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αὐτὸν δ᾽ ἐξεσάωσα. τί μοι μέλει ἀσπὶς ἐκεινη;

ἐρρέτω. ἐξαῦτις κτήσομαι οὐ κακίω.

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Devac  ·  5 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: March 12th, 2025

Such a hilarious thread. And agreed on coffee makers, I don't have one because I was the only one dumb enough to get roped into cleaning the thing. Dunno if having a ridiculous Miele coffee robot could change that, but those I've seen were amazing.

Confidence isn't as much of a problem as the need for tiktok or some other opinions-blaring app that I manage to avoid using with no effort. And while I knew you weren't ridiculing me, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if 'my way' wasn't yet another case of re-discovering something from 80s or 90s like I do seemingly every other week at work.


Oh, I'm well aware of the differences, can appreciate them even though it's not my thing. Waaay too many people take it too far. I've witnessed discussions on wine that, should you do find-and-replace on a couple key phrases, it'd be every otaku 'dubs vs subs' thread. Whenever my brother is about to breach the ergosphere, I use subtle cues like "oh shush it, Niles!" to reel him in.

For my part, I have a soft spot for gin and one particular beer (Ciechan Miodowe it's carbonated near-mead with hops but tastes waaaaay better than that description), but go low and sparingly on antidepressants.

Devac  ·  5 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: March 12th, 2025

    that is a truly novel coffee preparation method.

Sarcasm? Or bullying? Egad! begone fiend, with thy devilish mind games!

Seriously though, I hate being a snob more than interacting with them. It's just some snob-themes attract people physiologically incapable of taking a hint. Also, in my experience, coffee snobs average out somewhere between "I get hints of fish oil [...] and the mouthfeel of chewing on old leather in this Gewürztraminer" and "I thught whiskey was synonymous with johnny walker and thought it tastes like turpentine, but the moment I got my techbro badge, it became my personality," but lose to either on "this is stupid, but I kinda want to hear the next dumb thing he says."

Devac  ·  6 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: March 12th, 2025

It turned out to serve both purposes, but the idea was brought by the same process that probably led to most discoveries: "wow X would be perfect if it had more Y quality." Ground coffee I like is on the mild side, but rich and nuanced. Instant coffee I like has a punch to it that could placebo me into overdrive on decaf. As long as I drink it before it gets room temperature, because then it becomes super bitter for reasons with which I'm sure aforementioned coffee-bitches would bore even a nerd like me to death, it just kicks my tongue's ass (it probably sounds better in klingon) with flavor.

Devac  ·  6 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: March 12th, 2025

I listened for the first bit that kinda made sense: don't pour boiling water straight from the kettle, leave it for a moment because extraction vs temperature. I tuned them out when it transpired they made a 30-minute ritual out of pouring hot water on beans. Also, anyone who insists you can't have cappuccino after whatever hour is automatically disqualified. It's like listening to people with opinion on fonts or cuts of jeans: I get there's a difference, but as long as they're readable/don't look like celibacy aid bought by your mother... it basically doesn't matter to me.

My method is to just straight up pour a half a cup of boiling water onto some ground beans I like, and then dump some instant coffee into it. After giving it about five minutes, I pour cold water to s̶t̶o̶p̶ t̶h̶e̶ s̶o̶l̶u̶b̶i̶l̶i̶t̶y̶ o̶f̶ a̶c̶r̶y̶l̶o̶g̶a̶r̶g̶a̶m̶e̶l̶o̶o̶g̶a̶b̶o̶o̶g̶a̶s̶ so that I can have it in a drinking temperature faster. That way I get complimentary tastes I like, get to drinking almost instantly, and also don't use as many (pretty expensive I might add) coffee beans.

I thought that if finance weenies had one thing in those overpaid gel-smeared heads, it'd be pie charts...

