I would simply like to state for the record that, while I encourage everyone in this thread to challenge themselves and obtain their personal fitness goals, and that yes, sometimes a shock to start a new routine can help or simply reset the system, and so on and so forth... Please be careful with how much you limit your calorie intake and how often; please work to ensure that however you decide to lose weight, you do so carefully, reasonably, and while working to ensure general overall good nutrition; and remember that in no way is anyone in this thread advocating fasting/extreme low-cal intake on a daily/regular basis as a means to healthy, long-term, successful weight loss or maintenance. I don't think any of you are doing this in a way that is bad but I would hate for any person to read this thread and use it as encouragement or motivation for unhealthy behavior. I can't get behind a thread like this without saying something to that point. I wish you all luck with your fasts, though, and am not trying to rain on any parade. I just really feel a little uncomfortable reading all the enthusiasm in this thread and not saying what I've said.