My fate is largely in my own hands. When I get down, it's usually my own fault. Being active makes me happy, creating art makes me happy, sweating makes me happy. These are the things I've learned about myself. These things are all within my control and largely are very inexpensive if not free. Therefore this year I resolve to:
1. Work harder at my day job, I have specify goals that I'll not bore you with. When I'm successful in this area of my life my family benefits and I'm genuinely more fulfilled
2. Create more art: Podcasts, music, painting and poetry. This year I will create more than I've ever created. I'm currently in the process of moving and my new home has a detached studio that will be all mine. -I'm pretty excited.
3. Be more physically active: This year I will train to run in the Detroit Half Marathon. I have not run in over 4 months. Tomorrow I will go on my first of many runs. When I run, my whole life improves: marital, parental, work etc. Running = happy new green.
4. I'll join a tennis league - a new obsession of mine. Damn it's fun.
5. I'll spend less money and live on a fixed budget in order to save and invest more. I'll not bore you with these numbers.
Those are my five resolutions for the year. How about you?
ACCOUNTABILITY TIME -It's good to look back in order to move forward. Hope you all had a good 2013! A look back: in 2012 these were the resolutions: eb -wanted to quit smoking b_b -To start frequenting the local record and book stores again zindagi -Wanted to find a girlfriend dombofix -To learn piano kleinbl00 - Pregnant (his wife) and finish the novel caio -To finish college lessismore - to buy the minimal amount of material items and spend money instead on experiences. I know that kb accomplished both of his goals though I think the novel took more time than he thought, I could be wrong there though. I'm guessing that caio accomplished his goal as we see less of him these days and this tends to happen post graduation :) -I wish you well if you're reading this old friend. I know that lessismore went on a long trip to China and therefore lived up to his 2012 goal. In 2013 these were some of the resolutions kurmit -to be less judgmental and more confident kleinbl00 -sell the novel rorifer -To change jobs kitinnitik -To be more confident, more productive, learn a new sport, get better grades and say yes more. hiss -To write and shoot a film of their own speeding_snail -Finish bachelors, 5 pull-ups and chin-ups, start doing parkour, read a book a month, 2 hours of internet a day max. littlebirdie -write a poem a day, be outdoors an hour a day, finish three nearly completed novels. Thunderclaww -Learn Python "the hard way" illasinsick -create something worth consuming. briandmyers 1366 x 768 -smartass :) i_am_minthe eat healthier and branch out socially ike -only A's, learn to ski, play more piano and become more outgoing syncretic -quit drinking pop Astral -less stress, work on website possibly write a book... possibly. thefoundation -Better grades and exercise, exercise exercise leer10 -Get QSO Saydrah -Continue using "Doing the Right Thing" the default even when it's the more difficult choice caio - more creative writing and less "academic" writing Rotten194 -Do 1 game a month Owl -Learn attic greek in 6 months, Learn to play this on piano, 100 push-ups in a row, woman of his dreams.... rozap -finish the website OmnomoBoreos -do a push-up a day AnSionnachRua -Run more, be more productive, quit porn and masturbation, save money, walk barefoot, Cold showers, Learn french bintshaqra -Take care of self physically, mentally and emotionally princecold start working out, live healthier and no cola. BLOB_CASTLE -Be like the man who quit money ME -To quit eating junk food, lose 15 pounds through proper diet and exercise. - To run my first full marathon -Be a more attentive husband and father Don't feel bad if you didn't accomplish all you wanted, today is a new day I didn't lose 15 pounds, I lost 5 and I still sometimes eat junk food though I have reduced that drastically. I have not run a full marathon and don't intend to any time soon. I'd rather play tennis, which at the time of writing my 2013 goals I didn't even know I'd ever enjoy. I have been a very attentive father, though I could be a better husband. I'll work on this.