Devac  ·  6 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: March 12th, 2025

I spent a week in Italy for work. And, lo, a discovery! If you want to force debug mode in Italians, say 'mozzarella' but pronounce it 'moccarella'. Devoid of ire or thought, looking at their face was like perceiving the platonic ideal of disbelief. The only impediment was being repeatedly told my way of enjoying coffee is wrong. Keep it to yourself coffee-bitches.

Gf, once unburdened of my presence, needed that week to go from "What's Blender?" to "It was a slow week at work, so here's darksouls-meets-Ancient Egypt armor ensamble I made out of a blob." Still processing that one; mostly in a supportive way, slightly in that "too amazed for envy" way.

I finally found a soldering iron tip that's perfect for me. You gonna laugh, but it's that shitty ice cream cone that apparently all but mine soldering irons get as default. All good, I have a bunch of lab automation projects to go over this month, and the obligatory Arduino board should come by the weekend!

Please, the cause of global warming is a continued decrease in the already endangered pirate population.


(god I hate every aspect of that graph, tho)

Devac  ·  13 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Juicero, but make it for coffee

Nothing's a just amount of effort. Surprisingly often literally.

Devac  ·  13 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Juicero, but make it for coffee

    Devac you can ignore this


Devac  ·  15 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Juicero, but make it for coffee

nunc.. For when you can't commit to ellipsis.

Devac  ·  16 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: 17 equations that changed the world

Holy thread necromancy, Batman!

    why the Schrodinger eq'n is non-dispersive

That's because it preserves total probability even under time-evolution operator (norm conservation works in both cases). Evolution over imaginary axis (ih-bar) means that the energy is redistributed, but not lost, as solution phase-space is conserved. That's the same as being 'non-dissipative.'

Devac  ·  19 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Putin’s Puppets Are Coming to Life

    The way I see it? The only countries this side of the pond who can honestly proclaim to have decent cuisine are the Italians and the French. There’s a B-tier of tryhards and then aaaaalllll the way down are the “we don’t have cuisines but we made some weird snacks and sweets?” and that’s us, Belgians, the Nordics. This D-tier is what the British aspire to.

Dunno about that. There's a lot of almost-regional foods people don't know about because they weren't a feature at British Bakeoff or something, like Eierschecke. Generally, the recipe pool is so vast, you could pick the most cursed town in Bavaria and probably still find a subset you'd enjoy eating regularly.

Hungarians have some amazing foods, if you adjust spices for your pallet. Ćwikła is a pan-slavic condiment that's just beet pulp mixed with horse radish that goes with anything. Liptauer is a cheese spread that can go from basic to divinely complex, depending on experience and ingredients. Same goes for pierogi. I have a door stopper of a book of old Polish recipes where, so far, substituting venison for tofu only required common sense adjustments and hasn't backfired yet.

EDIT: I know you meant 'cuisines' not 'recipes', but... where do you draw the line, really? Is pizza still Italian or just of the broadest Italian origin if most well-known variants are regional adaptations of US-spinoffs?

Balkans, Greece and Turkey are mixed almost as much as Slavs and Ashenazi, Prussians, Baltics, Germans... the reason most of them don't have a well-defined 'cuisine' is that they've been raided, taken over or displaced so many times it's almost meaningless to deliniate beyond etymology.

Devac  ·  21 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: N Loving Memory of Humane AI Pin (April 2024-Feb 2025)

    that cursed shit

You could name your accessory line after Harrison Bergeron.

Devac  ·  21 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: N Loving Memory of Humane AI Pin (April 2024-Feb 2025)

Dude, come on. If you want to go VC, think about connecting it to your very own jailbroken AI with custom speech synthesis running on a VPS. Make it look like a starfleet badge rather than pizazz-less Tamagochi without display. Give it voice of the Enterprise AI or some character from the show responding in-character, and I can show you a much wider adopter base than "bitches who can't pull-off a dosimeter."

