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comment by MisterMentat
MisterMentat  ·  3255 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Welcome to Hubski, redditors! Tell us about yourselves.

Good evening Hubski!

I'm a graduate student that recently finished my Master's degree in biostatistics and I'm currently waiting to start my PhD in statistics in the fall. I studied math as an undergraduate, and I'm a collector of hobbies. I love learning new things. That's my main hobby.

Recently I've been thinking about how little I see on Reddit is actually interesting. I find myself doing the same thing I pick on my wife (only with her it's Twitter): endlessly scrolling through pages and pages of links. I'm tired of upvotes and downvotes and endless memes. I hope this place has a bit more of an in-depth discussion feel. I'm really hoping for a HackerNews-esque feel with a broader subject matter.

thenewgreen  ·  3255 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    I hope this place has a bit more of an in-depth discussion feel. I'm really hoping for a HackerNews-esque feel with a broader subject matter.
I think that is a pretty good description of what Hubski is. I would suggest that there's more artistry and collaboration thrown in there too. Hang in there MisterMentat, you'll find that these next few days will have a lot of "AskHubski" and "newtohubski" type posts, but when that dies down, and it will, we will get back to the business of discussing things other than hubski and reddit.

Glad you found us!