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bonjourdemain · 4013 days ago · link · · parent · post: Do you make resolutions? If so, what are yours for 2014?
I found that in the past when I made really specific resolutions for myself they would always somehow manage to not turn out like I wanted, leaving me feeling defeated. So I came up with a big one that I think encompasses everything I want for the new year. Be happy. That's not to say that unhappy things might come along this year, but I want to do everything I can to sustain genuine happiness. I want to be in control of my own happiness, and to do that I have to figure out exactly what makes me happy. So far I've decided on: being around the people I love, playing my sport and my instrument, and working hard (in school that is) so I'm not as stressed out. We'll see how things go but I think I'm looking forward to this year.