Today is a monumental day for me. I'm turning in my laptop, phone, iPad and token for my current job. It means I'm done. I'm having lunch with my former boss and two colleagues.
Then, I'm off to buy a car. I'm thinking a Subaru Outback. It has cameras in the front that will prevent me from colliding with another object. Supposedly, the safest car out there. I'm not going for fancy, I'm going for safe.
Then, I'm going to bounce some tracks with a click to send to a drummer that is working on a long overdue music project with ghostoffuffle, T-Dog and I. -very excited about this.
Then, I'm going to research Michigan based marketing companies for a startup I'm working on.
Then, I'm going to the pool with my family.
Nice little day I've got planned out.
Thank you for saying so, but the project I'm referring to is one that I haven't shared on Hubski yet, outside of a few PMs to some close friends. However, I do look forward to sharing it once it's complete. I think it's the coolest concept musically that I've ever worked on.
More to come!
I'm finding myself missing the east coast and all my friends out there these past few days. There's no sense of regret, just more thinking about it than there should be. The same thing goes for questioning what I'm doing relationship wise right now and if I'm ready for that kind of a commitment.
New tag: #selfdoubtski I'm pretty sure there's been a lot of posts and comments that would fall into that tag.
Good morning Pubski -- well it's morning in the PDTimezone - Pacific Daylight (not Parkinson's Disease). All you Easterners have already changed your lives!
1. Anyone in a relationship, read what tng wrote below in this thread. It's such a novel idea to make significant decisions with significant others - that is, if your decision affects their well-being. It might not always be practical, but it's an practice to keep in the back of your mind as an ideal.
2. Me: This has been a good trip. Interesting, fun work awaits me here in January. I have another meeting tomorrow that might lead to more interesting, fun activities.
3. What can be learned? Even when an art experience isn't 100% transformative and transcendent (and they usually are not), I learned that with thoughtful companions, I can pull insight and reflection from an experience...and that deepens the experience and the relationships. I'm thrilled that I created two blogs on King Lear and I'm working on a third. -- These are time and energy consuming, but worth it.
4. Heading back east, there will be things to face, but I can handle it and you will help me in your supportive disembodied way.
My immediate supervisor is being forced to transfer positions. HR is looking at the possibility of me being able to transfer as well, but I've been told the odds look pretty slim. Ever since I've heard the news, I've had nothing but nightmares about work. I'm not going to lie, my supervisor is the only reason I'm sticking around. If they're forced to transfer and I can't tag along, I think I'm going to seek employment elsewhere.
Reading about cgod and his coffee shop reminds me how much I miss working for a small business. The pay and benefits aren't there, true, but the amount of care, respect, and satisfaction that comes with working for such a company far out weighs that.
I think I'll have a long talk with the wife tonight. I don't think it'll go well. For fear of sounding selfish, I think I could use some good old Hubski prayer and good vibes right now.
Good luck! I hope you are able to transfer, but if not I wish you well in your decision. There are a lot of opportunities out there and you are in a position to take your time, which is great.
When talking with your wife, come prepared with a piece of paper that has positives and negatives written down for "working for a smaller company," and ask her to contribute to the list. I find it's really helpful to let your spouse know that this is both of your decision and that you value their input.
Good vibes heading your way!
Wow. Yea, per lil's suggestion, I read your advice and I think you're right -- asking for a contribution from your spouse is such a powerful way to show that you value them and receive their thoughts in a constructive way. tng, where do you come up with these?
Thanks man. This is really good advice. She's a very rational woman so this might help her see where I'm coming from here. There are emotional factors in play as well, so maybe I ought to list how I'm feeling about everything and why. Hopefully she won't be overwhelmed by too much information.
I'm getting promoted!!!! Not totally official yet but looks really good. It means a lot, 6 years ago my old boss told me I wasn't right for this job and started trying to fire me. Now I've almost passed him in senority. Take that!
That was quick!
I was going to say you probably don't want to buy the extended warranty, but if you do you can buy it from any dealer and avoid a sizable markup. I paid less than half the price the local dealer quoted buying the Gold Plus plan from a dealer in Illinois.
