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PirateBear  ·  3056 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What is the story behind your username?

The full version is JimthePirateBear, the Jim part after Jim Henson, but most sites don't allow that many characters in a name, so I shorten it.

The pirate part of it comes from the fact that I pirate most everything, except if it streams legally or if it's a game. The bear parts comes from Bear in the Big Blue House, which I was on a pirate site to watch when I made the name. I eventually used it as a sorta throwaway on Voat, but then started using it in general there and everywhere else I could.

In a fun little coincidence, Bear is the first show/movie I've actually bought in quite some time due to the lack of high quality rips for what of the series that is available and the fact I can't find around half of the episodes at all, except for imported DVDs from Hong Kong.