I feel we've had a heavy week, so let's relax some and lighten the air and tell some stories about the names we chose.
I saw a series of urologists, none of whom could find anything wrong with me. Several of them prescribed medications; one of these, Urised, has the spectacular side effect of turning your urine blue. I do not mean cerulean blue, like the sky on a balmy summer day. Bic pen blue. Once, as I was standing at one of those trough urinals in a bathroom at a football stadium, I became aware that the man next to me was staring down at me, slack jawed. An opportunity like this occurs but once in life. I zipped up, pulled a cigarette lighter out of my pocket, and spoke into it in a robotic voice: "Gardak reporting. Earth colonization plans complete. initiating return to mother ship." Urised didn't relieve my problem. Nothing did. My doctor eventually asked me if I was having stress at work or in my home life. I said no, not really. And he just stared at me. A thunderclap of silence. And finally I said, "Well, except my girlfriend wants to get married and have a baby and I think the company I work for might be about to go bankrupt, plus I have no talent, no integrity, and no future." And the doctor gave me his diagnosis: "You are a young man. Enjoy your life." And the pain went away. The Hypochondriac's Guide to Life. And Death. by Gene WeingartenOne day, I felt an ache in the groin. It started mildly but gradually became incapacitating.
Well I will be dipped in shit. It wasn’t until they returned home, bemused and annoyed, that the guests discovered the artist had left his mark in them: Their urine had been turned International Klein Blue. Klein couldn’t have been happier. His color had become a part of his guests, just as he wanted it to color the whole world. On April 28, 1958, hundreds of well-heeled Parisians lined up outside the Iris Clert Gallery at 3 Rue des Beaux-Arts, excited to see the newest works by an up-and-coming young artist, Yves Klein. There they were met by two Republican guards standing watch in front of a canopy whose shade was International Klein Blue, a vibrant cousin of cobalt that the artist had invented. While the guests waited to see the exhibit inside, they sipped blue cocktails made of gin and Cointreau, but upon entering, they found only a room with white walls, empty except for a bookshelf. The show was titled “The Specialization of Sensibility in the Raw Material State of Stabilized Pictorial Sensibility,” but it was also known simply as “The Void.”
http://glasstire.com/2011/03/02/the-ten-list-food-and-art/ It was him! But it wasn't only a piss based show
I find this fascinating. From this alone, feel like your parents are very practical people.
One day I decided to start a music project. I was determined to record my first ever album. My name is Steven Clausnitzer. I was often "Steven C." in school because there were other Stevens. I was going to call my "band" Steve in Sea sounds_sound may recall this phase. Then, one day my wife was reading a magazine and it had the line "Orange is the new pink," in it. She suggested to me "The New Green," as the name of the project. I liked it and recorded two albums with the band I assembled under that name. have a listen Then, mk invited me to Hubski and I tried to sign up with the name steve but some jaggoff already took it. -He ended up becoming a friend so I guess I'm finally cool with that. I chose the Hubski username after my bands name. About a month after joining mk asked me to join him on the quest to foster a thoughtful web. And now, here we are.
In middle school, I got really into the band Blue October after a girl I had a crush on at Jew camp shared her headphones with me during a rest period. Their live album from 2004 is called Argue With A Tree and I really resonated with the first song on the album which is about not needing another person to make you happy. The line my username actually comes from is a song about being young and grappling with mental illness (How did I get here? I was the little boy who would argue with a tree). The band's raw honesty with regard to mental illness is still something I really admire even though I don't listen to them any more. It wasn't even one of my favorite songs but I really liked the idea behind arguing with a tree and the futility of railing against nature especially when juxtaposed with the album cover. It also makes a good username because on the Internet sometimes I feel like I might as well be arguing with a tree.