Devac  ·  21 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: N Loving Memory of Humane AI Pin (April 2024-Feb 2025)

I meant "replace the system to keep it connected to the internet and configure the thing to use another AI service." Changing OS could be optional, depends if it can be rooted and if, say, connections are a matter of changing a couple URLs in a file or if they're baked at the kernel level.

EDIT: OpenAI API can literally be accessed through curl, so my 'changing couple URLs' remark probably isn't that far from how it really works. I wish all SaaS was this easy to release.

Devac  ·  21 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: N Loving Memory of Humane AI Pin (April 2024-Feb 2025)

The real mark of failure is that there aren't even any IEEE hardware hacking-types bothering to post tutorials on how to install PiOS/whatever and have it interface with chatgpt or other bot. I mean, I haven't done anything like that in years, but it's still a computer? With ports or places to solder on ports under the casing? It's pretty fun, especially if you don't need to care if it'll brick.

Devac  ·  21 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: February 19, 2025

    We are doing the latin thread here now.!

OK, and like all Latin users throughout history, let's actually talk about Greek.

Well, 'hyper' usually means over or beyond or across with the genitive and about a bazillion things when with accusative: exceeding the measure, over a place, higher-or-equal than, preceeding... It's like overcomplicated Latin super, which usually means 'above' regardless of context.

Meta, as a prefix with short e, can mean 'concerning a set (like community or herd or tools)', 'behind', or - because classical languages hate consistency - 'ahead of'. It's one of those "just keeps getting more contextual meanings with every text" words. EDIT: I think it can also mean 'about'? Both as in "let's talk about it" and "about yey big", like latin circa.

Omni is just a nice Latin adjective, means 'everything', 'whole' or 'all', depending if joined singular or plural/collective noun. It's similar to Greek pan, which has an added meaning of all-encompassing or combining quality.

Unless I got confused by my own word salad, which is likely, 'beyond of all combined everythings, ahead before everythings over all' would therefore be hyper-meta-pan-omni, hyper-meta-omni-pan-omni

EDIT2: Thanks, I really needed some impromptu fun today.

Devac  ·  21 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: February 19, 2025

I could probably visit US as well. White, from a biometric visa country, with a surname befitting NYPD cop, shot a rifle and didn't hate it. Hell, I might have a problem getting out. /s

Seriously though, it'd be dope to finally meet you people.

Devac  ·  21 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: February 19, 2025

    Would love to make hubski meetups international (again?).

I could end up in Toronto-adjacent area for Autumn semester. Nothing concrete yet, but it's oddly satisfying that the biggest hurdle at the moment is my overall health.

Devac  ·  22 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Putin’s Puppets Are Coming to Life

    how can I prove I'm better than google on the internet without cultural knowledge?

-May I have some of that tofu? You can take my fries.

-"Joey doesn't share food!"

-The fuck's a Dżołej? (pronounced it back in an exaggerated Polish accent to emphasize my confusion)

Oh, the looks of all those people suddenly realizing Friends wasn't as timeless as they thought back in the day.

You make a great point regarding culture, but knowing the language is still a great tool to recognize your horizon of familiarity. It's also a way to expose yourself to it, should you want to.

As to proving you're better than google, believe me, it has a long way to go vis-a-vis word choice. Usually not to the level of confusing "forgive me father for I have sinned" with "spank me daddy I've been naughty," but note my use of 'usually' there.

Devac  ·  23 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Putin’s Puppets Are Coming to Life

C1/C2 is pretty much a must-have for studying abroad, I think even ERASMUS that's aimed at undergrads requires it. I took CPE and IELTS (general and academic), passed decently well but it was HARD. That said, working abroad is a different bag. I think you can work as a full (registered?) nurse with B1 and some specialized course that builds up thematic vocab. My ex is doing some kind of dentistry fellowship in Berlin and her German makes me sound like Goethe despite progressively forgetting the language over the last decade.

