Hi everybody! I'm galen, like the Greek physician, although that's not exactly who I'm named for. I'm 16 and a recent graduate of a small private school in the US, looking forward to matriculating at Colgate University in two months! I'm looking at studying political science, physics, philosophy, or maybe some other subject starting with a p.
In my spare time, I play drums, produce music, participate in Theatre, read voraciously, and play CS:GO, often with Quatrarius.
So who are you?
E: RIP my inbox
From the first impression of Hubski that I have, I feel like the trolls won't be comfortable in this environment. To me it feels like a more personal and "slower" (let me explain!) community. They will probably flock to voat which is already a pretty close clone of reddit (look at all the subvoats, the Top20 match reddits).
By slower I mean it's more personal and the contents of posts(?) is longer and more thought out. Most of the time even more personal. I have never read "I always like your posts xxx" or "good to see you here xxx" on reddit, except in the really small communities. Hubski might just be the aggregator that I was missing in the last years, when reddit's r/all was going downhill. I'll still have my small communities, but that's more like a forum/mailing-list than to find new interests.
Also, this September might not last that long ;)
The best part is even if they did come they could be pretty quickly filtered out by everyone.
I don't think trolls will come here, at least from reddit. They won this last bout, getting written up in several news sites and being allowed to spill out of their little hole. Additionally the lack of fake Internet points and the ability for users to self moderate makes hubski a less appealing place for your average troll.
Hi! I'm a (rising) 2nd year medical student living in Texas. I just found this place, but I've been looking for a less toxic Reddit alternative for a while.
I studied Philosophy at my undergrad institution also, and found that it complemented my science courses surprisingly well. I recommend it.
I have loads of free time on my hands now that Summer started. I play mostly single player PC games like Civilization III, and Total War: Shogun II.
I tend to binge when it comes to gaming. I'll spend 48 hours on a game of Civ or something and then I don't touch it for another 6 months. I think that keeps old games from feeling stale.
I tried Civ V when it first came out but didn't like it, I heard that it got a lot better after the expansions and updates, but I don't feel like investing more money into something that I already found disappointing (Same exact story for Total War: Rome II). I've never tried Europa Universalis, but hear good things about it.
Dude, totally the same story with me. I love Civ 5, but I was really disappointed with TW:R2. Apparently the shogun total war is way better but I've honestly don't think I like the mechanics of the game. I'm really interested in EU and other Paradox games, but Civ 5 still has my attention at the moment.
I'm a first semester medical student! Wanna switch places? We're in our second anatomy block right now covering upper and lower limbs, I am NOT a happy lady.
Enjoy this summer off before 3rd year starts...as it will most likely be your last summer off ever unfortunately. I'm a fourth year pathology resident. If you have any interest in or questions about pathology, feel free to give me a shout. (just realized you said rising 2nd year...you might have one more summer off in that case. oops)
Welcome Maldor! My wife is in her second year of Derm residency at Duke. I'm well aware of the journey ahead of you, and the hard work in your wake. Congratulations on your achievements thus far. Welcome to Hubski, I think you'll like it here. If you have any questions about the site etc, feel free to PM me. Glad you found us, the combination philosopher/physician is awesome. It should be more common imo.
Thanks for the welcome! Speaking of the physician/philosopher combo I can't help remembering this old ~2 page paper written by the original Galen: THE BEST PHYSICIAN IS ALSO A PHILOSOPHER. I find that it's still relevant 2000 years later. Do you think there's a tag worth posting this under? I'm looking forward to contributing to this site.
hmmm... maybe #medicine and #philosophy? There is no wrong answer though.
Hiya! I'm probably the youngest one here at 14. I'm in the US, I like writing, bass guitar, playing games (all badly). I'm not really sure what I want to do, but hopefully I'll figure that out in enough time. :)
I'm also a student, I'm studying Film and Media Arts. I'd like to work on animated films someday. I play some video games, usually racing games like Grid 2 or Mario Kart, also Minecraft. I'm mostly into music and down for any kind of interesting discussion, really.
3D is where I'm heading. I might end up going into video games though I'd prefer movies. Still love me some Miyazaki, though. :)
Hey Hubski-ers (Hubskis... Hubskinis...)!
I'm a 19 year old guy in Ireland and currently a 3rd year Mechanical Engineering major! I love music, math, books, physics, and writing!
I saw this site referenced a few times on Reddit and decided to check it out. So far there's a lot to like about this site! The people here seem relatively calm, and it seems like you guys put a lot of thought into your content.
If you guys have anything you want to ask me, just go ahead!
You're 19 and a third year ME student? How does college work in Ireland? Here in the USA you don't start college until you're 18 since you'll be in high school up until then. It seems weird to me that you could be learning the same stuff at 16 that some of us here aren't getting into until 18 or 19.
I'm actually young for third year here as well!
So I went to an American school abroad until 9th grade, then I moved to Ireland. In Ireland there are 6 years of secondary school, and based on my age, I should have gone in to 3rd year. However, I had already covered most of that content abroad, and in Ireland 4th year is optional. In the Irish system, only the last 2 years covers content you need for the final exam which will ultimately get you into college, so I decided to just go up into 5th year.
It worked out well for me anyway. I graduated early and I managed to score fairly highly in that final exam!
Hey Hubski!
I'm 24 and coming from a small country of Croatia, located in the south of Europe. Currently writing my master's thesis in marketing and market research. Not much of a gaming fan though, although I can lose hours in Civ V.
I really like music and design, even though I hate calling myself creative. I especially love typography, and I play bass and a bit of drums with my friends in a rusty old underground garage. Also, I'm a part time employee in a national telecom provider. If I forgot something else, just tell me.
Hello! I am an English language teacher in South Korea. I spend my time teaching and learning languages - mainly studying Korean these days (안녕하세요?), but I've dabbled in many languages over the years. Recently I've been considering moving to China next year to study Mandarin. I've also been getting into programming lately, though only doing really basic stuff with Python so far.
I like this guy! It's a nice crash course on linguistics and he also has some other cool stuff ranging from fun facts to random how-to videos. Plus he has that British accent so you know you can trust him ;)
Korean is such an interesting language... My limited exposure impresses me enough to claim it the greatest, smartest spoken language yet made.
How do you figure it is the "greatest" or "smartest"? The writing system is probably the most logical and phonetically accurate in the world if that's what you mean, as far as the language itself goes it can be terribly vague and confusing at times and bogged down with hierarchical honorifics.
For example: The subject is usually dropped form the sentence, so "가요" ("Ga-yo" meaning "go") could be interpreted as "I go," "You go," "He goes," etc. depending on the context, and "가다" (Ga-da) "가" (Ga), "가요" (Ga-yo), "갑니다" (Gam-ni-da) all have equivalent meanings ("Go") but conjugated according to social hierarchy and context (ie. if the listener older, younger, your boss, your employee, etc.)
It's definitely a very different language than English and it's challenging to learn, and it starts making sense once you've studied enough, but I would hesitate to claim any language is "better" or "smarter" than any others.
Perhaps I was too impassioned in my argument. It is indeed the logical/phonetical construction that impresses me so much. Again, my exposure is limited so I cannot nitpick on the downsides of it.
