This is the worst shape I've been in in a long, long time.
I've been wanting to try the fast that mk and mike have done in the past. I believe Mike wrote a post on it. I'm on my phone or id look it up.
So, as of tonight at 7pm I'm fasting.
Just water and one cup of coffee in the morning till Wednesday at 7pm.
I have customer meetings all day Tuesday and Wednesday and I'm training someone both days, but fuck it, there will never be a good time.
I need a shot in the arm and maybe the best shot is a big dose of nothing.
After this, I'm taking up tennis again. I'm sick of this sedentary desk life I'm developing.
I will be checking in on this post leaving comments in real time.
Please hold me accountable Hubski.
Wednesday 7pm.
Thank you.
I found mike's post:
EDIT: Monday, 9:30am
I had half a cup of coffee this morning (black) and I've had a glass of water. I'm officially a bit hungry. I normally don't eat breakfast, but I also normally have a late night snack the night prior.
EDIT Monday: 1:45pm Damn. I'm hungry. I'm getting a bit of a headache.
EDIT Monday: 8:50pm Headache. Had a small pinch of salt. It really was nice. Earlier today I had a piece of sugar-free gum 'cause my breath was stale. Other than that it's been all water. Looking forward to sleeping, but tonight is our Hubski call. Doh!
EDIT Tuesday: 9am My son woke up four times last night. I had an awful night of sleep. My mouth is very dry, I need to drink more water. I woke up feeling kind of weak, with a slight headache and I'm not thinking all that clearly. Man, I'd sure like to have an apple. If I'm my head is this foggy tomorrow morning, I will have to have an apple or something like that. I cannot be facing customers like this. So far I have taken in zero calories though.
EDIT Tuesday: 10:45am I feel like I'm turning a corner in that my desperate hunger is subsiding and my headache is starting to fade. I had half a cup of black coffee, which I think helped. I need to drink a lot more water. I feel lighter, if that makes sense, also like the skin on my forehead is tighter. I can do this!
Edit Tuesday 3pm: okay, stomach is definitely grumbling. Maybe I could treat myself to another stick of gum? I would give my kingdom for an apple right about now :)
Edit Tuesday 5pm Dinner is ready. It looks delicious. Anything would right about now. I was asked what I would like to have for dinner tomorrow night. -I'm not really sure. My body seems to want protein as I'm craving red-meat. But I'll probably ease in to it with some fruit and a salad. No need to throw all this hard work out the window.
Final Edit
I made it. 72 hours with zero calories. Pretty awesome to know that I can do this.
I had some good sales calls today too. I wasn't too worse for the ware cognitively. The first 24 hours were the worst, by far. Then, it was like a new normal.
For dinner tonight I had two slices of gourmet pizza with pecorino cheese a little bit of sausage and some basil, I also had to IPAs and the kids ice cream cone. All of which were amazing.
I plan on having a balanced food approach moving forward.
Fruit for breakfast. Maybe a small salad for lunch and a nice dinner.
Perhaps most remarkably, in no way did I feel like I was missing alcohol. -good to know.
I would simply like to state for the record that, while I encourage everyone in this thread to challenge themselves and obtain their personal fitness goals, and that yes, sometimes a shock to start a new routine can help or simply reset the system, and so on and so forth... Please be careful with how much you limit your calorie intake and how often; please work to ensure that however you decide to lose weight, you do so carefully, reasonably, and while working to ensure general overall good nutrition; and remember that in no way is anyone in this thread advocating fasting/extreme low-cal intake on a daily/regular basis as a means to healthy, long-term, successful weight loss or maintenance. I don't think any of you are doing this in a way that is bad but I would hate for any person to read this thread and use it as encouragement or motivation for unhealthy behavior. I can't get behind a thread like this without saying something to that point. I wish you all luck with your fasts, though, and am not trying to rain on any parade. I just really feel a little uncomfortable reading all the enthusiasm in this thread and not saying what I've said.
For what it's worth, I consulted with a medical physicist and an MD.
