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Figured after about 200 days of not updating this, and then 150 of inactivity, I might want to change this. But, I haven't done anything yet besides change this, so beats me what I'll do here or how long I'll stay. Probably see more tea and coffee stuff from me. Likely more book stuff too, and some woodworking and carving stuff.
I poked around online and found the dates for this book as 1628-1630 here (though source is of uncertain quality, though here cites the same in French). That puts it pretty much directly after Three Musketeers. I'm more interested to see if it actually includes much of the Three Musketeers' characters beyond Richelieu. If it does, I'd be even more surprised it had passed into obscurity without even a Wikipedia page.
Had my first day of classes for 3rd term. 29 more class days to go, which seems surprisingly short, but since I only have three days of classes a week, isn't that short. Honestly, based on first impressions, that should be just right for standing and learning from my philosophy professor, 28 days too long for my journalism prof and by far to short for my English/writing prof. I'm pretty much set to declare an English Lit major and continue to be impressed by the faculty I've interacted with from the department. The department is a major draw for my school, and I'm really starting to see why. Bit less enthused with the journalism department considering my prof this term is the only one full time. I'm planning a journalism minor, so I guess I'll have to get use to him, and I know his demands are going to make me a better journalist and consumer of media, but really not stuff I wanted to hear coming off a six week break. Excited for the newspaper to start back up though. Moved into my friend's room at term, and really like it more than my old suite/room. Dunno if I ever mentioned that drama here, but long story short this guy is my third planned roommate. First one didn't get a visa, then the second one got suspended first week of class last term. It's a change actually having a roommate, but also nice to have someone around. Makes leaving the people back home a little easier to have a more solid community to live in here.
Holy shit dude, how many classes are you taking to have $900 in books? Do you have an option to rent? Maybe I've just been taking the right classes, but over the past two terms (6 classes) I've spent like $300, mostly through the bookstore because I value convenience more than I should. Congrats on quitting man. I replaced weed, booze and nicotine with tea and coffee about a month ago, but that was after some life re-evaluation. I think it helps not to think about quitting something as starting a new hobby to replace it with. Smoking isn't too time consuming, but I'm sure you could find something to replace it with.
After a slow four weeks, my friends are finally getting into town for their breaks. Of course, mine ends two weeks from today, so I have to squeeze in what I can with them, spend as much time as I can with my SO, and appreciate my family over the holidays. I thought this trimester deal would be fun, being home for so long earlier, but break has pretty much just been a slog. I've really gotta work to enjoy these last two weeks, because they might be the last time I'm home until June. Luckily though, a couple realizations about how I want to live should help with that. Plus, back on Hubski again. Thank god my laptop was logged in already, who knows where my password is buried. Should maybe reset that. But anyways, hope everyone's doing well and I'm looking forward to getting up to speed over the next few weeks. Note: Also, did something change with the search? I keep getting the 404 page when I try to search something.
I'll preface by saying that I'm one of those commenters on my reddit account, on this post. I ripped into her. Honestly though, I couldn't have cared less about her hoax. It was just a bother and rude to the communities she disrupted, but not something I felt personally invested in. But she posted to the journalism subreddit claiming to try to teach journalists a lesson in journalistic ethics, and then refused to listen to their advice that the ethical thing to do from a journalistic standpoint (to e-mail the sites and let them know it was a hoax). Further, her insistence on anonymity broke the journalism ethics I'm learning as a student. A lot of those comments could have used better language, but I think their sentiment was justified; in trying to prove her point (unnecessarily), she ended up corrupting the exact system she thought she could somehow fix.
Exactly. I thought it was really strange that OP was trying to hunt out improper journalism, but that sub is filled with articles and posts about the fake news. The real problem is the consumers who don't know which sources are credible. In my mind, by acting like the places that picked it up were credible, OP just proved she was part of the problem.
Que hace un pez? Nada.
English is my first language, but I went to a Spanish bilingual immersion school from K-8, and then kept studying it in high school, so I'd say I'm pretty fluent in that. The switch from immersion to high school classes set me back and fucked me over a bit, because suddenly I had to question my grammar. When I've traveled abroad or used Spanish elsewhere though, I've found people really don't care if you use the wrong tense occasionally, especially if you're surrounded by asshole Americans who can't even be bothered to try. So in those situations, I've gotten better at switched back to my middle school Spanish. Of course, because I learned it immersion style, with a bunch of immigrants and second-generation Americans, I speak a very Mexican Spanish with a lot of street slang and more modern grammar than many of my high school teachers liked. Being in an immersion environtment so long, with friends who all also spoke Spanish meant that I got used to being able to switch between the languages at will. I still have to watch myself with my high school friends because not all of them know enough Spanish for me to throw a word or two into the middle of a sentence. I think in a mix though. Spanish can make some things a lot shorter, and other things a lot longer (for example, no possessive 's, which is a real pain). I also have picked up a few Mandarin words, some Italian and then just a few random other things from friends and other places that get mixed into my thoughts and speech. There's also a lot of teen slang I use, and some of it is pretty specific to my town, and even my high school. It's always kind of weird when I use a phrase with someone who lives elsewhere and they have no idea what I mean. Cool though too.
Actually, with anything close to the current set-up, I would say yes. Or, maybe I'd have to flip that around a bit to say that the current set-up works best for indoctrination. Which makes sense. The bare basics of how public (and most private schools) work goes back over 100 years, which is a huge problem in and of itself. One of the earliest countries to institute public education was Bismarck's newly formed Germany in the 1860s and 1870s. The express purpose was indoctrination, to help create a single national German identity out of the myriad of small countries absorbed by Prussia in the unification. Other countries, including the US, followed. The system started for indoctrination, and has a very nice by product of creating a more productive nation as well. We can also look at some specific policies that would need to be completely reversed. Truancy makes no sense if public education were really for education. Being in a classroom doesn't make you learn. In fact, having kids who don't want to be there in a classroom often ends up hindering the learning of those who do want to be there. What making kids show up does work for is indoctrination, as they then must interact with others and are exposed to the ideas, even if they don't learn it. Other parts of the system, like required classes, grades, and standardized testing plays into it too. By requiring certain classes, especially in the humanities, schools help to expose students to ways of thought and ideas that are in line with society, and creates a common language for citizens to work with. By tying in grades to future success, the education system makes working within the system absolutely essential. Standardized testing works the same, but at much higher stakes. For all of that, I don't think the indoctrination is all that bad. It isn't necessarily indoctrination into a specific way of thinking (or at least, in many schools, and ideally, it isn't). The indoctrination is in how to function in society. I have some cousins who are homeschooled, and interacting with them can be frustrating and tiring because they just miss things like social cues, or manners, or standard forms of interaction because they don't interact with a large number of people daily. Seeing kids transition from being homeschooled to attending public school can be interesting as well, because they just don't really get how wider society works. They also tend to be less independent from their parents, which creates other problems in interactions. kleinbl00, I gotta warn you too, private school kids can be almost as bad. Private schools can be very homogenous, and so I've seen a lot of kids struggle with having to interact with people who they don't have as many shared experiences with—kids from different social classes, or races, or even just different parts of the city. So, since you're set on private school for your daughter, make sure she has some other social outlets, like a sports team or church group or Girl Scouts or summer camp or debate team or something. The kids I know who have transitioned best from homeschool or private school to public school, or even just to society at large, have been those who gained part of the social indoctrination they missed out on from other activities.It doesn't have to be, does it?
Did you buy helmets too? Can you find helmets easily there?