I just like it a lot: It seems like a simple, powerful language that appeals to me.
Are you a native Korean or are you doing a TEFL program?
Good evening Hubski!
I'm a graduate student that recently finished my Master's degree in biostatistics and I'm currently waiting to start my PhD in statistics in the fall. I studied math as an undergraduate, and I'm a collector of hobbies. I love learning new things. That's my main hobby.
Recently I've been thinking about how little I see on Reddit is actually interesting. I find myself doing the same thing I pick on my wife (only with her it's Twitter): endlessly scrolling through pages and pages of links. I'm tired of upvotes and downvotes and endless memes. I hope this place has a bit more of an in-depth discussion feel. I'm really hoping for a HackerNews-esque feel with a broader subject matter.
- I hope this place has a bit more of an in-depth discussion feel. I'm really hoping for a HackerNews-esque feel with a broader subject matter.
Glad you found us!
Hey there! I'm a computer embedded engineering technology student, and I enjoy playing games like Terraria and Don't Starve. Old and new here. Have had an account since forever, but never used it (not many people around).
What area are you trying to persue? I am currently in the same field (embedded computer engineering) .
Hi! I'm another migrant from reddit. So excited to have found hubski; this website seems structured to promote the quality discussion I love on reddit, without the bullshit.
About me, I'm an undergraduate student at an American university, majoring in political science (though I'm thinking about switching to history). I'm active politically; by ideology I'm a socialist. I like to write, and hope to establish myself as a freelance writer in the near future.
Tell me about yourself!
Check out #writebetterdammit, I think it's a tag you may enjoy. Also, we have many writers on Hubski. We will often partake in writing prompts that lil posts. Let me know if you have any questions
You're welcome. My guess is that this is just server strain. forwardslash, thoughts?
Hey. I am a student at UM studying business. I should be doing calc homework due in less the 24 hours but I just discovered this site and I am hooked. I have posted about 3 times already. I have a fucking weeks worth of assignments I haven't started. FUCK.
God damn this has to slow down guys.
Which UM? Montana, Michgian, Monitoba....?
Regardless, good luck with those assignments.
Hello Hubski! I'm another Reddit defector. I've been Redditor for about 3 years. I live in Wisconsin as a Planner/Scheduler as well as IT for a swiss screw machine shop. I like rock climbing, lifting, D&D, and tabletop games.
Madison is my favorite city in the Midwest. Great vibes. Also, New Glarus beer, and cheese. When I lived in IL we would make trips into WI to pick up cases. I like your state, sorry for being an ex "FIB".
Are there some good climbing/bouldering gyms in your area? I didn't get into bouldering until I moved to the Pacific Northwest-- didn't even know what it was.
It is certainly a wonderful city. Lots to do and lots of culture! Next time you're in Madison, you should pick up a pack of beer from Karben4. They'r exclusive to Madison, but they make great stuff. There's jack shit for climbing near me. I'm about an hour south of Madison or Milwaukee which is the only close places to climb. Boulders in Madison and Adventure Rock near Milwaukee would be the two I know, though. I ended up building bouldering wall in my basement so I could get some climbing in. As far as outside stuff, there's Governor Dodge State Park (2.5 hours from me) for bouldering and Devil's Lake State Park (3 hours from me) for sport, top rope, and bouldering. I need to move, lol.
I've camped at Devil's Lake! Beautiful. Thanks for the beer tip. I'm only back in the IL when I have to be (funerals or weddings) BUT I'll check them out the next time I'm back! My buddy's uncle owns Strictly Discs in Madison. If you're into record shops you may have heard of it? Awesome selection and great staff. Can't remember the pizza joint but it's a stones throw from Strictly Discs and totally worth trying.... excellent wood fired pies :)
What's the name of the bar with the huge fake tree inside???! It's driving me nuts now...
Can't say I've heard of it. I'm always down for a good pizza, though. I'll have to look it up.
Are you talking about Paul's Club?
Found it.
1805 Monroe St, Madison, WI 53711
Highly recommended.
Damn that looks tasty! It probably doesn't help I haven't eaten dinner yet. Hah!
Yes! Paul's Club. I pregamed there before seeing Jeff Tweedy play the venue (arts center/theatre?) across the street about 5 years ago. Had a lot of fun with the regulars.
- D&D, and tabletop games
Hey, have you tried out any of FFG's Star Wars games? I personally play X-Wing: The Miniature Game and think it's an absolute blast.
I have not. I'm not sure I'd be able to get my wife to play that one with me. She quite dislikes Star Wars. =\ (I know, I know)
I'll have to check it out next time I'm around a game shop. There's a few that have open tables you can play games with people.
Hi! Redditor for almost 10 years here. I feel dirty coming to this site - like I am cheating, but oh, it feels so right.
Trying to get my bearings on this new site. Thanks for the welcome!
I found this thread helpful (linked also from down below).
I'm a senior undergraduate mechanical engineer at UC Davis...hoping to graduate in a quarter or two. I'm currently working on making a trackball that doesn't suck for gaming, and in my spare time I work on unraveling the development tools behind Counter-Strike: GO in the hopes of making a neat map. I'm also an active member of the bay area furry community, so feel free to ask me about that. My character is a pangolin-dragon.
This community kinda reminds me of pre- "web 2.0" internet and I'm really digging that. I might stick around for a bit...I'm also interested in the comment system that seems to be time-weighted as well as vote-weighted, or something. It's interesting and makes me feel like contributing; I always feel like I'm shouting into a hole when I post on a reddit post.
I too love trackball mice, and had to start using them for gaming as my hands / wrist could no longer do regular mice for long periods of time. I've only tried a couple of the Logitech ones. First the Trackman Marble, but that one would make the middle of the back of my hand sore. Second, I tried the M570, and that has worked surprising well. I've reprogrammed the extra up/down buttons to be double click and toggle holding right click respectively, and that has worked well for me and a variety of games.
Which trackballs have your tried for gaming? And what are your goals for the one your are creating?
On my desk currently are the Kensington Expert Mouse and a Logitech M570. I'm rather unimpressed with both for multiple reasons, and through design iteration have found that my design most closely resembles the discontinued Microsoft Trackball Explorer, although mine has a larger ball and a different scrollwheel, as well as a different switch mechanism for the two pairs of buttons.
My goal is to make one that allows you access to all the buttons without moving your hand, which is a major problem with the Expert Mouse, as well as giving the precision of a large trackball-- which I feel is easiest to achieve with an index-finger controlled trackball. I also want to make it ergonomic, since the Expert Mouse seriously lacks in that front and I still get wrist strain using it.
I think it's a fairly sizeable untapped market and have a lot of faith in this design, assuming I can convince a manufacturer to make it. I'm pretty well along with my first generation of prototypes-- just waiting on Davis's 3d scanners to open up for the month so I can get my clay model digitized.
If you ever feel like playing some games, check out the Hubski group on Steam! Also Quatrarius and I regularly play CSGO; you're welcome to join if you'd like.
Looks like we have a few MechE and other engineers coming in, which is great. I have a friend who will be starting graduate school at UC Davis in the fall, I'm hoping to make a stop down there sometime in the next year. Commenting is some kind of weird homebrew that I enjoy a lot, usually comments are only ignored if they don't add anything or everyone is asleep.
