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hubskier for: 3768 days
People die because other people believe help is harm.
Not really. Some people think feeding a person is enabling
You’re going to wipe out any progress if you get all mad is probably my point. I’m not going through that but I have and it’s bad
Probation which seems like a trap to incarcerate My legs stopped working about a week ago and I dragged my stupid ass out of traffic. Still grinding
I'm still around if anyone cares. Shit sucks yo
I turned 40 a week and a half ago doing 23-1 isolation in county jail
I'm going to jail, dude, and I'm almost happy because they feed you. I'm pretty fucked
I'm way more fucked than I'm letting on. My mom is laying in bed and accusing my stepdad of cheating because I guess she has nothing better to do. There's no insurance finagling in her head. I guess some old ass dude is hitting on her too and she's not real happy about that. Fucking train wreck and me and my brother usually end up talking about Elon Musk being a moron somehow thankfully
Brother and I are up shit creek more than we already are if he files for divorce. Mostly my brother because I'm already fucked to hell
She had two mini strokes a couple months ago. She recovered to previous state. I'd say no. She's paralyzed on one side and in a nursing home. Insurance stopped paying a long time ago. Putting a lot of stress on my stepdad. He's a great guy but me and my brother were discussing our fear he won't be able to take it
Spanner in the works. Whatever My mom had an aneurysm last year too
Hey guys. You might remember me I spent a little while yesterday thinking about what I might say for pubski. I'm up shit creek. But I found out a little while ago I might get evicted which is a lot worse. Wrench in the spanner. Odds and bobs. Snakes and ladders. Timey whiney flim flams and crisps I live in Georgia. Just went on a British riff
I love you Lil
I can lurk. I'm usually depressed
You always know they're going to die. Then it hits And somehow you have grandparents who hang on forever out of spite and hatred
You're fine, bud
For the record I lost most of my followers for saying he should be thrown in a volcano. Third strike after saying I'd rather kill myself than have sex with Ted Cruz and something else equally dumb This was around the time he said comedy is back on twitter
I encourage anyone without an account to find a way to watch Twitter go down because Musk has enabled some truly funny ways I've seen verified Ted Cruz say he tastes his children and verified Dave Chapelle say he now respects trans women. Real shit show I badged you also at one point in my absence FWIW
Bitch about the run rate on a company that everyone knows makes no money, my good bitch
It's actually about fighting for no reason other than a bunch of treaties got invoked after a prince was shot
It's your right as a website owner to ruin the website
Breaking my exile I almost died. One doctors said they almost put me on a machine. I had to call 911 and could barely make it down the stairs. Then I fell down in the parking lot while they wheeled out the gurney All because of a little alcohol withdrawal
Looking forward to the thoughtful conversation this inspires
Good luck with your website that requires a user manual because of the byzantine rules