1. Why Ethereum?
2. Have you ever been in a physician fight? Tell us about it.
3. What is your message?
byonic, briandmyersOftenBenmk_refugee_FoveauxpsychoticmilkmanThatFanficGuyelizabethcoffeesp00nsam_Unitioncaelic_hawkthorne thenewgreen BrainBurner nowaypablo, insomniasexx, ecib, nobodycares, psychoticmilkman arguewithatree someguyfromcanada Quatrarius am_Unition War, Meriadoc, elizabeth, briandmyers, mk, forwardslash, insomniasexx, caelum19, lil, _refugee_ galen mk, b_b, rob05c, sounds_sound, rezzeJ, goobster steve kleinbl00 AnSionnachRua StJohn lil,
Thanks, insom. So glad you crashed our Hubski call that one evening long ago.
thenewgreen I bet physician fights are pretty rare.
Given the work I do these days, it's likely an error to be blamed on my subconscious.
Best of luck with the app!
I love your message, because I never actually want to do the hard or scary things it takes to get where I want. Time to yank on life's plums!
That was one of my favorite "What is your message" answers.
This was cool, Hey insomniasexx how come I've not seen you on here for a while? I want to pick your brain over ETH some time over IRC maybe :).
Can you send me the irc info again. I'll get it re-set up on my new computer and leave it on. I'm just crazy busy. My phone dings pings and dongs so much you'd think I had posted my phone number on the reddit front page with my tits or something. 😄
This was excellent. I'm going to try and err slightly less on the side of caution from now on. I didn't know you were working on an Ethereum project! I have been seriously neglecting blockchain technology which really bugs me because it is definitely one of the most exciting things going on right now.