Hello Hubski and all you Hubskiites(?), I'm a rising second year university student studying Politcal Science. Obviously I'm super into politics, especially radical politics because the edges are where you find the most interesting things.
I just moved here from reddit, not having a replacement was the only thing I needed to leave, and I like what I see so far. I, like most ex-redditors I've seen here were fed up with content that would only take a few seconds to analyze, and this seems like a cool place.
I'm also an aspiring writer looking to get into longform writing, a music addict, and I like really derpy looking dogs.
- Hello Hubski and all you Hubskiites(?), I'm a rising second year university student studying Politcal Science. Obviously I'm super into politics, especially radical politics because the edges are where you find the most interesting things.
Can I take a moment of your time and ask what made you choose Poli Sci? I ask because right now that's sort of my #1 choice of major but I'm really struggling to make a definitive decision.
I've always had a strong interest in politics. My dad is very political, he's generally either watching the news or listening to it, so that caught on to me. What really did it though was a combination of two things: I took AP Government in high school and loved it, and my use of the internet opened me up to new ideas. In AP Gov we took a test online to see which candidate we should vote for in the 2016 presidential election, and almost everyone in the class got Gary Johnson, who was the candidate for the Libertarian Party. If you're not familiar with them, they're a neoliberal party that's like a calmed down version of Ron Paul. Basically what happened was that because this is America, the free market is the only economic system that exists, and because we're in high school, we all liked the Democratic Party's social politics. The problem is that the mainstream view of the democratic party is that they are much less into the free market than Republicans, so most people are divided over whether to vote in terms of economics or society.
Anyway, I thought it was ridiculous that Gary Johnson was the candidate everyone liked, but nobody had heard of him. I did more poking around the internet, and discovered crazy things like how communism isn't the only liberal economic system and how the Republicans and the Democrats are essentially the same party and how anarchism isn't just angsty teenagers but very prominent Russian philosophers. Basically I fell into a time sucking Wikipedia binge and haven't come out of it yet. Also I've gotten into radical politics, which as a result of it generally being more local, has a lot to do with "street politics": things that impact our day to day lives such as laws regarding use of bicycles on roads, the new trend of criminalizing the homeless, etc., which allows you too see how politics impacts you in a much clearer light. You see that politics isn't the business of politicians and people with money, but everyone.
Now in school I'm learning more things and I'm very interested in political theory. One of the most interesting things to me that is becoming a big topic is the rise of non-state actors. The system that we use to divide the world into countries is that State system. States are the actors, they have interests in common/conflict, ect. But the most interesting part is the fact that in the State system, States have a monopoly on violence. That's why private armies don't exist (to the extent that they could cause problems). But the increasing prominence of non-state actors who have political goals and use violence to get things done (we brand these people terrorists) such as Al-Qaeda and its syndicates, Boko Haram, Hamas, Hezbollah, etc. are a direct challenge to that system. Now what that means for the system, I have no idea. But the fact that there are other systems out there is super interesting to me. I'm all for shaking things up, so I'm very fond of these challenges to the established system.
This is great, thanks so much. You honestly sound a lot like me, except that I haven't yet had the opportunity to take a Gov class-- damn shame.
I'm really into Bernie Sanders right now, and a little bit looking into poli sci as a way of eventually supporting a candidate like him, or perhaps become that candidate myself. (Now following: #feelthebern)
Anyway, thanks again. You've added another drop to my poli sci bucket :)
Hello folks. Redditor of 5 years here. Late 20s writer living in the American southwest. Very curious about hubski, seems very chill here.
Another AZ resident here. An indoor rock climbing business is opening up here soon. Any tips?
Hey guys! I used to lurk a lot on reddit, but I want to start actually participating in discussions. I'm going into my first year of university and I'm planning on majoring in physics. I play bass and guitar (as well as cello, ukulele, and I'm learning piano), and I'm a professional magician. I love movies, books, and music. My favorite subjects to discuss are linguistics, math, and music theory. I look forward to getting to know all of you guys!
I'm not sure if I'm migrating ... but I had my reddit account for 2 years before I logged out of digg for the last time. And it would be nice to have a discussion instead of an argument.
I'm trying a couple new venues - not voat - but this seems pretty cool. one thing I never liked about reddit was it's TL;dr culture.
Hello there, I'm also a migrant from reddit.
I never considered going to an alternate website from reddit, but in light of all the default subreddits going private, the apparent incompetence of the reddit admins, and the childishness of the reddit community in general, I decided to look elsewhere and thus came across here.
The slower pace of this website considering its smaller size has caught me off guard at first, but i'm very impressed by the users here who seem to pretty mild-mannered and focused on quality discussion.
I live in the great state of Virginia and I will be attending George Mason University this fall where I plan to major in Geographic Information Systems. I'm pretty interested in geopolitics and news in general, which I guess would make me a political junkie. :) I consider myself as a centrist by the American political spectrum. My hobbies I guess are playing cello, working out, and researching politics or history. I also took Japanese for four years in high school, but I kind have forgotten a lot of it since then.
Tuple here, just checking the place out. I'm an oldish guy in IT. I write, a lot. Daily if I can help it (and aren't tormented by writer's block, which is more often than I'll admit).
I seek intelligent conversation, not that I am the most adept at identifying it. Perhaps I seek it to learn of its nature ;)
In any event, I go back a ways. Reddit, digg, slashdot, forget who before that though there's some IRC in the mix too (which I still occasion). I mostly read about technology, science, and when I can stomach it, politics. I do also keep an eye out for writing techniques and methods. I'm a bit of a lurker and do better in smaller communities which is what I really liked about reddit (with its subreddits) early on.
Hello, Hubski! I'm a first-year medicine student from Brazil. Currently 19 years old. I should be studying for a test right now, but I decided to check out this new website really quickly first. Unfortunately (or fortunately), I've been here for the last 3 hours, and currently my favorite tag is #shortstories.
I play guitar, piano, and spend most of my free time talking to my long distance girlfriend about food and random topics such as politics, philosophy, law (she's a law student)... but mostly food. I also love spending some time with a good book or a good movie, often times revisiting them after a while, like a good old friend.
My two dogs are the love of my life: an akita-inu and a pug. So far, my thoughts on Hubsky have been quite positive. I've seen her quality posts like I haven't seen on reddit for a long, long time!
Bonjour! I am a baker by trade. My biggest accomplishment is getting away from drugs and alcohol. Gave up drugs in '09 and booze in 2013. Adopted a vegetarian lifestyle a year ago and recently began running 3 days a week. I live in the midwest and am in the process of renovating a home in a quiet neighborhood 5 minutes from a peaceful lake. No kids, wife, debts or pets. I realized while writing this that I have been single and alone for 6 years!?!
Lately, I have been hooked on this Black Bean Tacos with Feta and Slaw. This is an easy simple recipe to satisfy your craving for some food truck tacos while maintaining your healthy eating habits. Awesome with chalula hot sauce.
Casual redditor for a couple of years here. So far, my first post about comics has generated more thoughtful conversation than any of my posts in my time on reddit.
