That's great to hear, are you starting teacher training this September then? If so, were in the same boat -- though I'm undecided about getting the masters but get 20 credits towards it!
No, I have 2 years of school before that left. I just love planning things out way, way in advance. But as long as I get my Ib diploma I have a spot at the university I want barring any unforseen large influx of people wanting to do that course.
I find out my GCSE exam result in 5 days, had to go retake it a good 9 years later and its a requirement for teacher training. It should be okay, I picked the easiest equivalent exam and breezed through it. Enjoyed it even as it had #todayswritingprompt style questions.
You and a country full of 16 year olds all waiting eagerly. My teachers have told me that they think me getting a good grade on the exam is very probable so I really try not to worry about it. So even IF there is a large influx I should be fine. What kind of teaching do you want to do?
That sounds really interesting. I really want to read about it.