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Elisza  ·  3251 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Welcome to Hubski, redditors! Tell us about yourselves.

Salutations, My name is Elisza, a civil engineering undergraduate. I may have a female sounding name, but that's just the name of my imaginary friend, someone who represents the better part of me. It's a reminder to be on my best behavior, and plus it sounds pretty. I like to read, discuss philosophical ideas and dreams, bit of a Chinese history nerd (hailing from Taiwan), and hoping to graduate soon in two years. I've played a bit of cello before, so I don't consider my musical knowledge to be too shabby. I do find myself craving some anime from time to time, also dabble in a bit of neurolinguistic programming, and self-help (I guess that's what they're called) books like 48 Laws of Power, or A Whole New Mind. 很高興認識大家!Very happy to meet everyone here!