I like trivia and a lot of things from the 80's. I'm a fan of comics (obviously), music and movies. Also, I like to play guitar and piano, when I get the chance. I consider myself a pretty knowledgeable fellow even though I never received a higher education. I like to keep abreast of current events but also read about history.
Looking forward to more engaging dialogue on Hubski!
Hello, long time reddit lurker but after this I will have posted more on here than I ever have on reddit. I'm quite keen on avoiding building an online presence but maybe this will be a website I'll be happy to discuss things on. I really enjoy chemistry, it's my favourite thing, but otherwise I don't have too many hobbies at the moment. I hope to keep coming back here, this website seems nice!
Hello new friends! I am 24 years old and work hospital security. I live in the American Midwest, watch a lot of movies and listen to heavy metal. I love learning about how different people's minds work and seeing the world from their point of view. I'm looking forward to being a part of this site, I'm liking it so far.
Once you understand how tags, following, filtering, and sharing on this site work, it's very easy to work with. If you have any questions, let me know and I'll see if I can't help answer them. As for a very quick rundown on following and filtering, check out this thread. I did a quick breakdown on how things function and how to take advantage of the system.
I'm a former redditor looking for a new home. I'm a fourth year pathology resident at a medical center in the eastern US...very eager to finish residency but not so eager to face the stress of taking the boards. I play FFXIV and climb with my free time. I look forward to spending time here.
Welcome sbohem and good luck with those boards. My wife is a Derm resident. I have had a front row seat to the amount of work and dedication it takes to become a physician and then to specialize. My hats off to you.
Glad you found us, if you have any questions about the site/functionality, let me know. Also, it's worth checking out the Primer Page
I'm a introverted reddit immigrant. I am into video games and horror stories ( but I think jump scares are cheap.) I am mega hyped for Fallout 4. That's about it.
You buy the Pip-Boy Edition? I almost did, but I'm anticipating that ever so dreadful buyers remorse.
Hello all, it's nice to meet you. Like most people in this thread, I'm a redditor. I don't like the direction Pap seems to be taking, and since she's pushing to stay around for longer, I figured I'd move. But, there are still some communities over there that are great, and aren't moving, so I'll still use it some.
I'm a 17 year old American. I'm an aspiring writer and entrepreneur (hopefully I'll start selling my hand-bound notebooks next month). Looking at other comments itt, it seems like people here are in general more motivated and bigger achievers than a lot of redditors come across as, which really excites me.
I'm also into bicycling, music, reading, banjo and flute, and lifting. I'm glad to have found this site, and am looking forward to exploring it more.
I have a thing for notebooks. Please let me know if/when you get to selling them. I would love to have something hand bound. (:
Well, I'm starting to feel a bit out of place. I dropped out of college years ago due to a lack of both funds as well as brains, so I don't really have any fancy background knowledge. That said though, I'm a very passionate guy. I love exploring new things and have dabbled in a lot of stuff, included but not limited to Poetry, Cars, Boxing, Comics, Movies, Food, Beer, and Classic Video Games (only because I grew up on those and I'm so out of the loop today). I'm a voracious consumer, often to my own detriment.
You wanna talk about something? Let's talk about something. You wanna teach me something or show me something, do it. Just forgive me if I say something stupid, literally. It's bound to happen from time to time.
I screwed up. I put @@ around the words instead of ##
Check them out and add to them.
Hey hubski. First of all, I love the name, and fully support calling the circle things Boopski's.
I'm a 20-something student who moved countries for medical school just a month ago and am currently dealing with all the delights and despair that accompany such a huge life change. I have a passion for cooking (not gourmet, just casually!), brafitting, medical anomalies, reading, Tina Fey, and Feminism. Back on reddit the TrollX community was my safe space, and I love people who get my sarcasm and self-depreciating humor. I use reddit primarily for ASOIAF/GOT discussion (amongst other shows!), recipes, and current news. Also, Showerthoughts is basically an extension of my existence.
Im really proud of my 30 lb weightloss from 2012-2014, and that I learned to crochet in order to make my mom the most bomb ass blanket in the world. One stitch is seemingly enough!
If there's anything else I'll add it on, but I think that just about sums me up for now.
A fellow troll! I'm checking out hubski and seriously digging it. I found this post via #crochet, I'm currently also making a blanket.
I love it when people get the reference. The status is NOT quo.
Hey Hubski! I'm a Filmmaker/Commercial Producer in Texas. I graduated from a university in NYC (where I'm originally from) with a degree in Film Production. Filmmaking is my passion (specifically post production) but producing commercials is my bread and butter. I play a variety of video games like anything from Call of Duty to Stealth: A Clone in the Dark. I'm also a martial artist, unicycle enthusiast, and an avid DnD player. It's nice to meet all of you!
I'm from NYC too! I miss the crap out of it now that I've moved to a different country, especially now that it's summer and I'm missing out on food trucks and governor's island and PS1 Summer nights.
Yeah I lived on LI for a bit then moved to Jamaica, Queens. I usually just tell people NYC because when people ask about my hometown and I say "Jamaica" they think I mean the other Jamaica haha. Yeah I miss the crazy food variety from back home and the overall 24/7-ness of it. (Where I live now most things close around 9-9:30pm) I also naturally miss some family I still have there and home Rangers games at MSG.
Wait are you serious? I live on Union Tpke in Fresh Meadows!
Hey galen! I'm a student focusing on medical microbiology with a minor in German. On a far spectrum from science, I work as a radio host/personality with a live midday show. I read more than I should, and I buy books even more than I do that. I have a gnarly collection of over 300 books of all sorts, so I'm always looking for reading recommendations and stuff like that. I love to play the viola (my biggest love), piano, cello, and violin. I game as well, but on my old-as-Methuselah PS3. RPG games are my jam, and I can dig some strategic games and shooters as well.
I played the viola in high school! It was awesome being the only or one of a select few in every orchestra I joined. I've always loved the cello though, I think it has the most soulful sound of any instrument.
It's always nice to meet someone who's played the viola! I think it's one of the most underrated instruments in an orchestra, to be honest. But hey, I'm a bit biased. And I have to agree about the cello - its sound is so rich. I often get chills listening to it. Have you ever tried playing the cello? Playing the viola gives a bit of an edge when learning it, since they share the same order of strings.
No I haven't unfortunately. I don't envy the task of carrying a cello around, but damn if it isn't the most beautiful sound. I love the Piano Guys mostly due to their cello renditions of songs.
Hey! I'm a high school senior from PA. I'm going to the University of Vermont this fall and plan to major in applied math. Some interests i have are woodworking, guitar, sailing, gaming, drawing, hanging with my boys, and smoking weed. I pretty much have an open summer and I plan to learn how to surf and maybe even create my own app.
Pennsylvania...Where are you going to learn to surf over there? Since you do woodwork and like guitar, have you ever thought about making your own? Have they legalized mmj yet in PA?
A lot of my friends have beach houses down the new jersey shore which is about an hour and a half away. And I'm not nearly good enough at woodworking to make an instrument! I have refinished my guitar though. Also, there was a mmg bill proposed i think about a month ago but it got shot down.
