. The no posting for new users is relatively new to prevent the flood of spam bots we've gotten before it was put in place.
Hubski isn't here for dinero's. There are no ads, self promotion is allowed, and the only allusion to money is the inconspicuous 'donation' option near the bottom (and the not labeled progress bar). If that's the message you received from the content set in place to get you familiar with the culture, then I'd advise revisiting them.
That point and your prior notion of Hubski reaching to surpass reddit kinda confuses me as to your own intentions. Granted I have no doubt they are in the interest of the site, or I'd imagine you wouldn't have bothered. That said, since yesterday you've shown a significant interest in posting about AI. Its a very hot topic! If there's any advise I'd give aside from the first, it's this: explore the site through mediums other than posting. Establishing connections on Hubski with other users, by commenting, sharing , or otherwise, is the easiest way to draw interest to your own postings.
You're already off and running to a great start. Just some thoughts on how to shoot for er... greatness! But what do I know, I'm just a kid from suburbia thats been kicking cans on here for a year.
Thanks, I'll certainly do that. Can you give me some pointers -- I will try an implement them as soon as I can, and you will get to see the result. I don't have any plans except in concert with Hubski, so anytime you want to help me, feel free. And thank you again for the interest.
I want to communicate with people and want to know lots of information in everything. Nice to see y'all.
Hello all,
I came here whilst looking for alternatives to reddit, as I find I only ever go on 3 or 4 subreddits due to the rest just no longer being that interesting to me. I'm not sure if I'll stick around here, but it has a nice vibe and I'm willing to give it a try :)
If you're looking to post a new link to the front page, you won't be able to quite yet. New users aren't able to make posts until they've contributed comments that the rest of the community has found worthy of sharing.
We call this process "filling your wheel". The circle in the top bar next to your username will slowly fill up with dots when your comments are shared. Once you've filled your first wheel, you will find a +post link in the top right of the page.
Hopefully this process won't turn you away from the site. It is an outgrowth of the high levels of spam we used to endure.
Hi! I came here to explore new thoughts and ideas, express my opinions, and see a variety of other people's perspectives on various topics. I came here to learn.
Am I going crazy or has Hubski changed its posting guidelines? When I first joined anyone could share or create a post. I moved to a new house, and I didn't have Internet for a couple of months (unheard of I know). Now when I log into Hubski I don't see any options to create a post, but I also can't find any changelog where they mention this.
I'm so glad you're here! Now I get to do some target practice to let some steam off. You aren't coming back, as per your other comment, and you've given me a good reason. It's the perfect opportunity!
Without any experience about this place, you come here and expect things to be given to you. Instead of asking, "why is it so?" or "what can be improved?", you launch rancid spit of no constructive value into the person who has made one of the best portions of the Internet available to the common person.
Do you think we would value your posts after such a conditional denigration? Do you think we would care about what you have to bring into the community? Because you wouldn't've. If it was so difficult for you to accept that things might just have been in the process of change just as your poor ass has decided to visit this shaded place, I see no way you would've survived in a single sincere conversation around here. Folks don't hold off to spare your feelings here.
If you have nothing of value to say in response to thoughts of those who have proven their worth to the community through thoughtful conversation, you have nothing of value to present when - nay, if - you would've gotten the opportunity to do so. People like you aren't welcome here, nor will they ever be. You go ahead and tell that to everyone you meet, 'cause it's the truest thing you've heard so far.
Happy to be a part of the Hubski family! Looking forward to getting started with my profile!
Hello. The tighter-knit community is a better platform, in my eyes, for sharing/opening up/what have you. Glad you found your way here. If you've seen the primer as well, then I think you've got the idea. Feel free to lurk, or contribute, or both. All-in-all, welcome. :)
Of course. Follow tags and people to fill your 'chatter' feed - that's a convenient feature I'm a fan of for finding conversations of interest.
- What would you say this place needs more of? As I'm at a loss as to what's worth contributing.
