1. Who has been the biggest influence in your life and why?
2. If you had to choose somebody from the Hubski community to be the President of the United States, who would it be and why?
3. What is your message
briandmyersoftenbenmk_refugee_foveauxpsychoticmilkmanthatfanficguyelizabethcoffeesp00nsam_unitioncaelic_hawkthorne thenewgreen brainburner nowaypablo, insomniasexx, ecib, nobodycares, psychoticmilkman arguewithatree someguyfromcanada quatrarius am_unition war, meriadoc, elizabeth, briandmyers, mk, forwardslash, insomniasexx, caelum19, lil, _refugee_ galen mk, b_b, rob05c, sounds_sound, rezzej, goobster steve kleinbl00 ansionnachrua
- imagine what 4 years of a lillian presidency would be like
I actually did, and I actually teared up a bit. My mind instantly filled with all thoughts of all of the positive things in the world - all of the negativity and anger just kinda washed away. This was a nice thought for an otherwise dreary morning. Thanks for that Ben.
This post makes me all the more bummed out that we didn't get to chat more at the meetup... next time...
and while I don't drink myself... I have a place with hundreds of whiskeys available for enjoyment and consumption. Perhaps we'll get 8-bitwhatever-his-current-determinedkid-name-is and rob05c to join us.
Or perhaps just a dimly lit booth for two... HEYOOOO!