My school offered English and German/Russian/Italian/French to choose from, English and at least one of the others were compulsory. I took German, because I was born there and wanted at least one easy grade. My mother caught onto it, changed it to French. Then she begged the principal to have that reverted after first year when it turned out I'm dyslexic outa wazoo. I vented my frustrations with "how stupid does it feel to make me study a language where every word has 14 letters but you only pronounce ones that aren't there?"

I also tried the other two, but Russian is... really weird. Poles either catch it quickly - like, from 0 to accentless B2 within 2-4 semesters, I've seen that happen - or stay confused. I can understand basic, non-idiomatic speech without much effort, so never got motivated to buckle down, but it's purely passive. Mieja zawód Devac, u mieja nie bolsze. If you give me an hour, I might remember enough Cyrillic to write that?

EDIT/Addendum [I think it's all too visible I wrote these recent posts super sleep-deprived, feel it'd be iffy to correct in full]: Forgot to finish the thought on Italian. Its grammar is astoundingly similar to Polish. Which is unfortunate, as in both there are so many weird pitfalls and unexpected irregularities they sap any will to use it. Dropped it quickly, afterwards came to class here and there because my high school made free hours in schedules and you can only read our library's meager sci-fi section so many times.

I actually wanted to learn Latin and Greek very early on, but... my first lesson with a tutor involved an explanation of declension so convoluted I didn't get it despite German having the exact same cases as Greek [Nom, Gen, Dat, Acc], and Latin having 5 out of Polish's 7. Now? Hodie linguae Latinae studeo cum magna alacritate, et in Graeca antiqua commentaria et epistulae personae scribere possum. Ut in anno proximo et latinae aevo medio et graecae communi studeam.

Devac  ·  23 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Putin’s Puppets Are Coming to Life

Thanks for trying. I also have no idea, it's been a while and I didn't need either of those words once, just used it to illustrate a rather annoying position ESLs can be put in.

Devac  ·  23 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Putin’s Puppets Are Coming to Life

You gotta start somewhere. A2 is a perfectly communicable level, achievable for most (dedicated) people in most languages in a handful of weeks-to-months, but anyone thinking it's 'fluency' is kidding themselves. It consists, or seem to consist, of stock phrases because you know only about 1000 common words, so there isn't much you can do with it. Frankly, looking down on grounds like not enough effort for my taste is pretty shit. Then again, most natives kid themselves about their own mastery of language, usually unaware they are not-so-merely more natural-sounding B2s, but nowhere near what linguists call 'proficient'. Contrary to annoyingly many anglophones, C2 doesn't mean "any about-average native,", but "can go to a post-graduate program and be stumped no more often than a native with a comparable background."

Just for kicks: when I was preparing for CPE/C2 three years ago, examiners teaching the course warned me of possible point cuts for things like 'mixed british and american spelling' or 'confused deposition with affidavit', which I'm curious how many natives could explain without looking up.

Devac  ·  26 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Putin’s Puppets Are Coming to Life

Thanks, but I've been too... dunno, emotionally dead to notice what's this about. Between bullshit with my mother echoing kb's, psychiatrist turning 180 from awesome to tool, and my job being some kind of vortex of timewasting anhedonia, I honestly don't give a shit about whose - Trump's or Putin's - tiny dick needs more nuclear-powered whores to undulate ever so slightly.

Anyway, I'm half isolating myself to process the deluge, half because I'm making my own quetiapine while trawling for legit source, and it's just about the farthest end of my organic chem skillz.

What you guys have been up to?

Devac  ·  63 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Advanced Civilizations Could be Indistinguishable from Nature

I don't think they're fashionable, it's that I accept the fact we're observing only one part of GR without having to blast string theory out of every co-tangent orfice bundle. Here I jumped onto the 'closes off' and 'must', since relativity a) doesn't show to do the former, and b) doesn't care about or explicitly enforce the latter. It's a bit like every time I hear someone talk about theory of everything only have them add exclusionary clauses and asterisks each time I open my mouth.