I had a spare hour. I made this. It's ridiculous. Please don't take it seriously, but enjoy it all the same.
Mentions: lil, kleinbl00, ButterflyEffect, ThatFanficGuy, rd95, francopoli, War galen johnnyFive, elizabeth goobster, cgod, steve, mike, flac, bfv, flagamuffin, alpha0, caio, humanodon
If you're interested in hearing a song worth listening to, check out this one that I made with rezzeJ a while back:
Hope you're well Hubski.
This is the one and only thing going on the Hubski #bestof2016 list.
Awesome! Any idea re which you are interested in adding to? Did you ever hear this one?
Holy shit, that is a fucking shoutout and a half. Steve, have you ever heard "Cock Mobster" by MC Paul Barman?
You could never lose your "shizzle" status. You have permashizzle.