It was fine. It felt very much like being interviewed by the Bobs. We'll see over the coming days and weeks how things shake loose.
I'm at a unique place in my career with this company where I am confident in my skills, my knowledge, and the value I add to the company. If he likes me - he'll keep me around. If he doesn't - whatever, I'll find another job. But that's an entirely different pubski post for another day.
By the way, I've been doing the 25 pushups each morning before I shower thing. Thanks, it's a good idea. Stupid simple.
kleinbl00 and mk. I've added 25 chair dips each day too. Why not? Takes 2 minutes.
When I first read this, my snap reaction was "because I've been up for 23 hours and have the flu and simply trying to do 6 pushups before a shower made me ache. Also, I'm walking with a limp and haven't even been running in 3 days. Also, there are no flat surfaces in this house capable of supporting a chair dip." But now that I've had like 5 hours of sleep I recognize that the first two problems will sort themselves out and the last isn't entirely true.
Fuckin' A, tho. I'm ready for a weekend.
That reminds me ... Hush, by now you ought to be up to near 100 pushups. Have you burst a band yet?
I did over 100 pushups in a day for the first time in my life on Sunday, three sets of 34. (Four months ago I started with three sets of 8.) Then on Monday I had my second meeting with the trainer and he eliminated them from my routine.
The very basic idea is that you can create intelligent, multivariate contracts that are secured by a blockchain architecture. The basic idea being that if you want to buy my widgets, we can make an intelligent contract that sets the rate of exchange between widgets and currency. This contract acts as a perfectly neutral third party that holds your money in trust until you confirm that you have received my widgets, upon which point it transfers it into an account of my choosing. You could engineer different rates of exchange at different bulk amounts, or payment schedules that vary based on whatever you want. You could make a competitive contract that automatically contracts with whomever's bid is the best based on your parameters, or whomever meets a certain set of conditions first.
Other applications include smart properties that change full or partial ownership based on whose money is placed in trusteeship of the blockchain. Like, you put $2000 into an account online, you walk to a car you've never driven before, wave your phone over the door, when you park the blockchain deducts the cost of the gas/insurance/whatever from your deposit. When you're done with the car you take the remainder out.
The contracts aren't administered or validated by a centralized party. It's trustless. The blockchain creates the shared immutability that enables decentralized trust.
While bitcoin is a decentralized asset app, ethereum is a decentralized app app. The ETH token is just one component.
Yeah. What I described is one teeny teeny section of what this thing is theoretically capable of. Some of it is kind of legally questionable, because theoretically you can contract for anything, and it's probably going to be possible to do so anonymously.
Got a Tinder date after work today lol. This should be hilarious.
Accompanied my mom for a 5:30AM spin class today, everyone was tremendously middle-aged but it was a surprisingly solid workout. Early morning exercise is the absolute best thing ever, just gotta get yourself moving.
Turns out the abandoned house that my friends and I were chilling in, which got shut down after someone got caught trying to steal our amps and a drum kit, was actually inhabited by a few Mexican squatters that went to work during the day and then came back to the crib at night. Turns out, the creepy wind-up monkey toy that was sitting at the top of the stairs with a bowtie on its head wasn't placed there by one of us for shits and giggles.
Life's a gamble!
What is the girl like? Good luck. I tried Tinder for a month but never got a match or a decent conversation, so I got rid of it. Tinder was so boring for me. It was just swipe, swipe, swipe with very little personality to the profiles. Ok Cupid, Plenty of Fish and strangely enough Craigslist was much more funner for me and it occasionally led to dates and sex.
Tinder is super, super duper weird. It's insanely awkward 99% of the time. We had a mutual friend though and she kinda set us up so we were able to skip a lot of the awkwardness.
I was just praying this girl was half genuine and she kinda almost was :D Super wealthy family though and she was jaded to shit (lives across from the Empire) but actually knowledgeable.
There's a french restaurant-ish chain in NYC called Pain Quotidien, it's decently classy and a really warm/homey setup. They have these huge communal tables which is always fun. Then hopefully we'll go bang or something.