Overall the year's resolutions didn't go too well, but I did have some successes. 1. Running more: This actually went pretty well, up until I started doing a TEFL course. I finished C25K (again), but when I started the course I was super busy and couldn't make time for running, so it went on the backburner. I do hope to start running again soon. 2. Be more productive: Yeah... no. I'm still just as much of a timewaster as I used to be. 3. Quit porn: This went fantastically after I started going out with my current girlfriend, for fairly obvious reasons. It started to creep back in lately (we've been living on opposite ends of the country, and for a while were in her parent's house, where we weren't even allowed to sleep in the same room). This is something I hope to continue to work on. 4. Save money: I don't even know. I didn't really watch what I was spending, so I guess I failed this one. 5. Walk barefoot: A resounding success! I walked barefoot almost constantly from March to October (only wearing shoes when I was told to in pubs or shops), stopping only because I started the aforementioned TEFL course and couldn't show up barefoot. I've been wearing shoes since I started it; it's time to take them off again. 6. Cold showers: This went really well up until about May. Then I started showering with my girlfriend. She likes really hot showers. I can no longer take cold showers like I used to. 7. Learn French: Never even started. 8. Learn 52 tunes for mandolin. Well, this went perfect for the first four months - I learned 16 tunes. Then I discovered that my picking is bad, and I need to learn alternate picking, which means I have to re-learn everything. I was so dissuaded by this that I haven't really touched my mandolin since May.
Get the mint app. It's amazing at keeping track of you automatically.4. Save money: I don't even know. I didn't really watch what I was spending, so I guess I failed this one.
What made you choose TEFL over CELTA? I was under the impression that CELTA was more common in your neck of the woods. I have a TEFL myself, and I haven't had any real trouble, but I understand that it's easier to get accepted to DELTA programs and work for various employers like the British Council and to become an IELTS examiner, for example. thenewgreen, TEFL is Teaching English as a Foreign Language certification.
Actually, I did a CELT, rather than TEFL; I just chose to use TEFL because I thought more people would know it. I'm under the impression that CELT is supposed to be the Irish equivalent of the CELTA, although I know someone who did a CELTA in Galway here in Ireland, so I'm not so sure.
It looks like the CELT is accredited by the Irish Department of Education, while CELTA is accredited by University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations. TEFL is not necessarily accredited, but may be by a company such as Accet. This is one reason why TEFL certification is generally seen as being of lower or dubious quality, so for me it was important to list my certification as "+150 hour, Accet accredited" for certain employers. I don't know how you plan to use yours, but I'd recommend getting a YL (young learner's) extension. Most newly minted teachers get gigs teaching kids because employers tend to see teaching kids as "easier" (it's not, if you're doing it right). Anyway, right off the bat, you'll be getting a higher salary (if the employer is worth their salt, which honestly, a lot of them are not). Anyway, with that credential it's easier to get a good paying job in a decent location.
Thanks for the tip! That might be a very good idea - I've already heard that new teachers are usually assigned young learners.
I stopped running for a while and just ran a couple of miles yesterday for the first time. My calves are killing me today. I'll go again tomorrow. I'm looking forward to the point when it feels good to run. I think on the whole you did pretty damned good with your resolutions. Nice work. You mentioned in another comment to me that you are trying to get to Dublin to be closer to your GF. Good luck with that! Glad to see you here.Running more: This actually went pretty well, up until I started doing a TEFL course. I finished C25K (again), but when I started the course I was super busy and couldn't make time for running, so it went on the backburner. I do hope to start running again soon.
-What is TEFL? I'm sure I should know, but I don't.Quit porn
-Girlfriends help :) Good luck with that.5. Walk barefoot: A resounding success!
-Awesome! How do you think this has impacted you?7. Learn French: Never even started.
-Vous ĂȘtes un fainĂ©ant8. Learn 52 tunes for mandolin. Well, this went perfect for the first four months - I learned 16 tunes. Then I discovered that my picking is bad, and I need to learn alternate picking, which means I have to re-learn everything. I was so dissuaded by this that I haven't really touched my mandolin since May.
-You ever just put on music and play along for fun? Just sort of "jam." Mandolin is a fun instrument to noodle around on to tunes.
