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New job is going ok. It's 8 to ten weeks of training. The book work trainers are horrible, they have taught me almost nothing. The practical trainers range from ok to really great. If you told me three years ago I'd be running a dredge and wearing safety orange I wouldn't have believed you.
What a find.
Eat a dick, how's that for discourse?
I'm worried about Trump and his followers biting off more than they can chew. It would be easy to sweep up more people on the front end than they are logistically able to process and care for on the back end. There will be plenty of experts telling them realistic numbers of deportees that can be handled and maybe there will be a gatekeeper who can control the flow. If there isn't we might end up with some grisley high mortality camps. Trump is gonna have a hard time implementing his full policy agenda. Everything is going to take a lot more time than Republicans hope and Democrats fear. I'm still hoping is sunder the union, but I'm an optomist.
Many people I know who have recently purchased a house had to accept that they would need to have a room mate for a while until they could refinance or inflation made their mortgage more affordable.
I've been working an internship at a job I wanted for the last four months. I really busted my ass and did a ton of gladhanding, I felt really good about my prospects. The internship was lot of fun, I really appreciated the culture of the work place. I've spent the last year and half in school trying to get this job, not another job in the industry somewhere else but specifically this job. This might have been a little dumb of me but I set my goal and perused it with determination. I have done really well in school, holding a 4.0 for the first time in my life. I've pounded through school doing no less than 12 credits every semester with my biggest load being 18 credits. It's about as good a job I can hope to get with an associates degree. I interviewed for the position, I felt like it had gone well. They told me that if I was accepted for the position they would call me on XXX date and that I wouldn't be contacted if I didn't get the position. The day came and went and I heard nothing, nor did I hear anything the next day. I didn't have access to the people who I interviewed with for almost a week (I was back in school full time and they weren't around the days I was working. I felt pretty crushed. The next best job in the field was at Intel but they had already soaked up a third of my class. My classmates had done internships there and had filed up most the openings. It was going to be hard to find anything near as good as I what I was going for. Maybe I had been an idiot. People with a decade of experience and a handful of certs hired on to the position I was trying to get, happily starting at the bottom rung because the pay and benefits are so good. Turns out I got the job and they just fucked up and forgot to notify me. It's going to be pretty life changing. We have been drowning in our kids medical bills. We are paying over 10k a year for insurance that doesn't really help us until we've burned about the same for our deductible. Shit is expensive even after the deductible. We were making it work but it was eroding our savings, it wasn't going to be sustainable year after year. My new insurance is going to be significantly better and cost about $50 a month for the whole family. No huge deductible. It's like my wife, who is providing our current insurance, is getting a $500 dollar a month raise right off the bat. The pay is great, my offer was about five dollars more an hour than I thought it was going to be. I'll get a big raise in nine months if I complete probation. I was supposed to start in January but someone pulled some strings and got me a December start date which does a bunch of things to improve my benefits package. I'm going to have a crazy schedule for 2-5 years but I've often worked crazy schedules. I'd be happy enough to bid into a C shift so I can see my family in the evenings, sleep in the day and work overnight. I'll get to work outside a lot, and get to spend a lot of time on my feet (I can not sit at a desk all day). There is a fair amount of problem solving to be done an equal amount of hard labor. That's all stuff I enjoy. I'm getting older and it's not that hard on your body while still being a physical. I'd be super happy if my kid wasn't sick. My wife and I are facing a reality that we might outlive our child. It's not a given or anything but it's something that we have to face, to prepare for. I have to be happy about the job, you have to be happy about the good things, stay grateful, stay positive. I really need to see a therapist. I haven't had the time with work and school. I haven't felt like I could add one more medical bill. There is a reasonable chance it'll all shake out ok. Kid is stable at the moment but things have got scary very fast a few months ago and the overall the year has been frightening. It's easily been the hardest year of my life with work, school and money have nothing to do with my anxiety.
I think two things much worse than the election are about to happen in my personal life. I am filled with dread.
It wouldn't be an ex military guy.
Might be my album of the year.
I think if he tries to steal the election someone, probably from the military will put a bullet in his head. A stolen election or the execution of Trump might sunder the nation.
Great work! Dropping 10 lbs made me feel physically better than stopping smoking. I need to get back on the weight loss but my life has been too hectic lately.
I've fermented my own hot sauces before and it turned out ok. I look forward to hearing how it turns out.
We have a plum tree leaning over our yard with maybe a few hundred pounds of plums, I've never seen this thing so burdened. I made a five gallon batch of plum wine, and damn if it doesn't taste like wine you'd buy at at the store. This reminded me that I don't really care for wine (what did I expect? Boons Farm?). I just distilled a gallon of it and I'm sure I'll like it better than the wine. I don't want to set up a full still cause it's a pain and my still is garbage so I'm using a gallon sized water distiller with an adjustable thermostat. Honestly, for the home distiller, it's almost legal. If someone got drunk on your hooch and ran over a baby it'd be your ass. but if you aren't selling it odds are that no one is going to bother you.
This guy is great. Thanks for posting.
I started a new job in a field I've never worked in before but have been going to school for. It's exhausting to meet so many new people while learning so many new things in a place with many physical hazards. It's also going to be in the high 90's low 100's this week which makes the job a quite a bit harder.
They only way he isn't the Dems candidate is if he dies.
lol, power is a hell of a drug.