I think _refugee_ was just throwing up a word of caution to anyone who is predisposed to eating disorders with the hope that they wouldn't read about the virtues of fasting and take that as a sign that anorexia is also healthy. Pretty sure she wasn't aiming it at you. Ref, not trying to put words in your mouth; that's just how I read your statement.
I didn't think that she was. I thought it was a prudent thing for her to state. I was just trying to add to it letting people that read this know that this decision wasn't made in a vacuum. I took absolutely no offense from ref's comment. Not at all.
Yeah not trying to guilt or naysay at all. Just trying to say, hey, we might all be doing this, but that doesn't mean you should do it all the time. It's hard to say though bc now intermittent fasting has come up (which I do advocate) and so on - so basically - moderation in all things and be safe.
Good luck to you! I tried intermittent fasting, just to experience it and collate the results compared to other methods. I couldn't do it sadly, I found myself erratic in my training etc. In the end, I just calculated my TDEE, subtracted 300-500 off the total and I started losing weight weekly when eating to that point. It's a slower process but I was able to control everything quite nicely. It may not at all be for you, I had to maintain a certain degree of strength and athleticism for my rather active lifestyle, and IF ruined any chance of that for me. Purely anecdotal though - I'm also a big believer in finding what works for you and sticking with it, so I hope it goes well!
I dunno about cleansing (sound like some new-age BS, or some weird enema fetishism) But intermittent fasting was proven to work.. on rats: Given the same amount of calories, rats that had a 16h fasting between meal, lost weight, not the 3 meal rats. good luck
Approaching 48 hours and going strong. The scale showed some weight loss in the morning but I suspect that it is mostly fluid. Enjoyed a tall americano at 9 a.m. and have felt good all day. Some stomach growling before lunchtime passed after a few minutes. As is almost always true unless I have just eaten, I would be happy to consume something, but I don't feel uncomfortable, and enjoy that I can do other things with my food time. I seem to be thinking about eating more than usual. It's like a little voice saying "Remember those portobello mushrooms in the fridge? I bet they're still there..." I enjoyed a dozen sea salt crystals one by one after noon, about a gram. I am also trying to drink more water. It will be fun to break the fast, and I haven't decided how. I plan to go slow and savor every bite for a while.
Great work. I've not had my salt yet today. I'm saving it for the 48 hour mark. I like the idea of savoring.
I spoke too soon, from the comfort of the office. Walking to the metro station from work I started feeling weak, then kept falling asleep on the train. Walking home perked me up some, but I felt like I was hitting the wall, just out of gas. 12,500 steps logged today. I stretched out on the bed but still didn't feel right. I ate a ciabatta roll, dipping in olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Defeat never tasted so good. I am down 4-5 pounds from Sunday night, mostly fluid I suspect, which will be confirmed if it comes back by the end of the week. Good luck with your goal!
Yeah, I'm definitely weak and very tired. Nice work making it two days. That's impressive stuff! Trust me, I know :) Can't wait for dinner tomorrow night!!
I can attest to fasting. I've fasted intermittently three times for 40-day periods, and the effect it's had on my body composition each time is remarkable -- an admixture of galvanizing and exhilarating. The fasting durations were generally the middle of the day period, between an early breakfast and late dinner, so about 13 hours. Another time-slot that I had a lot of success with was skipping breakfast and breaking the fast with a lunch or early dinner and then another meal around 7pm or so. A longer fasting period, but part of it spent sleeping. Fasting changed my relationship with food. It also transformed my understanding of what my limits are. Best of luck. Can't wait to hear about your progress. And thanks for posting mike 's 3-day fast report, I missed it but it's a great post.
I have a lot of experience with fasting. Careful when you start eating again. It might alter your metabolism so you need less food for your body to extract the nutrients it needs. It feels like your digestion is more efficient. Also you may get a very strong urge to eat more than you need once you re-introduce food again.
ipreferpi you ready to begin playing tennis again? This weekend? jonaswildman, want to play while I'm in MI?