Are there good waves in jersey? They have some cool DIY guitar kits that come pretty basic and you can modify the shape and such before you put it together. They come with all the holes for electronics pre-cut so you could avoid having to do the balance and neck.
Having looked for something less about poop jokes and cat pictures, I arrive here. Looking forward to intelligent discussion and decreased hostility. I work in the IT industry, enjoy philosophy, cycling, kayaking and long walks on the beach. I'm a Taurus, aaaaaaaaand also kind of a torus, need to lose some weight :)
Poop jokes, intelligent discussion and decreased hostility so it's a win all around.
Hey! I'm an astrophysics student. In my free time, I like to play the clarinet (part of the reason for the username), rock climb, and do photography (especially astrophotography). I like RPG and adventure games, like Dark Souls, Zelda games, and Dishonored. Though I do enjoy some rounds of Smash Bros. as well. I'm looking forward to meeting you all!
Yes sir! One of my favorites too.
For the unaware:
I'm stuck between Smash 4 and Melee. I like Melee's speed, but I've been playing 4 a lot recently and I main Greninja. How about you?
Although I played Smash 4 a lot (I was ranked #2 at my college) I recently transitioned over to Melee because the depth of the game just fascinated me. When I played 4 competitively however, I was a Pikachu and MK main! Smash 4 is still IMO the best teams game because you can pull off some crazy stuff thanks to things like FLUDD, Monado, and Pikmin!
Thanks for letting me know! It's good to know there's at least another one among us.
I just finished souls 1 and I'm already hooked! I usually play on steam. How about you?
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Hi Hubski! I'm an ESL teacher moving on to doctoral studies this fall. I'm interested generally in languages and language learning, and specifically in language assessment and reading in a second/foreign language. For hobbies, it's reading, some gaming, and the outdoors (hiking and biking).
I'm hoping that Hubski will bring some variety and depth to my internet-based leisure/procrastination.
Hello Everyone, I'm James. I live in Western Australia. I recently finished a PhD where I studied DNA damage repair. I did a lot of lab work and I also wrote some software for quantitatively describing 3D microscopy images. My hobbies include homebrewing beer, kerbal space program, and dancing badly. I've been a redditor for six years, but I'm looking forward to participating in the Hubski community. It seems like this platform has the potential to be more nourishing than reddit both intellectually and socially.
Hello. I tend to be long winded. Let me try to keep it short @_@ I stumbled upon this website after the drama in Reddit not with the intention of quitting Reddit but just to see what Hubski is like. I always have anxiety posting on Reddit so I do that rarely on multiple accounts that I've already lost count how many I've created.
I am 25 years old and currently in my last year of university studying game design. Although I'm working towards migrating to get closer to nature and be surrounded by animals. It was only when I entered university that I realized I am only truly happy if I can work with animals. I forgot about it as I grew up as everyone around me kept saying it's not gonnna work out as I would need money to feed myself first. So I am trying to change my path towards that. But I get disheartened because I live in a city and really unsure how I am going to get out of here.
I also have lots of other interests like playing video games, reading books, drawing terribly, hitting my imaginary drum set while listening to music, hiking and probably others.
Hi there, I'm Romeo/Roma depending on your preferred tongue, I'm an Industrial Engineering student in Boston, MA. I work at a movie theater at my home an hour northeast of NYC, and I enjoy gaming, playing guitar, and getting sucked into the internet for hours on end! I'm here from Reddit, but this site seems much friendlier to use and more discussion-based, rather than just being a giant circlejerk (if I can use that term here...) and I hope to be here for awhile!
Hey there Galen and hubski.. I also happen to be Galen. Spent 8 or so years on reddit. Current army medic working on various developments. It's a slightly different medical path from our namesake...
I've climbed and dived for years. Just started to learn how to kiteboard. Trying to learn french once again.
I like what I see from Hubski so far. I'm optimistic that the feeling will continue
Hey everybody! Until recently I was in a committed relationship with reddit, but now we're seeing other people. I'm a boat-dwelling Seattleite into lots of stuff, like science fictional universes where we can use technology in a truly communal way for self-discovery and empowerment. Also hikes, hugs, hot coffee, and the word hella. Looking forward to following lots of y'all!
Hey all, I'm a 27 year old social worker living in Portland, OR with my wife and our two boys: a red tri australian shepherd and an orange tabby. We're from the Chicago area and have been in Portland 4 years now.
I have a B.S. in psychology and after years of working different jobs (bartending, factory, call center) I'm stoked to finally be in my field trying to make a difference. My work is extremely challenging but very rewarding.
In my free time I enjoy hiking in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, brewing and drinking beer, playing guitar, etc. I hope to make contributions to discussions pertaining to science, politics, and music. Hit me up if you think I sound like someone you'd wanna bounce ideas off of.
All the best, (not)DonJohnson
Hello everyone (and happy 4th to the American folks here). I'm a reddit defector after five years. I'm in my early 30's, am working on my PhD, have two rescue dachshunds, and spend way too much time gaming.
What PhD are you pursuing? Any ideas for your dissertation?
Good on you for rescuing your pups. Dogs are the best.
Education technology and instructional design. The dissertation is still up in the air but it'll definitely be focusing on video games as learning tools. I'd really like to focus it down to using non-player characters for teaching and evaluating soft skills in adult learners but I've got to get my advisor on board with it first.
Sounds interesting. I recall a little bit of research into video games and reaction time from my undergrad but can't recall all that much. Definitely an interesting field of study with a ton of potential. Best of luck to you. I miss academia!
I was (I guess still am) a small-time mod on Reddit. I've become disillusioned with the site. I work in the digital sphere, so it's important to be where the people are so I can know what's up, but the way the admins are acting, I feel like I'd be stabbing myself in the foot if I spent any more time contributing to the community like I had been. Trying to find a new home.
I do feel a little weird swearing on this platform. Everything is so nice and clean.
Hi Hubskiers. New Mexican here, sad to leave Reddit after 5 years, but I have found the increasing political BS just too much. I'm here for interesting news and exposure to the corners of human experience which I cannot find in local media. I detest the influence of mass media by people with agendas and, besides, it's all depressing and feels manipulative! I like everything outdoors, but I spend my days inside [I work in occupational medicine]. I'm a casual gamer [PC and consoles] and reader, although to be honest I have little time to spare for this these days. I run, mountain bike, kayak, do some basic canyoneering, ski, snowboard, overland Jeep/offroad, and I hope to become a proficient hang-glider one day.
Greetings! Came here as Hubski was recommended for good discussion threads. I've been on Reddit for a few years, mostly lurking. Just finished my MSW and am working as a part-time therapist, part-time discharge planner for an agency I've had a long love-hate relationship with. I spend my free time (now that I have it again) playing MMOs, baking for others, reading almost everything I can get my hands on, and trying to relearn how to person after 2 years of doing nothing but work, school, and practicum/internship. I also really like dragons.
Hello everyone. I came from reddit after all that mess and I've been trying to find something else to kill my time at work. I live in Texas and work as a security guard as well as a full time student. I'm into playing video games, watching movies, spending time with my friends, also vaping!
Hi I'm Dennis. Long time addict of /r/movies and /r/askreddit. Really liking hubski though I do still have a need for funny pictures and comments that hubski might not fulfill. I work long hours offshore at a desk where I don't do much so thoughtful discussion and in depth articles are great for me just now.
