Here is where I told them to start:
1. Badges
3. lil
6. #pubski
What should I have mentioned?
I think my #didyouknow posts are a good way to glimpse past hubskiers and past events.
Also, every newby should check out the purpose page.
But where would you direct a new hubskier? Calling out OftenBen, veen, ButterflyEffect, rd95 and others.
Also, welcome the newby... froggyflow. ff will be an awesome edition to Hubski. ff - check out the below video/podcast we made with hubskiers discussing spirituality v religion. -Thought you might dig it based on our short conversation yesterday.
Because this is a small space, people know each other better than on other forums. Because this is a small space, people have more history than on other forums. This may lead to bizarre eruptions of vitriol, or it will more likely lead to chummy in-group in-jokes that you don't get. To get more of the latter than the former, try your hardest to assume that the douchenozzle on the other side of the screen didn't mean to be that offensive and remember that when you stop talking to someone, it makes things awkward for other people. Sincerely, the most awkward-causingest mutherfucker on the site
Nobody really fights around here anymore. One guy sends me emails that I don't agree with, so I don't respond. But I still think about his arguments and viewpoints. He's a pretty cool guy. Speaking of that, there's a fair amount of recent or active PM (personal messages) threads. Most of us guard the reputations associated with our pseudonyms fairly carefully. I've been a bit fast and loose lately, an accurate reflection of my current situation. Just don't mind me when I get too worked up. Although I can come across as pretty crude (I'm a work in progress), if you're on this site, it's a bit of an unspoken rule that we all do our bests to be as decent as possible to one another. If you were introduced to this website in meat-space by an active member, there's a 99.9% chance that you're an incredible human being. Glad to have you, froggyflow, and welcome. I hope you like it here! :)
Thank you for the tips and introduction! I think I'll like it here a lot!
If everything on here was gold, I'd feel apprehensive about commenting/posting, so I appreciate that!
You should've mentioned #goodlongreads! There's weeks of amazing reading in that tag. Maybe even read through the ol' Best Of lists: 2013, 2014, 2015. What they should also know is that there's always room on hubski for questions. If you don't know what to say, ask. Pubski is an open, ongoing diary of the people of hubski. It shows the personal nature of this site, and it's precisely those people (not 'users' or some other dehumanizing word) that make the site what it is.
Ha, I just joined yesterday and have been making myself familiar with the site too! I have started throwing myself into debates. 😳 I was a high contributor on reddit, so will be working on holding back a bit here, hehe.
The downside of being stable and functional is there's less obsession about reporting from the psychological front. I'll have to change that. - OK just kidding.Pubski is an open, ongoing diary of the people of hubski.
I'm so embarrassed about this. At the same time, I miss having an open, ongoing hubski diary.
Great tip (and tag suggestion), thanks! Surely I'll have questions and I appreciate the encouragement to ask away.
Thing number one. I like the name froggyflow, just because I can rhyme it with froggybro, so kudos for that. Thing number two. This place is kind of tight knit. Not tight knit as in cliquish, but tight knit in that you'll see the same names of users and contributors over and over again. It's pretty awesome, because you'll get to know users on a pretty familiar level. There's a ton of benefits behind that, but I think the biggest one is, while a lot of us often disagree with eachother, we're never actual dicks to eachother. I've been internetting for over 20 years now. I can't say that for most places I've been on in the past 10 years. That makes this place pretty special. Thing number three. Bring your interests to the Hubski table. If there's a conversation you want to have and it's not happening, start it. You'll sometimes be amazed at who has something to contribute and what they have to say. Thing number four. It's exciting to have you here. Welcome. :)
Cool! I'm looking forward to joining the community and getting to know people here. Seems like an incredible place with a lot of cool things going on. Thanks for the welcome!
Hello froggyflow! Welcome! Any friend of thenewgreen is a friend of ours. He's got you going on a pretty good list of people and things to follow. Here are some random tags I follow that may be of interest: #sellingwithtng #originalcontent #newtohubski #kleinbl00batshittery #irc #grrlski #film #drawing #architecture Seriously though - welcome. I look forward to getting to know you.
Wrap those tags, son! Turn them in to hyperlinks. froggyflow -steve is the beezkneez! Follow him.
Hi! So great to be here. Thanks for the tag suggestions.. I'll definitely check 'em out this weekend. Looking forward to getting to know you as well!
