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MisterMentat  ·  3239 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Welcome to Hubski, redditors! Tell us about yourselves.

Good evening Hubski!

I'm a graduate student that recently finished my Master's degree in biostatistics and I'm currently waiting to start my PhD in statistics in the fall. I studied math as an undergraduate, and I'm a collector of hobbies. I love learning new things. That's my main hobby.

Recently I've been thinking about how little I see on Reddit is actually interesting. I find myself doing the same thing I pick on my wife (only with her it's Twitter): endlessly scrolling through pages and pages of links. I'm tired of upvotes and downvotes and endless memes. I hope this place has a bit more of an in-depth discussion feel. I'm really hoping for a HackerNews-esque feel with a broader subject matter.