- Then hopefully we'll go bang or something.
clapping hands emojis
Went really smoothly, she was super cool and definitely attractive, but I decided not to go for the "big bang" if you will– we just chilled for a while at a park after eating and I walked her home.
I was half-expecting a lot less cute girl I talked to on Tinder and much more Gabe Newell with three dicks or something. Definitely exceeded expectations.
Are you in/around NYC??? Why the hell aren't we hanging out??
I'm glad your date went well and you didn't get seduced by the tri-phallused Gabe Newell of fantasy. Is there a date #2 happening or naw?
And lolno on the NYC bit. I spent 3 days there in the Spring and one of my primary touristy activities was eating, that's all. I definitely want to go again, but too much time there would drive me crazy.
A patent litigation firm in the Empire Goddamn State Building. It's a team of 20 ballers, half of whom come to work in shorts, that just grind all day and night until they meet the deadline and then get fucked up and take the next day off. One of our most recent clients won the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics; one of the partners had me go to the hardware store and turn the conference room into a lab so we can physically test infringing products. We have poker nights. It's paradise, work hard play hard.
This is the view when I swivel 180 on my chair. That's right, I have a swivel chair and it's fire.
It's very temporary, so I'm trying to make the best of it. Sorry for bragging so much on the 'Ski:D
What do you do?
Working too, I like it mostly. It's at the bank but my department is know as the shit disturbers so it's pretty fun :) airBNBing an apartment and working on side stuff too. Otherwise, i'm living the summer life too seeing friends and whatnot but past week has been kinda quiet on that side. Half my friends are leaving Montreal, so goodbye parties coming up. Fkin sucks, gotta find new friends.
Dude, it's a kick-ass view. There's a lot of energy in that view, and you can get the same sort of majesty from it that you would from a mountain range.
I used to take the train from Whitefish MT to Chicago IL. It would basically start in Glacier National Park amongst some of the most beautiful natural scenery in the US. -Huge mountains, waterfalls etc.
Then, MANY hours later we would be in Chicago and you'd get out right downtown amongst some of the largest buildings in the US. Honestly, it's a similar energy.
Glad you are digging what you are doing. But non need to apologize for that view at all. It's fantastic!
Have a great day
I get what you're saying. The marvel of this view is more invoking of the power and energy that is surging through this city, rather than a breathtaking mountain range or something. It's also not the best side of the office:
This is the uptown-facing side, Brooklyn in the far right past the skyscrapers. The first one I posted is the NJ-facing side over the river.
Idk, I think it's pretty crazy. Imagine how much happened within the frame of each shot in just the instant that I took these photos.
- Imagine how much happened within the frame of each shot in just the instant that I took these photos.
Now that's a thought to think over. Maybe I'll write a short story based on that. Sounds appealing.
As for the view... I used to marvel at it, too. I had a wallpaper of an American city on my desktop, and that view brought warmth to my heart. NYC doesn't give that. Now that I think of it, the city is scary: it's too big, too populous, too damn ugly from upstairs - a nightmare for a deep introvert like myself. That being said, I think I'd love to walk it early in the morning in the summer.
Got my books yesterday, classes start next week. My boyfriend's son is also coming back from his Mom's today. I will probably only see my boyfriend four days a month now. He went to therapy today, and is finally getting in touch with a lawyer. His ex wont take care of her autistic son, and the legalities of the situation are daunting.
He got me a have a database up and running, but now I have to wait until I have an actual data entry site. I have to basically rewrite an encyclopedia worth of information. I really want to know it all, so it is pretty fun. I have been re-sizing images, to fit a large quantity onto an app. I got really wrapped up, worrying about only using creative commons pictures. Then I realized that permission would not be hard to get from people if I explained the purpose was educational, and the point of the startup was to fund a nonprofit. Hopefully the lawyer can help with that stuff a bit, so I don't have to be so vague anymore.
I am being pretty hard on myself, trying to do it all, but I might just slow it down and enjoy my break a bit.