I've been asking myself this of late. With a relatively small posting community in each tag, there's a lot of room for posting any content you're interested in: articles, personal works, images, and the like. I've been here 'round a year, so I'm still feeling out what I'd like to see more of, and how I can express/implement any idea that comes to mind. Only recently have I slowly scoured news sources to post here in tags of interest....
If anything, the advice I'd write is take it slow and (platitude incoming) enjoy the ride. Find people that say things you like, follow them or the tags they post to alongside tags of content you enjoy, and (finally, once more) ask questions. Allow yourself to be curious, and you'll come to find what you want out of Hubski, and make it so. In some way, is that not why we've all come here?
EDIT: My non-preachy answer (I swear I don't write like this much): audio, video. thenewgreen, flac and other users are musicians who post their own original content for the community to enjoy (As seen in #hubskioriginalmusicclub, and #music). elizabeth updates us on her global travels (check out her vlogs of her trip to Vietnam for sweet footage). I could be missing a couple, but there are a handful of gems that share the fruits of their passions here. I'd encourage just that when/if you feel comfortable doing so. You may see some awesome collaborations happen if you scroll down some of the mentioned threads. Ah, and other arts, updates on STEM projects in the like are not unusual to find in #pubski's on Wednesdays. That tends to be the go-to place to strike up some conversation.
Damn, that was more than I expected to type. Ah well. Enjoy your stay. Happy you found us.
Wow, appreciate the welcoming welcome. I went ahead and followed your recommendations, and pondered your "preachy answer" for the better part of an hour. Swap "Hubski" with "life" and you get what looks like solid advice for existing.
With sincerity, thank you for taking the time.
The community encouragement in your EDIT has sold me on exploring this week, and certainly on sticking around long-term. I'm not sure what I'm looking for, but you've given me reason to sit down and think about it for once. Here's to a good chat in the near future, thanks again.
Welcome seco. I like the username, and glad you found us. If you have any questions, then feel free to ask or post in #askhubski and/or #newtohubski.
Fedora is my favourite but I don't get to use it often; I'm guessing that's your blog you posted: so I should tell you off for not listing it as the best, haha.
Hubski is similar to Reddit in some ways, then completely different in others. So thank you for engaging with the site a little bit, we're always happy to see more content creators share their work.
holla, I signed up to day a pleasure to meet use all :)
Hello everyone! I'm Puy from the Philippines. I wonder if there is another Pinoy here? Currently a college student hoping to finish it by March next year.
Just found this site on Reddit today and I heard so many great things so might as well give it a try.
My interests: computer programming and songwriting
Hope to have a good time here :)
Found an article on makeuseof about reddit alternatives. I found hubski to be the most interesting one so I entered and found this more entertaning than reddit itself. And not with that ,,freedom of speech'' (a.k.a. freedom to attack anyone verbally on the internet just because you're there and nobody can see who you are). Besides, no circlejerk, only interesting topics.
I only recently joined after looking for reddit alternatives, but I can not seem to find my way around here at all >.<
I found hubski to be the most interesting one so I entered and found this more entertaning than reddit itself. And not with that yeay allright
Is Hubski OpenSource? Any way to set up own website with hubski script?
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My friend Adam told me to get on Hubski. He's on house arrest in Plantation, Florida and I'm in Hollywood, Florida--a few miles down the road from him. Our stories are similar in a lot of ways. We both think we can save the world. He wrote a book (actually eight) that he can't get anyone to read. He thinks there is some type of censorwall against him. I am a laid back 5th generation Texan in exile here. I have had a lot of media success in my life, but now mainly wish to work underground. So, you see, the modus operandis are clashing between me and Adam. None of this negates the fact the both of are very committed to our mission to liberate others, by telling our stories and getting input from the world at large. I hope Hubski can help with that. I like the elegant layout of this place. Thank you for creating it.
