1. What have been the most important choices in your life?
2. What attracted you to Hubski and what keeps you coming back?
3. What is your message
Thank you goo!
briandmyersOftenBenmk_refugee_FoveauxpsychoticmilkmanThatFanficGuyelizabethcoffeesp00nsam_Unitioncaelic_hawkthorne thenewgreen BrainBurner nowaypablo, insomniasexx, ecib, nobodycares, psychoticmilkman arguewithatree someguyfromcanada Quatrarius am_Unition War, Meriadoc, elizabeth, briandmyers, mk, forwardslash, insomniasexx, caelum19, lil, _refugee_ galen mk, b_b, rob05c, sounds_sound, rezzeJ, goobster steve kleinbl00 AnSionnachRua
It's great to hear another hubski "voice" coming through and for people to realize the diversity of ages and stages and places that we are. Alberta! I had no idea goo was Canadian. Yay! The Canadian contingent includes more than just someguyfromcanada who is really from the US, me, and our grrl who has a song FOR EVERY OCCASION: coffeesp00ns.... (of course the Michigan contingent and those in Seattle are almost Canadian.)
Old school hubskier shout-out to theadvancedapes and my boy sounds_sound as well as Hubski team member forwardslash. --all canadiens. Okay, sounds_sound was born in MI but I believe he has dual citizenship now.
raisin, Not a dual quite yet tng, but I'm what they call a 'PR' - as in permanent resident. Basically, Canada can never kick me out. Chances of me becoming a citizen next year? 80%. Funny, my cousin was giving me shit for leaving the country, calling me a traitor and what not, but I retorted that the Americans need someone like me embedded in the field, mixing with the foreigners. It's a great way to subvert the population with my wacky american ideas. I'm what you might call a slow leak, going unnoticed for decades. :)
Good luck with that. I am born American but live in Canada and am entitled to but only have citizenship in theory (my Mom was Canuck when I was born in the US) and do not have a passport. I applied and they wrote back saying that they needed my son's birth certificate. After I replied that I was applying for myself and not a son, they said I could not proceed until I got out of prison. Uh, have never even been in the drunk tank for a night guys. So they sent me to see a Citizenship Judge, who was only there because he was a former furniture salesman that ran and lost as a Conservative MP in Bowmanville. He had to leave the office twice to ask others what the rules were. Completely incompetent. His eventual recommendation was that I simply abandon the application and start again. Ugh.
drunkguyfromcanada. :) that's brutal man. it's interesting that everyone has a different experience with this sort of thing. i met an american that's been in canada since the 1960's. he was going to school up here then. on the train ride entering through the border for the first time, a few fellow student asked him about his arrangements with his visa. at that point he realized that he hadn't thought of it at all and as such, had no provisions. he told the border guard that he had no papers and was led to an office where someone immediately registered him as a landed immigrant. no fees, no due dates, no hassle. he never left.
my story is entirely different. i went to grad school up here and have a class 'a' professional title, meaning that they want to keep guys like me up here. i got a work visa after school no problem and a pr with little issue after that (even took that darn english test). compared to your story, it's been breezy.
My brother had a very easy time getting full citizenship. He was down in Cuba playing baseball for Team Canada and a couple of hours before their game against Cuba they approached his coach and said he could not play because he was not a citizen. So they drove him to the Embassy and he was sworn in as a citizen and had a passport to bring with him to the game.