Sweden is awesome so far. Weather's been nice and after a couple days of camping in the woods we're on a campsite at Vänern, one of the biggest lakes of Europe.
I went to Liseberg, swedishbadgergirl, so I can check that box. And Goteborg is a pretty city. For this weekend we're thinking of camping near the east coast and then slowly heading back home.
PS: Helix is f'ing awesome. Totally in my top three. Back row on the right is insaneballs.
How's värnen?
I have unfourtunatly not yet checked the Liseberg box. I have been to Gröna Lund multiple times but not yet Liseberg. It is definently on my to-do list.
Hey guys! I'm trying to get something started on here where those of us who really like movies get a weekly thread to discuss what we've been watching in order to spark discussions about movies that some people may or may not have seen. I really want it to mirror /r/TrueFilm's; where movie enthusiasts are able to talk about all kinds of movies they like. I'll also be using these threads in order to help out #movieclub by compiling movies that many people have seen or would like to see so that those movies can have their own larger discussion threads. I'm still deciding if I should post on a monthly or weekly basis, but here is a link to last week's if you want to see more of what I'm talking about. If you'd like to be notified about these threads just tell me and I'll add you in! I'd really love for this to take off and any and all feedback is welcome. Cheers!
I would be up for joining in on this, sometimes it's hard for me to watch the #hubskimovieclub films but I try to watch a film a week at least and am up for talking about them. Count me in for the next one.
Awesome! I'm probably going to change it to once a month because it has been getting harder for me to watch a film a week.
Getting ready for my move from Düsseldorf to Heidelberg. I haven't given an update on pubksi for a while.
Since I flew back to Israel in June I decided to accept the 3 month internship at a pain research lab in Heidelberg (Germany) starting mid August. If all goes well, the internship will transfer into a PhD contract :)
I am excited and anxious. I also have doubts, like, if I did the right thing by staying to do my PhD in Germany instead of returning to Israel and find something there. I miss my friends from home. I miss the weather, the food, the people... But I chose otherwise, and I have my reason, I think.
So, my long "summer" ends. It started in April 2014 with finishing my Masters (first post to Hubski btw), to returning to Israel for a longer period, meeting the local burning man community,returning to love the country again, the summer war last year, a eurotrip over 2.5 months, a hole of depression, a short PhD-position in a lab I hated, a visit to poland, back to Israel and now this. That was a long breath.
I wonder what comes next :)
Update: The car is packed. Off to the south!
Opened a few of my beer the other day. They turned out really good. They carbonated well which was my big concern.
Baby has decided to change her sleeping schedule and now stays awake most of the day. Which is kind of nice because when she does nap it's for 2-3 hours and I an get a match or two of LoL in :)
Trying to shift my sleeping schedule as well to start getting up 2 hours earlier to start exercising again. The baby through me off the rails and I'm fat again.
I was going to start this week but a deadline at work got pushed up a week but next week I'm going to head to the coffee shop for my lunch breaks and start the writing for my new game. Getting pretty excited to do some work on this. May build the game using Swift. Supposed to be getting formal training on it soon.
What kind of beer did you brew? Personally, I can't really brew because of my age, but it has always interested me, and I have a cousin who has really gotten into it. I'd love to hear more about your experiences with brewing. Have you ever done wine, mead, or cider?
I made an ESB ( It was a kit. I have done the whole nine yards in the past but this was a gift. Making it is super easy. Clean everything, pour it in a bucket. Wait a week. Transfer to carboy. Wait a week. Transfer to bucket. Prime. Bottle. Wait two weeks. Drink. The most time consuming part is easily bottle cleaning followed by bottling.
I've made wine before from a kit as well. Process is pretty much identical to beer making. In Canada our booze are taxed to hell and back so making your own is more cost effective :)
Had my first semi-major screwup at work. Upon writing that sentence, I realize how not major it actually was, and I have learned a lesson about the value of reflecting upon stressful events. I guess I'm too high strung lately. I'm glad I'm taking my first actual day off on friday to go Up North.
To my fellow Michiganders, or other people in the know, what does going 'Up North' mean to you?
