While I have no resolutions that start with the new year, I do have goals that I want to do this year in particular.
1. Website: The easy resolution is to write more blogs. That, I will definitely do. The hard part is using the site to get the best out of myself. I want to use it as a platform for me to learn new things and skills. I want to make it good enough that I can show it to people beyond the internet. I want to grow my capabilities and I want the site to grow into something, whatever that something may be.
2. Study Abroad: I'm planning to go to Canada for a full semester next fall. Really exciting to study abroad, but I need to go through a selection procedure to be able to go there. Shouldn't be too difficult but you never know what can go wrong. Financially it's going to be a bit more of a hassle.
Then there are the less serious things that I'd like to do:
3. Go to a really cool themepark in Germany. Ride everything twenty times.
4. Start drumming again (maybe in Canada, that would be a cool way to meet people)
5. Keep on hubskieing, to improve my English even more.
6. Exercise more... i think i'm already tired