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insomniasexx  ·  4019 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Do you make resolutions? If so, what are yours for 2014?

1. I quit smoking in February of last year but occasionally get a pack when I'm drunk or stressed. This year I'm aiming to quit buying packs completely. I'm still allowing myself to drunk bum a single at a bar.

2. Learn new things - javascript, jquery, php and ajax are at the top of my list.

3. Be more positive, even when I feel like bitching.

4. Focusing on the task at hand and try to do it in the best way I can manage, rather than multitasking on 19 different things or people at the same time. I've cut out the checking my phone while having "conversations" with boring people but that could still use some work.

5. Get a new job.

6. Listen to people and ask them about themselves more, even if they are boring. :P

7. Cut down on the amount of f-bombs I drop in a typical day. Hopefully the being more positive will help this.

8. Get back to working out consistently.

9. Read one real paper book once per month. Graphic novels do not count.