I'm finishing up exams for the summer term. I have one more final and then I'm free.
While this is great I'm scared about by best friend (and recently girlfriend). The school requires you maintain an average above 60 each term or you have to repeat the term. Due to the nature of the co-op program, there are 2 streams of students that alternate between school term and working. If she fails here, which she is fairly certain will happen, it will put us on alternating streams (I'll be in school while she's working and vice versa). That means that I won't see her until our streams coincide which will be towards the end of undergrad. I feel like these last few weeks are the only ones I'll have left with her and I'm not ready to part ways.
That's scary, but is there any chance she can still pick herself up? Maybe you can help her get working or something?
I have been helping her out, but its tough. At the end of the day I can only help her study, I have no control over how her exam goes. We've both finished four exams already and the last one is tomorrow. All that's left is to hope for lots of part marks and that the finals in her stronger classes went very well.
Good luck my man. Worst-case it's always worth trying to appeal to whatever administration there is to keep her on that schedule. Then again, frustrating as it is it might honestly be better for her to focus on her studies instead of the relationship. Hope it works out!
I'm loving my new city!! I'm starting to feel like I actually live here now that I've been here for more than a week and have met some people.
I've also gotten back into working which is nice. I had too long of a break and I was starting to go absolutely insane!! I'm working on three projects in various early stages, and thinking of reviving a project with a friend.
Getting in late to this one.
I started my new job on Monday. It's great :D I've never enjoyed working in a cafe so much. I was so sure when I got back from my holiday that I was never going to work in hospitality again, but there you go. It's such a hectic little place. Always someone there, so there's plenty of work to do and the time just flies.
My 16 year old mutt is deteriorating at rapid speed. Poor thing isn't long for this world I don't think. Back legs aren't working so well any more. Only thing she really gets up for any more is food. Can't take her for walks. May have to take her to the vet so something can be done about it. :(
Congrats on the job. I'm glad to hear so many people are doing so well in the area of employment, but it doesn't surprise me. You all seem to be of a particularly high quality caliber of people and I'm sure employers see that.
I'm sorry to hear about your dog, but take comfort that you gave her so many years of love, comfort, and companionship. That's the greatest gift you have to offer to any living thing.
Thanks :) It's nice to be considered of a high calibre!
The worst part about the dog is that my sister is in Europe at the moment and is worried that she'll be abroad when the time comes to say goodbye. But you're right. We've got 16 years of awesome memories with the silly old thing. And I'm sure she feels the same way about us :)
I am sorry to hear about your dog, I had a nine-year-old dog that I had to put down last year due to cancer. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Good luck, you will know when it is the right time. Usually, when they stop eating it's a pretty good indication.
Not sure if anyone noticed, but approximately 10 days ago, my comments and posts suddenly became increasingly darker, fatalistic, depressing, and I finally forced myself to stop commenting on things and took a break from the site to avoid it continuing. 12 days later, 2 days after taking the last antibiotic tablet, and suddenly brain is vastly different. I really wish doctors would listen to me when I tell them how hypersensitive I am to medication and the bizarre paradoxical side effects I tend to experience.
dashn - that's a very important observation. Make sure you note the name of that particular antibiotic and STOP TAKING IT. There are others. Carry the note in your wallet. One day it's just comments on a website. Another day it's jumping in front of a train.
Thanks. I saved the prescription sticker, along with the other antibiotic the doctor wanted me to take (which I didn't take), have two appointments next week, one to get a second opinion, other with the doctor in which I'm gonna be very vocal in terms of what he tries to prescribe me in the future.
The list of the seemingly common medications I can't take is growing longer each year.
I think that's the hard lesson I learned this time. When asked if I have allergies to any meds, I always answer than I'm hypersensitive to medication and tend to have bizarre paradoxical side effects. But I think from this point on, I'm gonna have to do as you suggested, and say they're allergic reactions. Sucks when you have to lie to your own doctors, which seems counter-intuitive.