Y'know, I don't think running itself ever felt good for me - always the time immediately after. As you've said before, running sucks. Barefooting is fantastic! My feet got tougher, and I think I stopped caring about what strangers think about me. It was kind of annoying, though, getting asked to leave certain places or to put shoes on. And the questions - oh the questions - that you keep on getting again and again. "Are you not wearing any shoes?!" The problem with my mandolin playing is that I don't actually know any chords... I've always just learned individual tunes. Chords are something I need to learn (not that learning a few chords is very difficult).
2012 goal: accomplished.
NICE! Congratulations caio. Have you been able to parlay that degree in to a career? You were studying linguistics, correct? Are you working in your chosen field?
Overall, I've reached one goal. I've finished my bachelors degree. The 28th of august to be precise. Glad I did and the master is next :) The 5 chin-ups/pull ups did not make it. Too busy during the summer finishing my bachelor... I did get back into lifting in november/december and I intend to continue the habit. Parkour. Tried it, wimped out when I realized I would have to teach myself without guidance and got into judo instead. The fifth lesson or so resulted in a shoulder injury which kept me from participating the rest of the year. I start again next week. A book a month. Nope, did not make it. I did start reading more though. 2 hour max internet time. I did cut back on my internet time (as you might have noticed here as I visit less often). Not to 2 hour max, but I did cut back. This year I will start a blog :P EDIT: Spelling...
This year I will start a blog :P
-That's exciting s_s, what will the topic/theme/concept be? Any ideas?
I'm thinking about engineering as that is something I know quite a bit about. However, it might also be about free software (hobby) or politics (as I am also planning on at least orienting on the political parties here and maybe joining one as there is a need for more technical people in politics. Way to make a difference). All in all, I'm not sure yet. Suggestions?
Take your time, homelessness isn't going anywhere. How are your travels going?
What was your favorite place you visited while there? How did the filming go?
San Lucas Toliman hands down. It was the smallest town we were in (about 30,000 people). This was the view from our hotel:
On that mountain in the mornings, you could hear the birds passing a message along from one end to the other.
At night we'd go to the roof and drink beers. Every night we'd see shooting stars. The minimun was 5 a night, 15 was the max.
Also on that roof, I smoked a joint a bought for 5 Quetzal (64 cents).
We spent most of our time here filming at a reforestation center and the interviews with the organizer were to inspiring. When people ask me how the trip went, I normally respond "indescribable."
That's great B_C, I'm glad you were able to experience this. The photo is beautiful and the idea of laying down on a roof, counting shooting stars and smoking a joint that cost less than a dollar is pretty romantic.
It very much was an experience I'll cherish forever.
I have a resolution for Hubski as well in response to this list of the Hubski pages with the highest views in 2013. 50% made the list specifically because of reddit. I would like to see Hubski step out of reddit's shadow and become a site that is not so....connected to reddit. I would like to see Hubski grow with more users without losing the quality of the community. I would like to meet, converse, and make internet-friends with people currently on Hubski and people who have yet to join the community.
1. I quit smoking in February of last year but occasionally get a pack when I'm drunk or stressed. This year I'm aiming to quit buying packs completely. I'm still allowing myself to drunk bum a single at a bar. 2. Learn new things - javascript, jquery, php and ajax are at the top of my list. 3. Be more positive, even when I feel like bitching. 4. Focusing on the task at hand and try to do it in the best way I can manage, rather than multitasking on 19 different things or people at the same time. I've cut out the checking my phone while having "conversations" with boring people but that could still use some work. 5. Get a new job. 6. Listen to people and ask them about themselves more, even if they are boring. :P 7. Cut down on the amount of f-bombs I drop in a typical day. Hopefully the being more positive will help this. 8. Get back to working out consistently. 9. Read one real paper book once per month. Graphic novels do not count.
Have you read this? I think it applies to all addictions, not just alcohol. As long as you're not smoking often, I'm pretty sure the damage to your health is minimal.1. I quit smoking in February of last year but occasionally get a pack when I'm drunk or stressed. This year I'm aiming to quit buying packs completely. I'm still allowing myself to drunk bum a single at a bar.
