Your feed contains posts by people, tags, and domains that you follow and the posts others share with you. Your posts also appear in your feed.
What does sharing a post do?
Sharing a post sends it into the feed of your followers. To share a post, click on the hubwheel next the post. The hubwheel turns blue-green when you share it.
How do I follow someone?
Click on their name. In the menu, click the 'follow' link. To unfollow someone do the same, but click on the 'unfollow' link.
How do I follow a tag?
Click on the tag, or enter #thetag in the searchbar. On the upper right, click the 'follow #thetag' link. To unfollow a tag do the same, but click on the 'unfollow #thetag' link.
How do I follow a domain?
Click on the domain. In the menu, click the 'follow' link. To unfollow a domain do the same, but click on the 'unfollow' link.
How many people, tags, or domains should I follow?
That is up to you. We suggest that you start following a few people and tags at first, and then begin to follow more people, tags, or domains, as you become more familiar with Hubski.
What is that hubwheel up by my name?
That hubwheel tracks your influence on Hubski. Each cycle of the hubwheel gives you a badge that you can award to another user. Also, once you earn one hubwheel, you can add or edit community tags on other people's posts.
How do I view replies or notifications?
When someone replies to your comment or post, or sends you mail, the center of the hubwheel by your name turns orange. Click on your hubwheel to check your notifications.
What is chatter?
These are recent comments made by the people you follow, and the comments that they share.
What are badges?
As you use Hubski, you will get badges that you can award to your favorite posts or comments. If you see the '+!' symbol, you can badge that post or comment.
In your profile, you can see if you have badges to give, or if you have earned badges from other people.
What are global posts?
Click on the series of hubwheels in the top bar to see what the entire Hubski community is sharing. To see new posts, check out posts with no shares. To see the most popular posts, check out those with many shares.
How do I share a comment?
To share a comment with your followers, click on the hubwheel next to it. The hubwheel turns blue-green when you share it.
What is the difference between the hubwheel on a post and the hubwheel on a comment?
When you click the hubwheel on a post, you share that posts with anyone who follows you. When you click the hubwheel of a comment you are acknowledging that it is adding value to the post and thoughtful discussion.
What are email alerts?
Hubski can send you email alerts when someone replies to your posts or comments, or when you get a new follower. In your controls, you can choose which alerts that you would like to receive, if any.
IMPORTANT: if you lose your password, we cannot give you a new one unless you add your email to your profile!
What does the 'save' link do?
The save link bookmarks a post but doesn't share it. This is useful when you want to save a post to read later, or to make a personal list of posts that you like.
What does the 'hide' link do?
The hide link removes a post from your feed. You can see the posts that you have hidden in you 'controls' and unhide them there.
What does the 'stick' link do?
Sticky posts allow you to stick a post to the top of your feed. It will remain there until you decide to 'unstick' it.
How does moderation work on Hubski?
People can control the content they see by 'filtering' people, tags, or domains. By using the 'mute' function, people can control who may comment on their posts.
If a user is filtered by many others, and the user's posts don't generate thoughtful interaction, the user's posts may not appear in the global feed.
What does the 'filter' link do?
The filter link lets you keep a specific user, tag, or domain out of your feed. You can see the people, tags, and domains that you filter in your controls, and can choose to
un-filter them there. To filter oscar, click on oscar's name, and then click 'filter oscar'. To filter #food, enter #food into the search bar, and then click 'filter #food' in the upper right.
What does the 'mute' link do?
The mute keeps a specific user from commenting on your posts. You can see the people that you mute in your controls, and can choose to
un-mute them there. To mute oscar, click on oscar's name, and then click 'mute oscar'.
How do I add a tag to a post?
Write your tag in the tag submission field. Use only alpha-numeric characters and no spaces. You don't need to include the '#', it will be added for you.
Special characters are not supported in tags. Tagging is an art form. Feel free to be creative!
Why do some posts have three tags?
The author of a post can include up to two tags. Other people can add or edit the community tag on a post. New people don't have the ability to edit other user's community tags until they have filled up their hubwheel once.
What is a personal tag?
A personal tag is your own individual tag that only you can use. A personal tag can be created by adding an @ to the end of the tag. For example, if oscar enters music@, the tag #music.oscar is created.
Personal tags can be followed and filtered just like other tags. Community tags cannot be personalized.
How do I change the formatting of my comments or posts?
You can see all the markup available to you by clicking the 'markup' link above the text input.
How do I shout-out to someone?
If you put a user's name between two @'s (example: I just talked to @oscar@ about this...) in a post or comment, they will be notified that you mentioned them.
Why are some user names different colors?
The people that you follow are blue. People that follow you are green. When you follow each other, your names are blue-green. Your name is orange.
How do I post an image?
Paste the image link in the url submission field, or anywhere else in text. Hubski will recognize the image and embed it. Gifs will not embed, however.
Please use an image host for images. We suggest using
How do I post a video?
Paste the video link in the url submission field. Currently Hubski will embed and videos.
How do I post an audio link?
Paste a SoundCloud or Spotify link in the url submission field. Hubski will embed the track for you.
How do I report a problem?
To report a non-security related bug send mail to mk, or email admin at For all security-related issues, contact us by email.