Shaking. Got the call I've been dreading, Grandad had fallen and pushed his big red button, so I raced over there and ran into the house. He was trapped in an awkward position so I moved him, not sure if I had just done more harm or not, got him to lay down in the recovery position and await the paramedic.
A good few minutes later he wanders in having gotten a bit lost trying to find the entrance, says he's had to come from Dawlish which is a good 10 miles away with pretty bad traffic around this time. Grandad is okay, ankle sore but not broken, so we sign him off and I get him sorted out and in to bed early. Falls absolutely knock the life out of someone and now I'm so worried about whether he's going to be okay in the morning.
I'm pretty sure the cold that we gave him is to blame, knocking out his sense of balance; but really hoping it's not been another mini-stroke.
ok but didn't you say you get hormonal migraines? in order to induce mass ovulation you have to pump yourself full of hormones.
They have to let me in first which I think is honestly the bigger hurdle.
The migraines seem to be from withdrawal from hormones - when I go on the placebo week for BC and such - so I think I would only experience them at the end of the donation cycle.
i filled out the profile and everything and then my mom was like uh you know it's basically IVF right? if you get the crazies and fail out of school because you're trying to make a quick buck, you're paying for it and it's gonna cost a lot more than you're going to get
Ugh, the more I look into it the more squeamish I get, which is probably why I've never done it when I considered it before. I really don't know. It's a good thing to do, it helps other people. I have a friend who's very pro-the idea because he thinks it would be a good thing for little refs to run around the world one day. I think maybe I'd have to be more broke or more attached to the idea of propagating to be more motivated about this.
I really don't know. I have been looking up donor stories online, but a lot of them seem way more attached to their eggs than I expect to be (and because of my previous experiences with reproduction, I'm pretty sure my expectations are on track).
I am torn. I suspect that with my new green hair and tattoos and piercings most donor families may find me a little more unusual than their taste. However I think my SAT scores are in my favor. I don't know. It might be easier to do if I was personally attached to a couple who wanted to go through the process, as opposed to looking into it completely anonymously.
It's still something I want to do some day, but not while I'm in school. It's not easy though, from what I've read.
Hopefully potential donor recipients will realize though that tattoos and piercings are not genetic :P
I know, right? Like, putting aside the whole eugenics thing ("we want a child whose eggs have high SAT scores! we want a child whose teeth were good! we want a child with brown hair!" etc) the tattoos and piercings should have nothing to do with any of it. The only reason I can think of to justify them asking is because for a while after getting tattoos and piercings you are ineligible for blood donation as you may have contracted an illness from a dirty needle, however this website is asking me to detail each, which is coming up at like, 10ish entries. And that's annoying.
Do they want you to describe what they are? That might be some sort of personality thing or maybe they're looking to weed out like skynbirds or something.
I think I am going to email/text the lady and ask. They have tried very hard to be very reachable through this process, I think they must experience a lot of attrition/applicants who do not complete the process.
I am trying to think if this is the kind of the thing I want to/should tell my parents I am doing or not. I don't think they would really understand or necessarily be very supportive, idk. I'm not quite sure how they would react.
I don't like injections so that has always been a big thing to hold me back when I have thought about it before. Really I don't know if I will pass the screening process, they are asking me about things like how many tattoos and body piercings do you have so that is a fun question.
I do feel that while mood swings and such are absolutely a risk, you also don't see any articles about how egg donation universally causes the crazies. There are risks to every process. There are a lot of steps before I think any medication and such would be administered, there is this giant form online I have to fill out, then I meet them and they look at me in person, then I have to see a psychologist as well, and then after that the process would start. I don't think it would be difficult for me to get kicked out at any step. I might as well get closer to it before I say "eff it." I have researched egg donation and considered it on and off for several years.
I do not think it is a thing that could hurt me long term. With all hope I am leaving this job in a year anyway.
I wonder, if I did experience a lot of emotional issues, if there is a program my work offers that might allow me to take some time off. I don't know. Looking into it.
Sorta finished my deliverable for the internship at work and the past few days have been unbearably boring... But it should (hopefully) resolve itself in a couple days, they gave me a mini project of making an anniversary video for their project.
