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Biden is way more cognizant than anybody is giving him credit for. Through prior work, I have quite a few right-voting colleagues who have met him. These are consistent Trump voters who have ALL (begrudgingly) said that he was incredibly sharp.
January 20th, 2025
Yeah anytime a study touts such a high risk ratio that's a big ol red flag. Using my very basic epidemiology knowledge, it looks like they calculated solely based on case numbers and not on person-time. Maybe somebody with more epi knowledge can chime in, but it just seems like poor study design.
Don't be a dick.
I think there is an actual use case for these things, but we are far from them being practical in any way, shape, or form. The real use I see is for entertainment, specifically in public places. The ability to turn on a TV show or movie anywhere, anytime, while no one can see what you're watching is a significant thing. In the right circumstances, that point alone will sell millions. This video highlights just how goofy people look and act while using them. Texting and other motions are hilarious to watch from an outside perspective. If Apple can introduce forms of tactile interaction, I can see that possibly catching on—I'm sure as hell not going to single-finger type something in the air, but if I can type on a table in front of me? Maybe. And really, people won't be caught dead wearing anything as conspicuous as these out in public. I'm honestly convinced we're still much further out than 10 years from VR being seamlessly integrated. These won't catch on until they're inconspicuous, and I feel like that'll take some pretty massive technology leaps.
Agh of course, I made the classic blunder of assuming someone talking about the military in English is American. Unfortunately my experience with the polish military is quite limited. Would still be happy to talk of course, all militaries end up being pretty damn similar when it comes down to it
Hey, I’d be happy to talk to your friend if need be. I’ve both fought entropy in the motor pool (extremely unsuccessfully) and done the non-LARP version of special forces. Always happy to talk about the good and bad of the experience.
That's a fantastic name, don't chaide yourself over not picking something perfect
I think this holds true across the board. True top performers aren’t the best because they learned fancy moves or techniques-it’s because they have practiced the basics to such a high extent that performing them is completely natural. That base allows you to build and expand more into your natural repertoire. Trying to mentally overcome that ability in the moment instead of trusting that base and letting your honed instincts work usually leads to failure. We don't rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training
Well it’s morning here, but I’m quite tempted to pour myself a glass of whiskey anyways for this pubski. It feels like forever since I made this post: I returned home about a month after posting. I spent quite a bit of time thinking about the advice from ThatFanficGuy, goobster, and kleinbl00. In the end, for various reasons, the time wasn’t right to further pursue opportunities out there. Partially I was just so far out in the boonies with no real opportunities for advancement/networking/doing anything else. Mostly I just didn’t trust myself to actually execute any of the big ideas I had developed since that post. I did a somewhat desperate search for other options and landed on going to business school. Which let me tell you, is a discordant path for me. I’ve spent quite a long time with a strong dislike towards the typical finance/consulting bros that gravitate towards MBA programs and the overall culture that they seem to have. That being said, the more I’ve researched and talked to people the more I think it is the right path. Anyways, the whole point of all this context is that I’ve had a pretty significant life change while in the application process. I struggled HARD to write a single goddamn thing for essays. I have so many damn ideas and stories to tell but simply couldn’t sit down and put them on paper, despite spending hours in front of my computer. I’ve always had trouble focusing on things in the past, especially writing (which has been a large reason I don’t post often here), and this was the final straw. I talked to a doctor, who diagnosed me with ADHD and prescribed meds (shoutout to the SF VA, this all happened within 24 hours). This was about a week ago, and I just have such an incredibly hard time putting into words how life changing this has been. I mean HOLY SHIT. The ability to have a task, that I want and need to do, and ACTUALLY BE ABLE TO DO IT?? I used to spend hours/days on the simplest things, blaming myself the whole time for being extraordinarily lazy. The first couple paragraphs of this article could easily have been about me. And the other things, my god. My head feels calm, like a storm has cleared. I can actually listen to people, process what they’re saying, and respond coherently. I went to a climbing gym and actually enjoyed it-I feel like I’ve been going through the motions for years. I can’t remember the last time that I wasn’t immediately bored after the first climb. It feels like a key has opened the rest of my life. I’ve been extraordinarily lucky in a lot of ways, and I dragged myself kicking and screaming through a career and life that has set me up well. And now I feel able to accomplish the things I’ve always dreamed of. In the past week, I’ve either interviewed at or have received invitations for every single school that I’ve applied to (including several schools I never ever dreamed I would be able to attend). Feeling happy and hopeful.
I don't fully understand what I am looking at but it looks like it takes an incredible amount of hard work, skill, and attention to detail. I would wager that it working the first time was very much due to your high ability. I don't think I would be overstepping to say that hubski is quite proud of you.
He is.
well that was quite fun to listen to. I have a friend who just went through his commercial pilot license over at ATP in livermore so I've been hearing all about flying in the bay-seems amazing. I'll be on lookout for citabrias!
I talked in a past pubski about how I felt a general lack of purpose and desire to do more. The feeling has gnawed at me for ages... I lost all interest in medicine and have quite my program. So I returned to Ukraine about a month ago. The sense of purpose is back and I feel more content than I have in the past 6 months of comfy living going to school in San Francisco. It's been a great time, working with interesting people for a shared positive reason. It's a completely different vibe than the last time I was here-the country (at least the area I am in) has settled into wartime in a weirdly easygoing way. There are plenty of oddities- I watched a Kalibr missile fly past me the other day, just cruising along at an incredibly low altitude. That being said I know I can only do this for so long. This organization has zero ability for forward progression and the work is very repetitive. For my actual career I have no idea what I truly want to do. I want to do more and achieve more but hell I have no idea what that would look like. I have the conflicting goals of wanting to work in remote areas/emergencies and building a family with a solid home life. I've been advised to work with a career counselor, which I guess can't hurt. After a decade of being so sure of my path it's a weird place to be.
I'm so sorry man. I know how hard and rare it can be to meet someone you're truly excited about. And how difficult it can be to slowly realize it won't work out. We tell ourselves so many things to try and make it work, but in the end for whatever reason some things just aren't right-and it fucking sucks. Wishing you the best
Everything counts. Putin and his cronies will pay eventually, in part to donations like yours. героям слава