My user name is palindromic too, also my name, also my daughter's name which is "aha". We will one day have a band called Aha and the Palindromes. I will be one of the pals. There's something self-assured about going both ways; and comforting about being the same, no matter what direction you go in, something sure, something steady, like your cat. A palindrome is confidence-building, like rhyming poetry. Speaking of poems, a friend was going to build a poem with me, but he bailed out. Here's the beginning. Sorry jleopold I know this isn't the place for poetry, except that everywhere is the place for poetry: She read the loneliest poem It began like this: “Last night for the first time you told me you loved me less.” I saw her mouth as she read, wandering through desert sands thirsty, lost, alone. _refugee_ how did you get your name?
Everywhere is the place for poetry. My name is very boring. A long time ago there was a website called Digg. Digg did stupid things with its design one day and got real shitty and lots of people fled over to Reddit. I did so, that day. I was "digg refugee." But on reddit, "refugee" of course was already taken, so I chose _refugee_. I only use this username on two websites, one is hubski, one is reddit. I suppose because they are similar in some intents.
It was a common nickname for me after my junior year of high school. My history teacher developed this game for an AP government class I took. We ultimately broke into groups, and created countries. Through a mishap of events I was in a group that was led by a monarchy. The dude who was labeled a king had no clue how to rule a country, but I having played the right type of games knew how to lead. After he was overthrown by me (He had made some poor decisions for our group throwing us into poverty) I led a war campaigns that consumed most of the imaginary continent. It was probably one of the most interesting class projects I've ever had the pleasure of going through. The teacher did a really good job crafting the entire game, so that we all gained a really deep understanding of how governments evolved over time. He did his best to relate some of our actions to the actions of real life leaders. Well, long story short it got out about my ruthlessness, and then the title War came from it.
Whenever I put one of these on my hand becomes a particularly ridiculous high-voiced character. At first I didn't know his name, but after the second or third time he showed up I realized it was Galen (generally pronounced "GAAALEN"). It's my username because… that character was relatively new when I made this account?
holy shit i love this. my friend had one of these and the character's name was Boz. he was an asshole.
I thought it was a made-up name, but apparently it was already a Latin name. Too late to change it.
I really have no idea. All I know is that a couple Italian guys from the middle ages had it as a last name. The only information I can find on it is in Italian.
I sometimes have to program as part of my work. As with any coding, if you're not careful (or, even if you are) you end up with bugs in your code. As I'm often doing coding to get numerical answers, an oft-encountered bug is the NaN (Not a Number) error - something that should be a number is not, usually because you've accidentally divided by zero. I like bad puns -- like the kind of things you'd come up with for a themed bar trivia team name -- and at some point I figure NaN error could just as well stand for "Not another Neil" error (as Neil is my name, and I'm the one making the damn error).
Here's where mine comes from. On occasion, if IRC is being a jerk and not letting me use it (or I just feel like it), I'll use LifeMeasurer for the same reason.
reread it, and often. read essays of people's opinions on it - form your own opinions on it. I think it describes the modern human condition very well.
I'm new on Hubski (this is actually my first post!) but this is a username I use everywhere now. I once went to a McDonalds a few years back (not entirely by choice), where there was a lady with a very foreign accent serving the group I was with. When she asked for my name to put on the receipt, I told her "William." She asked what I said. I told her again. She asked a third time, and again I said "William." The receipt came back as "Ralian." I feel bad for her, it must have been rough trying to understand what everyone was telling her - my English to her must have sounded just as strange as her accent did to me.. I saw her get several peoples names wrong, but hopefully she's settled in to her job more now and can get names right :)
I used to play Star Wars Galaxies, I went through several characters there but my main one was named after two things I like: Cedar - as in the wood, it's neat Bronski - as in Bronski Beat - Smalltown Boy So I'm often Cedar, or CedarB if that's taken, and I have put serious thought into changing my first name by deed poll, maybe one day I'll do it!
I'm an engineer, and I like to wander. It's that simple. I wandered for years seeing live music, and now I mostly wander in the woods or in my city.
Something stupid about how the removal of one "m" and capitalizing the "u" highlights the narrow gap between stuff used to kill things and "the act of coming together", aka "unition".
My username comes from a little-known quote (at the time) from the bootleg translation train wreak Pokémon Vietnamese Crystal It started it's life in March 2012 as my Reddit username, and I signed up for Hubski using the same name.