Yes. I am happy with the amount I smoke / don't smoke. But I also like the feeling of trying not to do something and then being successful at it. Kicking ass. Willpower. Etc.
A formidable list but I know you can do it. My advice for anyone that wants to "be more positive" is to surround yourself with positive people. Same advice applies for any such goal. Wanna be healthier? Surround your self with healthy people etc.
This year's resolution: keep a bullet journal. And actually do all of the stuff I said I'd do last year. And quit smoking. (8 days down!)
I found that in the past when I made really specific resolutions for myself they would always somehow manage to not turn out like I wanted, leaving me feeling defeated. So I came up with a big one that I think encompasses everything I want for the new year. Be happy. That's not to say that unhappy things might come along this year, but I want to do everything I can to sustain genuine happiness. I want to be in control of my own happiness, and to do that I have to figure out exactly what makes me happy. So far I've decided on: being around the people I love, playing my sport and my instrument, and working hard (in school that is) so I'm not as stressed out. We'll see how things go but I think I'm looking forward to this year.
I am planning on sticking to a schedule M-F. This schedule includes: 1. Working out M-Th every morning: 15 mins. cardio minimum 2. Fr. getting 8 hours of sleep- being creative with business 3. Reading Napoleon Hill- Law of Success notes every morning on commute to work. 4. 1 drink max on any weeknight. 5. Compiling a list of all of my closest friends birthdays, putting them into a calendar, and calling each one on their birthday. 6. Weekly family call time schedule o ya.. 7. Get some more funding for my bnasss
Every past year I always do crazy resolutions I know I'll never reasonably accomplish (with one serious resolution), and try to accomplish them (The idea is to just do things I wouldn't normally do otherwise, even if it amounts to nothing). This year shall be no different. THIS YEAR, THE GREAT OWL WILL TAKE ON THE FOLLOWING CHALLENGES: Challenge the First: I shall learn how to compose music and write a symphony. Last year I tried to learn how to play the piano and failed (Somewhat). Was my problem in going too far? Nah, more like I'm not going going far enough. I'm going to be a composer! Step aside, Karl Maria von Weber, 'cuz It's Owl's time to rise 'n shine! Challenge the second: I shall write a novel, publish it on Amazon, and rake in the $$$ I actually do write from time to time, but I keep it to myself because I know I'm terrible at writing. This year I'm going to write a novel that will sell HUNDREDS... Hopefully. Better watch your back, Dan Brown! Challenge the last: I'm going to become an artist. I'm gonna learn the rudiments of proper drawing/painting techniques and make some art that'll dazzle and razzle you. DaVinci's gonna have nothing on me, baby! Actual Resolution: Write some Poetry every few days/weeks/whenever I have a small library of poetry, and the more I read from it the more I fall in love with poetry and want to write some of my own. So this year I'm going to try to write some poetry. I've already gotten started writing some poems inspired by various events and stuff, and I hope to write some more.