Johnna Funkhouser-Zwernemann (AnticrisisGirl)
Your name is beyond epic. I would like to see your signature. ;)
Welcome to hubski!
Thanks :) Nice to be here. I'll be around and about.
I never registered on reddit.I was going to register but I heard the news, just like everyone did. So I googled for reddit alternatives. After checking all the alternatives, I decided to stay here. I hope I will have some really productive discussions with the people on hubski.
This place is a little disorganized for my taste.
It's gonna take me a bit to get used to that.
What about the meta?
Re the organization, check out the primer page I think it could answer some questions you might have. That said, Hubski intentionally has a learning curve baked in. It's worth the effort though but it will definitely take longer than 15 minutes to get the hang of.
Feel free to pm me if you have any questions.
Well, this site certainly seems interesting.
May hubski live long.
Excellent site design and so many tools for users.
Clean, simple and bug free, so far.
Hi from another reddit/voat refugee. Reddit filled up with idiots, but voat was good for about a year, then the same idiots flooded across to voat and their admin started making questionable decisions as well, so now I'm here. During my journey I've had most of the enthusiasm for posting stuff kicked out of me, no more modding anything for the forseeable future, probably only going to be a lurker/commenter from now on wherever I end up.
Hello! I can't wait to get started, this is looking super promising so far!
Hey guys, looking forward to trying this out.
Advice for other new people: check out the "tags" link in the upper right corner to find some tags to follow.
I am new here, this site seems to be a pretty good site.
We should have a mascot.
eightbitsamurai can we have a illustration of a mysterious kickass hub wheel please. Thx.
Hello everyone, I'm one of the many refugees that are arriving from reddit. I don't think I'll abandon reddit completely, but Hubski seems like a pretty good alternative.
I haven't had much time to really get accustomed to Hubski, but one thing I really like is the badge system. The reddit version of the same concept is, as many of you already know, reddit gold. I like that instead of being based on money it's based on what you give to the community. Namely; good content, adding to the discussion, offering different viewpoints, and so on. On reddit you could give yourself gold, and thereby give your comment a lot more exposure and attention. Here it's not as easy anymore.
I'm looking forward to what the future holds!
Thanks. FYI, we predated guilding with badges. They were thenewgreen's idea. He's still sore about it. :)
I'm still just figuring this site out, but I am wondering why I didn't look for reddit alternatives a long time ago because this place is the bees knees!
Hi there, redditor for 5 years or so looking for a new adventure. A design engineer by day and an avid rugby player and gamer by night, from Ireland. Looking forward to getting involved in your community.
Hello hubskiers. I am another redditor, although I did a lot a lurking on reddit. This place seems nice, and I do plan to do more here. :)
Hello all, a longtime reddit lurker, but always found their MO off-putting. Hopefully hubski will be more chilled...
Hello! Glad to have you.
Most of the time it's hubskier, although some people don't like that word either. Let us know if you come up with something new / better!
Came to Hubski from Reddit. Heard good things about the site and wanted to see how it looked. So far, I'm glad to see a more relaxed website with self-curating that is based on the user's identification of enjoyable content.
Time will tell how much I will frequent this site, but the first impression is calm and clean enough to at least warrant more than a glance. I look forward to using and perusing this website, and perhaps making it my main aggregate of choice.
Hi, I've been using reddit since 2011, but looking for an alternative. Tried Hubski a few years ago, but never got into it. Back to try again.
Who is doing the voiceover in the video? She sounds like Sara Pascoe
A post on reddit from Kleinbl00 quite some time ago got me lurking here, and with the sudden increase in people I was hoping the content might flow a bit more often than when I last ventured here.
I realize that might not actually happen but I really enjoy the layout here and the oftentimes intelligent discussions going on. Feels like more of a community.
Happy to be aboard :)
Hi is there an app/ icon for hubsku like pulse for android?
I love how clean and simple this site looks, definitely staying.
Who is doing the voiceover in the video? She sounds like Sara Pascoe