24 hours and stable. I saw your announcement after coming home with ingredients for a recipe I was too lazy to prepare so I had a bowl of ravioli. I get bored in the kitchen if I don't have an appetite. I stole a sugar cube from the pile the kid was using for math practice after two hours but haven't cheated since. Was hungry in the morning but it passed. Also felt out of sorts until I finally got a coffee in early afternoon, which relieved a mild headache. Feel almost normal now, maybe with a slightly elevated (from the usual high) snacking instinct.
I have a headache. My wife went grocery shopping. So much good food in the house. It would be so easy to justify a banana. I had a piece of sugar-free gum this afternoon but other than that, just water. You going to go for three days as well?
My goal was to beat you or go 24 hours, whichever came first. But I am feeling okay, so I'll shoot for another day. Giving up a bike ride to take the train to work is a sacrifice, but I still logged 11,500 steps today. I really enjoyed a lemon-lime soda (ingredients carbonated water and natural flavor, all-zero nutrition facts). Hopefully that isn't a deal-breaker. I don't think artificial sweetener should count either, but will stick to black coffee to honor the detox pseudoscience.
really enjoyed a lemon-lime soda (ingredients carbonated water and natural flavor, all-zero nutrition facts). Hopefully that isn't a deal-breaker.
-This is about you and what is a deal breaker to you not me. There are LOTS of things that I enjoy that I'm forgoing. That's about 90% of this for me. It's about doing without. Hell, I even forgo putting lemon in my water.
I agree, that's the challenge. I don't envy you the prospect of eating carefully long term. Even three days of self control looks tough. There is a jar of almonds here that keeps catching my eye. You have grit though. I believe if you make attainable goals you'll hit your target.It's about doing without.
I also get headaches when I don't eat regularly. I almost never get very hungry, but I do get headaches. I don't think fasting has much of anything to do with losing weight, although I'm sure you know that. How many steps do you walk per day? Get on that app, it's fun. Counts flights of stairs too. Get a standing desk?
TNG you're in the triangle, right? Try out climbing at TRC. Maybe not the best weightloss routine, but definitely fun and another way to break up the monotony
Buy a good jump rope. You can do it anywhere and get some cardio in. Just bring an extra shirt along so you don't get your work stuff messy.
This is a great suggestion. Jumprope burns shit-tons of calories - just can be tough on the knees. It's not recommended you do it for more than about 10 min/time (though you can push past that, of course, or do multiple sessions in a day), and try to do it on wooden floor (recommended, but hell on the floor and anyone below) or dirt (not recommended, but viable, just gonna kill some grass) over concrete or asphalt. Hulahoop is also a great indoor small-space cardio exercise, but not gonna burn you nearly the calories.
My diet yesterday: banana bread french toast, with mimosa and sampling of other people's food. Then for dinner, a buffalo chicken burrito, frozen margarita, and two donuts to top it off. Today: I feel like a fat, bloated oaf. This fasting idea is appealing. Unfortunately I run a lot so it's not feasible. Perhaps later in life...
Good luck! I've noticed the same thing. I currently probably eat too many snacks and I never exercise. I miss playing badminton but my group have all scattered to the four corners of the earth (that's what finishing college is like) so I will have to find more people once I move back to London. Do we have a Hubski system for pressuring people to keep healthy? Weekly diet/fitness thread? On a related note, I like WheezyWaiter's (YouTube vlogger) change of format. Since he produces videos every day, he's ended up videoing his workouts while the title music plays (probably also an excuse to mess about with montage). Must be nice to have your ~300k subscribers hold you to account ;)
8 lbs so far. I hate it and love it simultaneously. Unfortunately I messed up my knee, so I am on pause for a few weeks. Gotta really watch calories now and have go lower dependece on exercise. I might start the fasting thing Friday, but I have a big ACC test Thursday and want to be in a good state of mind (read: not really hungry) during it. Anyways, good luck on your journey!