I as well, except for me it's more about setting extreme goals in order to challenge myself. I set goals I know I might not reach, but I know that if I even do half of the work they require, I'll have made progress towards important goals. So for instance, I might make a goal of "exercise every day" knowing that I won't exercise every day but in trying to exercise every day I will exercise significantly more than I would if, say, I vowed to exercise every other day. I think it is good to set the bar high. I also think that, although time is an arbitrary thing and the start of the new year really means nothing except what we've made it mean, which is nothing but a marker for passing the time, a marker made up of imaginary pieces at that, the New Year's is a great opportunity to assess where you are, where you've been, and set goals for the next year. Of course, I also set goals year-round. But how better to see if you are on track in your life than to see if you met your goals of last year? And how better to try and reach your goals if you set challenges on a yearly basis? Moreover, it is very interesting to see what people value each year and how that changes. Typically I set 12 New Year's resolutions. I try to divide them into different areas of interest, passion and health, although they often fall into that pattern naturally. It tells me what is important to me. I try to make them "month-sized" resolutions i.e., I could take on a new one each month and incorporate it into my life if I need. Last year some of my resolutions were: 1) Read all of the poetry books I have bought but not read (and don't buy more til I have read them!) - status: Read about 80% of the poetry books I had bought but not read, definitely bought new poetry books though. 2) Submit at least 10 times - blew this out of the water 3) go to at least 10 concerns - blew this out of the water 4) listen to radio more - blew this out of the water but have drawn away from it again these past few months 5) save a set amount per paycheck - with automatic transfers, easily done. did i manage to retain all of what i put aside? no but it went towards unexpected/emergency expenses so i suppose this is a mostly-accomplished 6) pay off credit card debt - yeah i did not achieve this 7) no soda - HAHAHAHAHAHA I figure the ones that are most important to me I end up doing de facto but having a minimum number that's reachable over the year helps me do more than I would otherwise. This year I have fewer resolutions but they are bigger and less defined. 1) Finally achieve the body I have always wanted - I started working on this about two weeks ago, actually, I am so determined on this goal I didn't want to not start til New Year's. This involves trying to exercise almost every day - cardio 3x, weights 3x, day off - but really "exercise" means anything today for instance I threw around a football and a frisbee for an hour. And cutting out some snacks and drinking. 2) Be better with my money 3) Poetry* 4) Get a promotion - I think this will be very achievable. 5) Be more sober more of the time (I'm not an alcoholic, but one could almost always drink less, no? saves money besides) thenewgreen shout out because the first half of my post responds to owl but the rest is really responding to your question; they combined *A goal every year, every month, every week, every day. Blog more. Write more. Submit more. Read more. All, more.Every past year I always do crazy resolutions I know I'll never reasonably accomplish (with one serious resolution), and try to accomplish them (The idea is to just do things I wouldn't normally do otherwise, even if it amounts to nothing).
You set the bar high my friend, no doubt about it. If you feel up to it, you ought to share some of that poetry here. I'd love to read it. Happy New Year Owl and thanks for introducing me to so much great music this year.
Sure thing. Here's something I just made up. Nothing ventured, nothing gained: And so in celebration, I'll raise a glass; A toast for those who have upped and gone, And to those who will see their first dawn. May your new year be filled with joy in mass, And with enough luck to see another year pass. Have a happy new year, all.And so another year shall pass,
Nicely done and cheers to that! You work quickly :)
Hmmm... if it's on the 19th and it's a Sunday I suppose the meet up could be Friday the 17th and I'll just take it relatively easy. But we have time to plan. See you then!
This year's resolutions are: To get back into lifting and maybe give yoga a shot, though I don't know how well the two integrate Kick the shit out of the GRE Get my dog to get over his anxiety problems All of these are parts of other long-term goals I've set for myself, so I'm pretty confident that I'll get them done. Well, kind of iffy on the dog one . . .
If it's one or the other, my advice is to go the yoga route. It's awesome, I should really get back in to it. Good luck with the dog, did anything in particular cause the anxiety?
Yeah, a last minute change in our flight from Vietnam resulted in him getting stuck in a Saigon kennel for almost 3 months. Now he's really jumpy and nervous, especially around white people. Unfortunately I have no way of knowing exactly what happened, but hopefully he'll someday be as chill as he used to be.
That's sad man, I'm sorry to hear that. I think you may have mentioned this in one of our first pen-pal letters. If so, I apologize for not immediately recalling it. Dogs are such wonderful companions and they can be really fragile psychologically just like we can. He may not ever be like he once was but with some affection and a positive routine he may just get close. When our dog Hemingway was a puppy he ran off and went missing in the middle of a Michigan winter. We found him four nights later, miles from where he ran off and with a hind leg that was broken in three places. It definitely messed with him psychologically. He is VERY clingy now and emotionally needy. It's amazing you were able to get him back. Good luck with him, he's lucky to have you.
