My fate is largely in my own hands. When I get down, it's usually my own fault. Being active makes me happy, creating art makes me happy, sweating makes me happy. These are the things I've learned about myself. These things are all within my control and largely are very inexpensive if not free. Therefore this year I resolve to:
1. Work harder at my day job, I have specify goals that I'll not bore you with. When I'm successful in this area of my life my family benefits and I'm genuinely more fulfilled
2. Create more art: Podcasts, music, painting and poetry. This year I will create more than I've ever created. I'm currently in the process of moving and my new home has a detached studio that will be all mine. -I'm pretty excited.
3. Be more physically active: This year I will train to run in the Detroit Half Marathon. I have not run in over 4 months. Tomorrow I will go on my first of many runs. When I run, my whole life improves: marital, parental, work etc. Running = happy new green.
4. I'll join a tennis league - a new obsession of mine. Damn it's fun.
5. I'll spend less money and live on a fixed budget in order to save and invest more. I'll not bore you with these numbers.
Those are my five resolutions for the year. How about you?