It's just my gmail addy with the full-stops removed. Its also my IRL name (with middle initial), with the spaces removed. I was busy when I created my hubski login and couldn't be bothered thinking up anything clever at the time.
I got tired of the online persona I put on up to a certain point, so I've deleted my Reddit account - Reddit being the place to socialize for me back then - with a different nickname - the one I've been using to sign a lot of stuff online. Then I realized that I'd rather be on Reddit than not, not so much for socializing but for promoting the fanfic series I've been writing at the time. I figured that if I'd become Reddit-famous, it'd be for the stories in which I had great trust. Hence, the nickname. Come to think about it, I quite enjoy it. It's unassuming and I'm not as connected to it emotionally as I was to the previous one. The last one, I poured my soul into, and since I don't care so much for the new one, I do much better with it. Like a second wife: you love your first more than life, but you only learn to live with another person by the second. I guess it was the tabula rasa that I needed, personality-wise.
The full version is JimthePirateBear, the Jim part after Jim Henson, but most sites don't allow that many characters in a name, so I shorten it. The pirate part of it comes from the fact that I pirate most everything, except if it streams legally or if it's a game. The bear parts comes from Bear in the Big Blue House, which I was on a pirate site to watch when I made the name. I eventually used it as a sorta throwaway on Voat, but then started using it in general there and everywhere else I could. In a fun little coincidence, Bear is the first show/movie I've actually bought in quite some time due to the lack of high quality rips for what of the series that is available and the fact I can't find around half of the episodes at all, except for imported DVDs from Hong Kong.
As a kid, I always hung out with a social circle that was 2-3 years older than me. Which is a BIG DIFFERENCE when you are high-school age. I was a total goofball. The clown of the group. And people liked to retaliate by calling me silly names. The one that stuck with my primary group of friends was "Goob". As in, "Dude. You are SUCH a goob." One of my friends' mom actually called me Goob. It irritated me at the time, of course. But ever since then I have embraced it. Although nowadays I'll sign off emails with "goobster". (Always lower case ... because ... diminishment, ya know.)
Signing up for my first e-mail address, I chose something that was already taken, and the system suggested "psychoboy" with some random numbers and "crazymilkman" with some numbers. So I combined the two.
I had never heard of it. But I've read a bunch now, It's pretty good! Thanks!!
I have had many conversations about people not believing that we are all just animals. We may have evolved to be grand but in the scheme of it all we are part of the same gene pool. We share many traits with so many other species.
I know about those heavy weeks. But it was a good kind of heavy for me. Christmas is a time for me to sit back and take stock of the good things in life: family, friends, and making a difference in the small sphere of influence I possess in this big, big world. But as for the username, it started as a gamertag, the joke among my buddies being that I had randomly good games where I would decimate the competition, and on average do really badly. So if people met me in one my really good games, they'd find out they'd taken the placebo. The effect being that you think you've found a really good player but in actuality I tend to kind of suck in competitive games. Unless it's a a RealTime Strategy or Turn Based RPG. Then I'll whomp your ass every day ending in y.
A furry thing, a while back when I dipped into the fandom a bit. Can't say I really left, but it's not exactly something that is a way of life. Mostly just keep in touch with friends via irc anymore, as opposed to doing "furry things". And my reddit name, flappity, was from when I joined a CS 1.5 clan made by a few friends. They went by names like Batty [Llama] and other oddball adjective-like words, and I came up with flappity when I joined them. After the clan dissipated, my name stayed for lack of anything better so that's what I use as my public name, until recently (which is more like 5-6 years ago) when I started using wolf sometimes.
Gilgamesh, a king, at Uruk. He tormented his subjects. He made them angry. They cried out aloud, send us a companion for our king. Spare us from his madness. Enkidu, a wild man from the forest, entered the city. They fought in the temple. They fought in the street. Gilgamesh defeated Enkidu. They became great friends. Gilgamesh and Enkidu at Uruk. The new friends went out into the desert together, where the great bull of heaven was killing men by the hundreds. Enkidu caught the bull by the tail. Gilgamesh struck it with his sword. They were victorious. But Enkidu fell to the ground, struck down by the gods. And Gilgamesh wept bitter tears, saying, 'he who was my companion through adventure and hardship, is gone forever.