I immediately love your dog so much more. My childhood dog Luke was my old wingman. He was the shit. I'll not link to the story of me euthanizing him again, but yeah... having a dog for a wingman rules.
Good luck with the running. 7 days a week is a big commitment. Happy New Year iamducky! Good luck with everything!4. Stop procrastinating. Do things when I get them, not at the last possible second.
-I struggle with this as well. I will put things off for as long as I can sometimes, I always have. Still, they get done but I'd probably be better of psychologically if I did them straight away.1. Get off the internet. Yeah, I'm serious. I haven't blocked hubski yet because it doesn't have that same feeling of instant gratification that other sites do, but I just blocked reddit, youtube, and tumblr finally.
-My hats off to you. I waste way too much time online. I agree (obviously) that my time isn't wasted on Hubski. I genuinely feel like I'm either reading something worthwhile or having meaningful interactions for the vast majority of time. That said, I'll go to FB or end up reading some garbage on Yahoo News or some such stuff. Or, I'll end up watching an hours worth of old concert footage on youtube etc. -It's way too easy to waste time online. Things are too accessible.2. Invite friends places! Stop thinking that if you sit around on youtube at home someone'll text asking to go out.
-This is only somewhat relevant, but it came to mind; in our podcast on fun sounds_sound mentions that he has a rule that he says "yes" to everything someone invites him to. It sounds crazy but knowing him it makes total sense. In this way he experiences many things he otherwise wouldn't. As you await those "texts" be sure to say "yes" even when you don't feel like doing anything.3. Read at least 4 books a week. I used to be a major reader but I always just sit around on the internet now.
-Again, a very lofty goal. Good luck with it. I would be glad to finish 1 book a week. Time is of the essence.
I have a variation on this rule! I always say yes to theoretical plans. I also have a tendency to say yes to actual plans and go and do things, but the theoretical-plans one is a held-by rule.sounds_sound mentions that he has a rule that he says "yes" to everything someone invites him to
Shoot a short film I'm actually proud of. Begin listening to music again.
That suggests that you have shot short films that you are not proud of. If that is the case, were you not proud of them from the outset or did you like them at first but eventually come to not like them? I make write songs that I'll enjoy for an hour and then end up hating but will also write some (less frequently) that I will always love. Is it like that?
I don't usually make resolutions unless there is something pressing, and if there is something pressing, I don't wait for the new year to make a resolution. That being said, I do have a fairly mundane one this year. I just got married, so my resolution is to sit down with a financial planner to sketch out a retirement path for my wife and I, along with a workable budget. The second is to start writing actual songs and recording them.
Those are both worthwhile goals. However, the second one is vastly more important.
While I have no resolutions that start with the new year, I do have goals that I want to do this year in particular. 1. Website: The easy resolution is to write more blogs. That, I will definitely do. The hard part is using the site to get the best out of myself. I want to use it as a platform for me to learn new things and skills. I want to make it good enough that I can show it to people beyond the internet. I want to grow my capabilities and I want the site to grow into something, whatever that something may be. 2. Study Abroad: I'm planning to go to Canada for a full semester next fall. Really exciting to study abroad, but I need to go through a selection procedure to be able to go there. Shouldn't be too difficult but you never know what can go wrong. Financially it's going to be a bit more of a hassle. Then there are the less serious things that I'd like to do: 3. Go to a really cool themepark in Germany. Ride everything twenty times. 4. Start drumming again (maybe in Canada, that would be a cool way to meet people) 5. Keep on hubskieing, to improve my English even more. 6. Exercise more... i think i'm already tired
Habit Fixing: 1. Cut down on the soda. I already did this to an extent, but I'd like to completely rid myself of it. 2. Stick to a schedule. This is has been bothering me for a long time now. I'd like to sketch out a schedule, include things that I need to do, set aside time for fun, etc. Right now I just kind of wing things and I end up spending too much time on one thing or another. And I never get around to gaming as it feels unproductive and if I do I end up burning a whole day on it. No more. 3. Following 2, fix my sleeping. Go to bed at a reasonable hour, wake up early. Simple really. Sticking to it is the problem. Activities: 1. Study Japanese. I've been off and on with the language, and even took a class once. I just never really followed up. I have a bunch of resources lying around that I never get to. I'd like to stick to it this time. So I guess this is part of habit #2. 2. Develop several games. I only have one shipped title under my belt. I'd like to increase that number. My other projects are just sitting in a folder somewhere and were canceled due to various reasons. I'd like to get more titles shipped. 3. Beat some games I've been meaning to play. Fire Emblem Awakening, Kingdom Hearts DDD, Luigi's Mansion, Rune Factory 4, Pokemon, Recettear, etc. I've been so behind since I just drop them half way and then never return. Habit #2 should help with this. Major Goals: 1. Graduate from my Uni. That's in line for this year (March-ish). So hopefully all goes well. I see no problems so far. All fun/easy classes left. 2. Get a job. Following #1, I need to get some work and earn some $. 3. I suppose learning how to drive would be here. I've already been practicing a bit, but haven't gotten a license yet.
