1. What do you enjoy doing the most and why?
2. What does Hubski mean to you?
3. What is your message?
briandmyersOftenBenmk_refugee_FoveauxpsychoticmilkmanThatFanficGuyelizabethcoffeesp00nsam_Unitioncaelic_hawkthorne thenewgreen BrainBurner nowaypablo, insomniasexx, ecib, nobodycares, psychoticmilkman arguewithatree someguyfromcanada Quatrarius am_Unition War, Meriadoc, elizabeth, briandmyers, mk, forwardslash, insomniasexx, caelum19, lil, _refugee_ galen mk, b_b, rob05c, sounds_sound, rezzeJ, goobster steve kleinbl00 AnSionnachRua StJohn
Thanks! I did have a Doctor Who themed podcast a few years ago. It was a huge amount of fun and I'd love to do another one. Trick is getting a good co-host. Otherwise it's just you talking to yourself for half an hour, which can be all right I guess but is still just a little bit masturbatory.
1. Mark
2. My Dad
Great answers StJohn, this was one of my favorites, great to hear your voice and your ukulele! again
As for the questions, yeah... there's a pattern to them intentionally but I'm trying not to repeat the exact same questions, aside from #3. I think you should PM me a list of questions for the next participants. Deal?
Again, that was awesome. So much fun. I plan on being in San Fran a good deal at the end of the year. We will have to grab a drink/dinner and have a meetup. Thanks again for doing this!
EDIT: For those reading this, you should know that the first ever Hubski book club discussed StJohn's book Radium Baby
You can check out the discussion here:
If thenewgreen were a cat, he'd be in trouble by now.
You don't know how right you are. I'm highly allergic to cats so yes, I would be in a lot of trouble.
Well, technically speaking...