Hi! Im a phd student in sociology from Sweden, writing my dissertation on mental health and family. In my spare time I love reading (last couple of years I've fallen in love with scifi), traveling, diving, knitting, and recently started to host a phd-student podcast (in swedish) with a friend. I love a good discussion with differing opinions but are not a fan of heated arguing and personal attacks, which is something that many web-spaces (not only reddit) suffer from. Im curious to see what this place can offer in terms of this.
Redditor of 18 months.
Iv really only stayed on Reddit for the AskReddit sub, and while i will continue to frequent it, Hubski seems like it might be a community i actually want to participate in.
I mostly play guitar in my free time, but also play the occasional video game and play D&D weekly with a good group of people.
Hi, lurker on reddit for 5 years.
Used to pillage and trade, now I'm more into the oil sector.
Turn on's: Agriculture Innovation Alternative Energies Humanitarian Aid, and peace, and stuff
Turn off's: Corruption Dictatorships
Sometimes I hang out with Sweden, but I try to keep to myself.
I really like the atmosphere of this site, so I guess i'll try to become an active user.
I've been looking for a community to participate in for several years, and Reddit temporarily filled that void. The problem is that I never really felt like I was a part of the community. Coming here and seeing the more serious and friendly nature made me realize that maybe this is more of what I'm looking for.
So here I am. Horizonistic, with an interest in computer science. A programmer, lover of sushi, peppermint tea, and video games, and a 19 year old with a part-time job at a place that I can't talk about because of a social media policy. ;)
Yo. I was a redditor for around 9ish months, and it's just getting crazy over there, so I thought I'd check Hubski out. I play guitar, read, do math for fun, and participate in Theatre. I'm actually involved in a musical now, so that's fun. I've recently look at one of Xeno(I believe)'s paradoxes, namely the terminating infinite series. I'm currently reading Jim Butcher's Furies of Calderon, and I'm enjoying it.
So, there's a little about me. I'm really enjoying it here, and I think I'll stick around!
Yullo. Redditor for a bit over 4 years now.
I'm in med school, enjoy hiking, theater, TV, books, etc, etc
My current favorite subs include r/proseporn, r/ask historians, r/me_IRL, r/polandball, r/askreddit, r/longform, r/worldevents and r/whowouldwin.
Indian. So, if you're Indian and not part of the, erm, interesting people that seem to frequent r/India, say hi!
Disclaimer: It's been a while since I've visited the pox that is r/India. So, dunno if it's improved in recent times or not.
Hi everyone, Redditor of 4 years, mid 20's software engineer, Just graduated with my Masters degree from a University in the north of England. This place seems really relaxed. With Reddit getting a little crazy at the minute, I think I will try this place out for a good few months. Also the content seems fresh and the comment threads seem like actual discussions. Awesome. :)
Helloo! I also came from reddit hehe. I had an amazing experience yesterday on a festival. Twisted Sisters played in my local town in sweden, the atmosphere in the audience was neat. The thing that amazes me is that out of all the big cities they can visit on their last tour, they choose to visit my unknown town on their tour.
I guess you could technically say I came from Reddit, but only because I came here from there. I was never actually a member of the Reddit community, but from a distance, it seemed fascinating. So, today I finally braced myself and dove in, trying to understand just what Reddit was and what a membership entails. Almost immediately, I discovered the complete mess it was, and spent hours going though and finally, to some extent, figuring the place out. Needless to say, the craziness didn't draw me in.
I'm 15 and when I'm not browsing the internet, you can find me reading. Yeah. That's pretty much it. That's most of what I do in my free time and I get mocked relentlessly for it. Okay, to be fair, I do spend a bit of time participating in Musical Theater, playing musical instruments and generally being pretty artsy but literature and debate are my favorite pastimes. I've only been on this website for no more than an hour, but I can already tell I'll enjoy it. :)
Hi. I've been on Reddit 3 years or so and never once felt as welcome as I have here. I'm 26, Married, work in the TV industry as a lighting specialist. In my spare time I play alot of video games, play guitar, watch movies. You know, the ususal stuff. I'm looking forward to some enlightening conversation as all I see on Reddit is recycled jokes or trolling!
Hi, all. Been a redditor for about 6-7 years. Mostly a lurker. Came to hubski via the PSA welcome post. Reminded me of why I fell into love with reddit way back when. Hopefully I can find that spark here. I'm really into cooking and sysadmin related topics. Look forward to seeing everyone around.
Came over from the Reddit exodus...I'm hoping reddit saves itself but I heard about this great site and wanted to check it out. I'm among the older generation and always love to check new things out. Hopefully this site will be worth the stay.
I, like many, lurked on reddit for a long time. This community seems more inviting and open to new faces and I'm really looking forward to spending more time on here! I have a job at a local seafood restaurant where I do just about every job in the kitchen. I'm 18, and I pretty much just watch netflix or browse the internet or play Xbox when I'm not working or doing family things/friend things. I also like that my username was not taken. Makes me feel important.
- have a job at a local seafood restaurant where I do just about every job in the kitchen.
Hello, I am a recent unemployed traveller who loves bicycling, wandering and all kinds of trekking. I recently got back from a 2 week trip in the US Southwest and hit up Bryce and Zion National parks as well as some white water rafting near Moab, UT. I also play the Banjo as well as Guitar, Piano and Didgeridoo.
Hi! I'm a Culinary student who likes to travel and explore. I usually frequented askreddit and, while probably not a well known commentor, I contributed to a lot of threads and made good karma. I like discussions, particularly those about tv shows that I watch and current news, especially when a comment can be both insightful and hilarious.
Hi, I am way older than most people here, apparently, work in tech / games, and live in the Pacific Northwest. I think it will be nice to try a self-moderating community.
- I am way older than most people here,
I was just in Vancouver, out in the PNW. Such a great part of the world. We have a number of Hubski users in the Washington State area.
Let me know if you have any questions about the site. I always suggest checking out our primer page: https://hubski.com/primer
Hi, I am way older than most people here, apparently, work in tech / games, and live in the Pacific Northwest. I think it will be nice to try a self-moderating community.
|I'm part of the numerous Asians in those schools
Not sure what you meant by this, but I find the thought of you being a sort of specter or voice specifically seeking out Asian students as host bodies incredibly entertaining.
|I'm part of the numerous Asians in those schools
Not sure what you meant by this, but I find the thought of you being a sort of specter or voice specifically seeking out Asian students as host bodies incredibly entertaining.
|I'm part of the numerous Asians
Not sure what you meant by this, but I find the thought of you being a sort of specter or voice specifically seeking out Asian students as host bodies incredibly entertaining.
|I'm part of the numerous Asians
Not sure what you meant by this, but I find the thought of you being a sort of specter or voice specifically seeking out Asian students as host bodies incredibly entertaining.
Well...I work at a college as a janitor even though I feel like I'm smarter than most of the people who go there. Sometimes I see an equation written on a blackboard like half an equation and... I just figure it out.