I am going to try this. I am terribly addicted to soda. I do not like coffee however. I could try tea but I'm not fond of it either. This sounds like I should just cut out my caffeine habit. Ugh. I am unwilling. But I'm going to try that ice water thing anyway. I do love ice water.
There's a tea place near my house that specializes in only imported Chinese teas. It was opened by a former auto exec that fell in love with Chinese tea cultural during his work stints overseas. There are no artificial weird flavor combinations like raspberry-chamomile, or black-peach. Just a ton of natural loose leaf tea. I just had a Pu-erh tea this evening that was absolutely amazing. It's a type of aged and fermented black tea that has a crazy taste. Kind of earthy and funky in a good way. The one I had tonight was from 2003 I think. I wasn't a huge tea fan before I found this place, but I've since had some damn good White, Black, Oolong, and Pu-erh teas that blow away anything I've ever had before. The guy is older and has no idea he has opened the first hipster third wave tea shop...ahead of his time...
Drink more water. Thats my one and only. TNG, I can't wait to kill you at tennis one day :)
Let's resolve to play before 2015.TNG, I can't wait to kill you at tennis one day :)
Challenge accepted. I plan on playing a crap-ton of tennis this year. Lessons, the whole bit: All with one end in mind, "to kick sounds_sound's ass in tennis.
I am not racist but ... I am going to add the phrase "I am not racist but" to every post, tweet etc no matter what it is about. also comic a day and finish the book.
My brother has picked a different ethnicity every year to end many sentences with "I blame the _____". It started with Asians, then Jews, then "the blacks" and somewhere in there was "Muslims" and "Catholics". I'm not sure who his current target is.
I am not Racist but... did he do this as a joke for was he trying out new conspiracy theories?
Just a joke, much like lil's friend and the Amish. But the amish are a good people and excellent bowlers
I have life resolutions the ongoing completion of which has little to do with a physical calendar! These are, off the top of my head: don't waste time; learn through reading or doing when otherwise idle; remain active and fit; pay attention to the world; listen to as much music as possible; write; go new places.
1. Get healthy so I can start running again. Part 2 of this is to run a half marathon, so I'm with you newgreen!
2. Find a romantic partner?
3. Get into grad school.
4. Learn rudimentary guitar/musical skills.
5. Work on my anxiety/overthinking problems. These aren't really new years resolutions, there just general life goals I already have. But I do think it's good to remind yourself of what you're working towards.
My resolutions in no particular order: 1. Learn a programming language and create something beautiful with it 2. Maintain above a 3.8 GPA in school 3. Create new friendly relationships 4. Make the correct decisions in my current romantic relationship
I see no point in setting resolutions just because the YYYY counter rolled over.
-I don't disagree, I set goals the whole year long, but it's a nice time to stop and take stock of where you are, sort of the way flagamuffin did here as well as BrainBurner. But most people that are not normally goal oriented and use 12-31-__ as a way to "set a goal" will fail. Good luck with your efforts dead5, I mean... ando.