Great work. I've not had my salt yet today. I'm saving it for the 48 hour mark. I like the idea of savoring.
I spoke too soon, from the comfort of the office. Walking to the metro station from work I started feeling weak, then kept falling asleep on the train. Walking home perked me up some, but I felt like I was hitting the wall, just out of gas. 12,500 steps logged today. I stretched out on the bed but still didn't feel right. I ate a ciabatta roll, dipping in olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Defeat never tasted so good. I am down 4-5 pounds from Sunday night, mostly fluid I suspect, which will be confirmed if it comes back by the end of the week. Good luck with your goal!
Yeah, I'm definitely weak and very tired. Nice work making it two days. That's impressive stuff! Trust me, I know :) Can't wait for dinner tomorrow night!!