On the bright side, it gave me some time to catch up on Hubski, which is great. It can be a bit nerveracking when i don't hear people behind me. Y'all coders better come up with a gmail-looking hubski version with the api :P
Still trying to get back into the fitness rhythm after vacation. Paging arguewithatree for that weekly check-in! Keep pushing forward!
This week marked my first time really trying to get work done on my novel, it feels good.
I also awoke today vividly remembering trying to escape capture during WWII to try to find a secret vault of advance technology in a nearby mountain range, but instead awoke some monster thing that literally wiped us all out. It was probably the most vivid dream I've had in a REALLY long time.
i'm gonna try and go today after work cuz I'm in early today! i'm also still trying to figure out the rhythm. Having a rotating work schedule makes it a little more difficult.
Thanks! I also try and walk as much as possible to make up for my spotty gym attendance. We're getting standing desks soon too which is good news for my bad hips!
I enjoyed the hell out of it, but it doesn't bear much deep thinking. It's a Chris McQuarrie so it has every reason not to suck... and it's two characters constantly locked in life-and-death peril in an organic way so injecting even a little bit of humanity into the situation makes them incredibly relatable. It's the same thing that makes Starship Troopers work.
- I also awoke today vividly remembering trying to escape capture during WWII to try to find a secret vault of advance technology in a nearby mountain range, but instead awoke some monster thing that literally wiped us all out. It was probably the most vivid dream I've had in a REALLY long time.
What if it's not just a dream, but repressed memories of your life as a super secret, monster fighting spy? You know, like James Bond meets The Ghostbusters. After you retired, they had your mind wiped so you couldn't share your secrets with the tabloids. Of course, as can happen with these things, they missed a few bits.
- I write down most of my dreams down no matter the scenario.
I'm impressed with that statement. Writing down dreams involves 1) remembering them; 2) having a writing tool at the ready next to the bed before the dream fades; 3) being committed to doing it.
I do believe you can train yourself to do it well. I went through a period in my 20s where I wrote down every dream. After a while, you can see patterns. As soon as you see the patterns, you can control them. Eventually you can solve your problems (anxiety, repressed emotion, etc.) in your sleep.
I don't know if my last statement is a true statement - but it would be nice to think so.
When I was around 15 I used to write down every dream I had no matter what. After awhile lucid dreaming just came sort of naturally (I could control dreams for seconds before waking up), and after maybe 6 months of that I could stay conscious in a dream for a little while. What an experience it is, and I would recommend trying it to anyone that wants to do it.
Now the reason I write my dreams down is sometimes I dream some pretty cool stuff that helps with my writing, but honestly I may try to get back into lucid dreaming.
One of the fundamental rules of chan-culture is "don't feed the trolls." A second fundamental is "lol, that's bait guys." I think we need a Hubski equivalent that is not so, sharp around the edges. I've tried to come up with something but maybe one of you more creative types can think of a catchphrase we can put on stickers and apply then everywhere.
Yesterday my 3 week job ended. Which is sad, because I really liked working with the children and the people.
Which is good. So I am going ahead and becoming a teacher, either for primary school or for highschool as a chemistry/biology/tech teacher. I am leaning towards primary school at the moment. Right now I'm thinking of doing the teacher course and then a masters in teaching afterwards.
It's a huge change in plans but the plans are as solid if not more solid than they used to be.
No, I have 2 years of school before that left. I just love planning things out way, way in advance.
But as long as I get my Ib diploma I have a spot at the university I want barring any unforseen large influx of people wanting to do that course.
I find out my GCSE exam result in 5 days, had to go retake it a good 9 years later and its a requirement for teacher training.
It should be okay, I picked the easiest equivalent exam and breezed through it. Enjoyed it even as it had #todayswritingprompt style questions.
You and a country full of 16 year olds all waiting eagerly.
My teachers have told me that they think me getting a good grade on the exam is very probable so I really try not to worry about it. So even IF there is a large influx I should be fine.
What kind of teaching do you want to do?
That sounds really interesting. I really want to read about it.