My name is Matt and I do poor quality but enthusiastic art. Something I like about hubski is that eventually if you pay attention, you'll notice that people use real names sometimes. That's something you hardly ever see on Reddit. I'm friends on Facebook with a lot of people here. I'm a real person to them. Not just an internet person. Another thing about me is that I'm one of the more conservative political people on hubski. It's a harrowing existance but I do what I can. I like gay people and drugs though, so....
Welcome, froggyflow! People have said enough already to kickstart you into being a Hubski citizen. I'll just say this: If you're interested in hearing about Russia's daily life from the inside, feel free to follow #russiabynatives. I used to post there with some frequency, but life's gotten in the way - and, frankly, I can't find a good topic for another post right now. Feel free to ask any questions you might have about the country or suggest post topics: I'd welcome the first and appreciate the latter. Hope your time with Hubski would be good.
They should know that we're all just people. Submit whatever you find interesting, comment on what you find interesting, the usual...sometimes we IRC (it's been a while, we should do that soon). But yeah, the less evident tags are usually the ones worth following.
Thanks! I know we may find different things interesting, but do you have any favorite tags?
It doesn't look like anybody has mentioned #tripreport yet. That and if you're into running for some reason, #running is good to follow. Sometimes wasoxygen pops up and posts some amazing content to that tag.
Thank you! I'm already hooked based on my cursory browse-through. Loved the video/podcast. I could ask how to get to the original post with the video so I can comment, but perhaps I should use that search as a learning tool for the site. Thanks for inviting additional feedback from the group.. the responses make me all the more excited to explore and join in!
Here's the original post if the video podcast: Hope you enjoyed your spaghetti dinner with your Trump supporting pal :-/ See ya soon!
Thanks! I'll eventually comment on it with my many scattered thoughts on the topic. Haha... dinner was nice actually. Plenty to catch up on since it's been nearly a year. No politics discussion this time around. I'm still hoping those are year-old views and she's come around.
There is no obligation to comment, so don't sweat it. Glad you enjoyed the dinner. Hopefully you're right re her change of heart. Though it's been my experience that there isn't much that can get a Trump supporter to to turn against him. Have a good week. See ya soon!
It'll probably be while before I actually do comment, but I really would love to organize my thoughts on the whole spiritual/religious thing and forcing myself to write it out usually helps with that. Dumping my mind onto a giant whiteboard is my favorite way of thinking through something but doesn't often do a ton for my ability to articulate effectively later. My writing muscles have atrophied in the past year. Maybe hubski will help turn that around! Hope your weekend was productive. See ya soon!
Of me hooping or of better hoopers doing cool things? I have a place and (weeks later) finally got internet here! There are a few posts I have tagged in my mind that I want to respond to. One of them was a post about flow.. I don't remember what I was going to say but hooping is my go-to flow activity so I probably will write about it in that reply.
Welcome froggyflow, fellow "f" friend flac here. I make all sorts of shit. My note about Hubski is that it's not at all unusual to leave a comment or start a new conversation on a post that's several weeks/months/years old. There's not that much posted any given day, but that's no reason not to reach back to some older posts and refresh them. Also, thenewgreen, how could you forget #hubskioriginalmusicclub? ;)
Yesss!! #hubskioriginalmusicclub is so cool!! And I dug the tracks thenewgreen played for me! Good to know about commenting on old posts. I anticipate exploring a bunch and might have otherwise hesitated to comment on old posts. Thanks!
Oh, trust me. I played froggyflow some of the tracks :)
You're welcome! Let me know if I can help clarify anything on the site. Cheers!
It's definitely confusing. Devac has you covered.
Reddit's like a city; Hubski's like a small town. You can get to know people better here and they can get to know you. Things move slower. Circles of friends emerge and sometimes it may feel cliquey. But the upside of that is that your interactions here can be more meaningful than in the big anonymous city. You might find yourself thinking a bit harder before you post. (Is that article you agree with actually any good?) Don't aim for popularity, aim to make the conversation better. The site's not set up to be an echo chamber. Muting is available but is really a last resort after actually talking to people. And on Hubski it's kind of normal for people to reveal a bit about themselves. That can feel odd if you're used to sites where people hide in the crowd. The crowd here turns out to be small and relatively friendly. People even meet up, have drinks and post photos of the event. Crazy.
Dig the tune. Had I known of it prior to the podcast, it would have been in there.