Hi! I'm also a migrant from Reddit, and am really surprised I haven't found Hubski sooner—it's existed for 4 or 5 years. I'm an Undergraduate Student at an American college, majoring in Computer Engineering. My passions include programming, the Seahawks (I'm from the greater Seattle area), Christianity, and music. I'm excited to see how Hubski's system of person-based sharing and badging works, as it seems more immune to many of reddit's problems, such as down voting based on disagreement, vote brigading, shadow banning, and spam.
Name's ZKtheMAN. Before you ask, I came up with the name when I was nine, and I've kept it ever since. What with all the drama, I think it's about time I looked for something that wasn't Reddit, and this seems like a nice alternative. I'll have to wait and see, though. Interests are mostly gaming.
most of my subs weren't even blacked out, but this seemed like a nice chance to look for an alternative to reddit. the hostile environment and obsession with karma always annoyed. but anyways, I'm a 18 year old Dutch guy, I am really into movies, like books and doing things either on my own or with friends.
36 year old, male. Redditor for almost four years.
Migrant as of right now. I like the tag system here.
Me: Neurosurgeon. Ex-materials science engineer/researcher. Enjoyer of post-modern lit, philosophy, backpacking, post-rock and classical music. I bike to work and support bike safety and TBI research. Dabble with gaming when I have time.
I'm well versed in a great number of subjects of which you will know nothing about any of them, I'm sure of that. I speak eight different languages, of which you'll not know any of them because there are so few speakers - I'm perfectly cromulent in English, which is not my native language.
I like music - I enjoy genres that you do not know anything about and, while I'm an aficionado for humour, my taste might be a bit too high brow for most people.
I also enjoy beer.
Uh-oh, humorless redditors are also here in droves. :P
Not sure if IrrelevantSavant is a troll or just made a lame joke. I will say, I'll take the occasional good humored troll here and there over spammers any day. I have over a dozen names on my filter list now, all spam accounts.
Most of my subs weren't even blacked out, but here I am.
I'm Irish and enjoy Metal Gear, Daft Punk and Edgar Wright.
I used to lurk on Reddit like other people. Like Playboy, I only read it for the articles.
I'm liking this site so far, simple and clean!
I'm from the UK. I take photos and write plays in my spare time.
I'm a former redditor looking for a fun content aggregator that isn't horribly racist or sexist.
I'm a high ranking officer of the Pangalactic Union of Bipedal Sentience. We do a lot of work in letting other sentient beings with less (or more) than two legs and two arms know who is in charge. Walking upright was the way Charles Darwin, science be upon him, invisioned and it's the right way.
My current assignment is attempting to convince the union that Earth isn't completely bonkers. I haven't been successful yet. But if there's one thing I am, by Hawking, it is stubborn.
So, members of hubski, do your kind proud.
I was mostly a lurker with a few comments on reddit. I'm hoping to be more active here. My username is a play on "devil's advocate". I took 3 years of french and in french avocado and lawyer (or advocate) are the same word.
Lurking for a while after this.
Quinn, 17, NorCal. English/American
Massive fangirl, love to write, born and raised on fantasy, currently applying to Anthropology Uni programs in the UK. Reddit immigrant, I think I already prefer this community though.
More or less! I was an anthropology major for several years, had to switch for job prospects. Although I still took a ton of ANP classes. Welcome to Hubski percysaprat, we hope you enjoy it.
I lurked on Reddit for a long time, then finally created an account. I posted and replied a bit, but not too much. I liked a few fairly niche subreddits, and I hope at least somehow the content is replicated here.
Testing the waters here. If this all does well, I'm here to stay.
I'll post what I wrote in another reddit themed thread but expand on it to tell a bit about me.
Hello, I'm migrating as well. I was doing voat since the FPH fiasco because I knew it was going to become a sinking ship. I had a very small list of subs I subscribed too and most the default ones I kept are now private. I was into weight loss, wrestling, new zealand and Beijing subs, so I've been a bit scared to delete my app because I'm not sure when those smaller subreddits will decide to move en masse. I will give this a solid try. Hope the negative redditors don't bring the same hate trains with them.
So I'm a kiwi with a beijinger for a wife, last year I lost 40kgs in an effort to be healthier for my daughter's sake. this year I went to Beijing and married my partner. I got a little bit fat from eating too many frogs and turtles and donkeys and who knows what else I ate haha.
I used to be into WCW wrestling and I have the wwe network. I find wrestling doesn't appeal to me in its current state but I enjoy watching a piece of my childhood.
Apart from that I'm a pretty boring average guy :)
I'm a reddit migrant who loves writing, reading, and just language(s) in general. My username is actually a joke misspelling of "Latin" I use with my one other Latin nerd friend. I also play guitar, and write, voice, edit, etc. a podcast. That's about all.
I like hiking, reading, and long walks on the beach. I also am poking around here because although I love to argue down garbage logic, I don't like everyone I spar with getting banned. I also don't like to be banned for no reason. It sounds like a better deal here so I'm gonna check it out.
Hi, just got here from the reddit blackout. Well, I'm brazilian, currently studying computer engineering. I really enjoy technology and could not imagine working with anything else. I haven't accomplished much in my life (less than I wanted) but I'm still trying. In the mean time if I'm not playing lol or csgo, I'm surfing the web boring myself to sleep. Thanks for having me!
Edit: apparently I've posted something I thought I deleted, fml
Oh, I remember before we got our BR server my ping was around 200. It was a pain to farm (to do anything actually), and I always thought it was my fault, but then we got our server and the ping difference is tremendous. And it was still my fault.
I'm a cautiously optimistic reddit migrant. I'm 27, a combat veteran and a computer science major. I enjoy games (League, WoW, Besiege) programming, lifting weights and reading.
I didn't agree with the banning of FPH, cesspool or no, and I don't agree with the firing of Victoria.
Web dev here! I'm not much for introductions, but I was looking for an alternative to reddit after all the chaos over there. I don't hate fat people, don't worry. I don't think they should've deleted the community, though. I tried out Voat.co for a few days, but it seems like it's just collecting the worst of reddit, so I noped out of there. It's good to encounter other points of view and argue with people once in awhile, but hanging around a toxic community too much can be bad for you. Also, the more I use the reddit-style voting system, the less I like it. Perhaps if there were no downvotes it would work better. I don't know. It seems to encourage a hivemind mentality.
This is why I'm checking out Hubski now. There's no voting! I'm interested to see how well this works.
Killerhurtz here, young QA consultant - I pretty much breathe videogames at this point. Videogame testing at work, then I go home to play some more (other) videogames, and I even sometimes dream of videogames.
I'm mostly waiting to have the money to not have to distract myself that way, or enough money to make the game that will allow me to do the things I want to do, at this point.
(Also in my spare time I model 3D stuff - for a videogame my friend is making).
Right now my favorite two games are FTL: Faster than Light and Space Station 13 for anyone who was going to ask.
Late to the party, but hello, everybody! I'm a 20 year old aerospace engineering student at the Naval Academy here in the States. This site attracted me because you all seem to be a tight knit group interested in thoughtful discussion, which is exactly what I'm looking for.
You all seem to have a gift for writing, which is something I envy and have been working on. I could use your help in that area, and, embarrassingly, I feel like I don't know enough about politics. Hopefully by reading your discussions and eventually participating in them, I'll be much more aware and have a deeper understanding of my environment!