My user name is from my own feeling of worthlessness.
It's how I felt a lot when I was younger. It just kinda stuck.
I was trying to think of an anonymous username, so I went with tauta_krypta, which means something like "these secret things" in ancient Greek.
The album "Music @ Work" by The Tragically Hip always really resonated with me. When I decided to sign up for Hubski, the song "Tiger the Lion" came to mind, and I thought it might make a good username.
A dreamlike encounter with three feral dogs. Probably this was during the early 1980s or late 1970s. On the near southwest side of Chicago in the ruins of what had been the Union Stockyards. I was browsing thru piles of old lumber hoping to collect enough to board up the windows of an enclosed porch (to make it even more enclosed, keeping out some of the cold). I was a few hundred yds from a large building that had only been razed about maybe 60% - part of the remains were yet three or four stories high, but with no external wall. From that building I heard barking and howling so I put myself on alert and kept a stout stick in one hand because the sounds of the dogs scared me (but not sufficiently to run me off). After a few minutes I saw a trio of what appeared to be identical dogs. Whether they came from the site of that barking and howling I will never know. They were not typical urban feral dogs, not skinny or filthy or mangy or battle torn, no they seemed in perfect health – robust, muscular, confident, even poised. They walked along in single file as if they had some destination in mind, not looking around or smelling the ground or even the air. They ignored my presence (thank God) as they passed and walked away. As soon as they were a comfortable (for me) distance away, I gathered up my stuff and ran to my car and left that area. Later, whether in a dream or while awake I cannot say, I perceived those three wild dogs as representing remnant indigenous humans who had survived centuries of attempted genocide by colonizers and had actually thrived in the ruins of the colonizers’ society. Then to compose a song I combined the 3 dogs with another symbol of indigenous survival – a tumbleweed aka pomme de prairie I had seen growing thru a crack in the cement pavement of a city street. The song: I dreamed the city was ashes I dreamed the countryside was dust I saw an old woman sweeping up She said they ain’t killed all of us I ain’t going to tell nobody what 3 wild dogs showed me But they showed me something I heard about from tumbleweed I was walking down the street I saw tumbleweed growing up through the concrete She said my seeds find the cracks and my roots find the earth Okay I’ll tell everybody what 3 wild dogs showed me They showed me something I heard about from Tumbleweed It might be after a long time or it might be very soon You made us live on your edges But we will survive your ruin We will thrive in your ruins end of song So that is where the alias troischiens (three dogs twah shahn) comes from.
I just recently started this username series (Mr Lamp) and it's because of an inside-joke with friends that turned into a religion. I am the god of that religion. Lampism.
My username is related to the rivers in Mesopotamia, Tigris and Euphrates, and has a special meaning to me. I remember being very young and sitting on my grandfather's lap observing all those maps and atlas he loved to show me. And in one of those occasions I stumbled upon those two rivers and their names stood with me all this time. Every time I evoke the rivers, I remember my grandfather and his atlas.
At my summer camp (where I'm now a counselor), we tell a story about a Native American princess who is banished from her tribe. She is cast away from shore in a birch bark canoe on a foggy night and never seen again. As the story goes, her ghost paddles around the lake every seven summers on a foggy night. I created my account a few weeks after camp one year, and I was feeling campsick (is that a word? Like the opposite of homesick?) and I was thinking about this story.....and I mean, birch bark is pretty and canoeing is cool, so why not?
Oh, I had to start a blog for a class a while back, but I didn't want to use my real name. John Muir and Aldo Leopold are two of my heroes, so I went by John Leopold. The e-mail for that was jleopold. Eventually, it was my reddit user name too, and so when I moved over here, just kept it. Thanks for asking, and answering.