Music and dogs are enormous passions of mine, and I'm excited about sharing songs with everybody and listening to new music. Also, I'm getting a puppy next year, so any training tips from dog owners would be much appreciated!
Finally, I'm very into fitness, but I don't hate fat people. I understand a lot about health, so if you have any questions or are looking to get in better shape or something, I could definitely help you out.
Hello Hubski!
I'm an 18 year old dude from Idaho, and I just graduated from High School. I'm excited to be going to college in California at the end of this summer. I hope to pursue a career in medicine. Math and science have always been my favorite subjects in school.
I'm into tennis, hiking, travel, cars, EDM, and gaming, among other things. Some of my favorite TV shows a re Game of Thrones (haven't gotten around to reading the books yet), Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, and Top Gear.
I know there's a lot of commotion going on over at Reddit right now, but honestly it all kind of flew over my head. I don't really care about it as much as the next guy (and I'm certainly not here just so I can hate on fat people). Being in the crossfire of all that, I eventually came across this site, and thought I'd give it a shot. And from what I've seen so far, it looks great!
Feel free to come at me with any questions!
Hi Hubski! I'm an educator, musician, and an amateur mycologist who is hooked to social networking sites that remind me of IRC. I'm still learning about how Hubski works, but I'm liking it a lot so far. I like deep discussions about books, music, politics, ecology and social issues. If anyone can point me in the right direction for these discussions, I'd be much obliged! Seems like I follow hashtags and users for the good discussions. Thanks!
Hi everyone! I'm a student (16) in the UK, planning on studying maths at university. I'm also interested in programming, technology and science.
Hello! I'm a medical student from the US, but I'm going to school in Europe. I enjoy playing the guitar, discussing politics, drinking cheap beer, smoking cheaper cigarettes, and occasionally playing computer games (currently Factorio and Cities: Skylines.)
This website caught my attention with the recent upheaval at reddit. I'm not really looking to immigrate, but just to explore new communities and ways of communicating. Reddit has kind of gotten a bit stale for me, and this seems like a very unique way to organize discussions and content sharing. I'm looking forward to seeing what this community has to offer and hopefully becoming a productive member of it!
Hi Hubski! I'm actually returning to this site for the first time in several years, I think I registered this account all the way back in 2012 but never got around to using it much. Here's to hoping I can make it stick this time around!
I'm a 25-year-old Englishman. I have a Master's degree in statistics and I work as a data scientist for a startup in London, although I am thinking about going back to uni soon for a PhD. In my spare time, I'm a complete history nerd. I love reading historical fiction and non-fiction, and I've spent more time than any reasonable person should on Paradox's historical strategy games. I'd love to be able to write my own historical fiction one day. It'll be set in Europe between 1848-1914. I play football (soccer to you yanks out there) on Sundays and I also follow cricket, although I'm no good at it. Arsenal FC is my first and true love.
I also love sitting in pubs and listening to people talk about their lives and interests. Hubski looks like a good digital equivalent!
I'm constantly amazed by how many Americans watch the IT Crowd. I thought it was alright, nothing special, but it's clearly struck a chord with a lot of people!
Salutations, My name is Elisza, a civil engineering undergraduate. I may have a female sounding name, but that's just the name of my imaginary friend, someone who represents the better part of me. It's a reminder to be on my best behavior, and plus it sounds pretty. I like to read, discuss philosophical ideas and dreams, bit of a Chinese history nerd (hailing from Taiwan), and hoping to graduate soon in two years. I've played a bit of cello before, so I don't consider my musical knowledge to be too shabby. I do find myself craving some anime from time to time, also dabble in a bit of neurolinguistic programming, and self-help (I guess that's what they're called) books like 48 Laws of Power, or A Whole New Mind. 很高興認識大家!Very happy to meet everyone here!
Please disregard the extraneous posts; the website did not respond and I might have clicked "update" a few too many times! Still trying to figure out how to delete the other post, but it keeps saying the link expired.
Salutations, My name is Elisza, a civil engineering undergraduate. I may have a female sounding name, but that's just the name of my imaginary friend, someone who represents the better part of me. It's a reminder to be on my best behavior, and plus it sounds pretty. I like to read, discuss philosophical ideas and dreams, bit of a Chinese history nerd (hailing from Taiwan), and hoping to graduate soon in two years. I've played a bit of cello before, so I don't consider my musical knowledge to be too shabby. I do find myself craving some anime from time to time, also dabble in a bit of neurolinguistic programming, and self-help (I guess that's what they're called) books like 48 Laws of Power, or A Whole New Mind. 很高興認識大家!Very happy to meet everyone here!
Midwesterner here! Just finished my first year in college and have a rather diverse set of interests such as Android (any mobile tech really), Chess, and Smash Bros. I also play soccer and am looking to start a Business club at my school! I mostly lurked on reddit but the community here seems much more relaxed which is definitely a breath of fresh air and I look forward to familiarizing myself with the Hubski community.
Hey! I'm almost finished with the first year of college, studying mathematics, and am hoping to get on a couple of cool summer schools around Europe during the summer related to my interests! I really enjoy anything sciencey, including but not limited to physics, chemistry, biology, psychology, etc. and I'm also really big on philosophy! I'm currently doing nothing but studying for finals, but when I have time I'm working on a couple of projects involving micro controllers and sound synthesis. I'm also trying to write a small book, but that's been going on for about a year..
Oh and I have a deep and emotional attachment to beer. I looove beer. If I'm not studying for finals and it's past 6 p.m. I'll definitely have a beer in my hand, and a couple in my stomach.
If you like beer, you'll get on well here. What are your favorite brews/companies? insomniasexx and I were just up in Portland for my sister's baby shower and it seemed like pretty much every restaurant had beers brewed especially for it.
Hey, that's awesome! I've never been to the states, sadly. Unfortunately, I live in a country where, although the beer culture is big, the diversity is not. We have two biiig national brands (Sagres and Super-Bock) and that's all we pretty much drink in terms of beer. I'm not complaining, they're actually quite good but I do miss the diversity.. I spent a month travelling around Europe and I got to try soooo many different beers!
Where do you live? I feel like I should send you beer variety, being deprived of choice sucks.
That's sweet. insomniasexx informed me it's illegal to ship booze :(, so my scheme was cut short.
"Live yeast cultures" are perfectly acceptable, though ;-)
Philosophical concepts made easy. I used the gimmicks of teleportation and cloning to explain and point out several problems with our notion of self, persistance, and even conscience without it getting too technical and/or heavy. It's quite basic for anyone with an actual interest in philosophy but my objective was to get people out there interested in a subject they might not otherwise be.
Hello everyone. I'm Powercow, the most powerful cow in the universe. I'm a software engineer who has a lot of young kids and still manages to game sometimes. I like to read science fiction, and I'm always looking for good recommendations. Vernor Vinge is one of my favorite authors. I'm here because I don't like the direction chairman Pao is taking Reddit and I'm hoping this will be a good alternative. When I jumped from Digg to Reddit Digg essentially died, but somehow I doubt this move is a precursor to Reddit's doom. There's still some communities there I'd like to be part of.