Anyone down for an IRC meetup tomorrow night WEDNESDAY at 10:00 p.m. EASTERN time. Eastern whatever time... if it's daylight time, then EDT, otherwise EST. I just need one person, say galen or ButterflyEffect or, the ever-wondering wasoxygen -
It's Rosh Hashanah too, but I've moved my Rosh Hashanah back a few days. (Note: You're not normally supposed to do that; it would be like unilaterally celebrating Christmas on December 27) An IRC meetup would be a nice way to celebrate official Rosh Hashanah.
It's a Wednesday. I have tomorrow off all day. My class was cancelled because: GET THIS - Some Ministry of The Government of Ontario wanted to make an announcement so they booked my classroom for the WHOLE DAY. Granted it's a very cool classroom. They call it the Fish Bowl. But guys, really - the whole day?
I'm sure my totally swamped, overworked class were happy to have a reprieve, a snow day so to speak. So was I. A couple of days after the class was cancelled, the department found me a permanent alternate room for when the Government shows up, but it seemed too late to uncancel the class after everyone had been so relieved.
Probably this is too short notice for an IRC meetup. Even so, here's a suggested theme for discussion, based on a recent post by NotPhil:
- Everyone is born with a mind, he writes, but it is only through introspection, observation, connecting the head and the heart, making meaning of experience and finding an organizing purpose that you build a unique individual self.
a quote from "Becoming a Real Person"
Bring a drink. I'll hunt for some Scotch. Didn't John Oliver say Scotch "tastes like a delicious housefire"?
I'm in! I don't have any scotch in the house and due to an upcoming trip and 10 year wedding anniversary gift, I'm slowing down the spending and therefore will not be buying any fancy scotch... but I do have some absinthe and I really do enjoy it on ice with a bit of simple syrup. -It's sort of my organizing purpose.
I'm excited to chat with you all. It's been too long.
edit: so I don't forget:
HA! And here I thought I was giving myself 5 minutes prep time. I thought that the time was 10:30.
Thanks, corrected.
I think prepping is a good idea.
Everyone is born with a mind, he writes, but it is only through 1) introspection, 2) observation, 3) connecting the head and the heart, 4) making meaning of experience and 5) finding an organizing purpose that you build a unique individual self.
When I look at the quote above, I see that the author has listed five ways that he hopes to build a unique self. (Philosophers out there, I'm not assuming that building "a unique self" is necessarily the highest value.) One could also look at any dozen people that we admire and who have made a difference. Would we agree that they observed those five principles to building a unique self.
And wouldn't you say that creating your own playlist is part of building a unique self?
Glenfiddich is the single malt that women tend to like the most. It's sweet-ish and not too smoky. You might prefer a blend, at least to start. Johnny Walker Black is a pretty good place to start, although I've met more women who like Chivas.
It is currently 9pm. I worked from 5am until 6pm, then drove half an hour, slept in my car for an hour and then spent an hour passing undiluted stomach acid and undigested spinach due to a rather nasty allergic reaction I had at lunch. I then started working an hour ago; I will hopefully get to leave at 11 but I might be here until 6. Which would be bad because I need to be back at the other gig at 5:30 tomorrow morning to work until, you guessed it, 6pm Wednesday (9pm EDT), when I will drive 54 miles home.
Which, okay, except for the fact that this was my schedule yesterday as well. Minus the food poisoning, fortunately. So when I get home tomorrow night right about the time IRC starts, I will have logged 56 union hours and experienced about 8 hours of sleep in the previous 60, and will hopefully have a digestive system interested in showing up to work. At that point I will see my wife and child, the former of which I last saw Sunday at midnight when she ran off to a birth that ended up with her fist rammed up a woman's uterus for half an hour to keep her from bleeding to death, the latter of which I last saw at 4am Monday morning when I let in the babysitter to take her to daycare.
Suffice it to say "TMI, yes I know" but also "have a great IRC but I'm barely coherent now and tomorrow is gonna be fuckin' sporty."
Good luck pal. Scotch, food poisoning, sleep deprivation, uterus fisting... this comment has it all.
Hang in there.
Soo I've always wanted to irc irl and it looks like it works on mobile so maybe I finally can!
I'd be interested in your "trip" report on trying to follow an IRC chat among 10 people on a mobile. Could someone add the tag #hubskidrinkclub to the above post. That way newbies can see some of the IRC history.
Yes, typing out responses via mobile does leave you a bit behind the flow of conversation. Reminded me of the old AOL chatrooms a 13yo me would frequent.
Haha I love how almost tribal it is. Very basic desire to understand and be understood through all the information.
There are plenty of apps available. Can't attest on their usability though, sometimes it's a bit hard to get it to work.
Why are these things always planned for my peak domestic duty times? Oh well, I'll be there in spirit.
I can't be there right at 10*, I'll be out seeing a Caryl Churchill play until around 11*, but at that point I should be able to hang as long as others are down: field studies day on Thursday, so I can just put off my Wednesday homework til Thurs evening. I love that theme though. Seems very applicable to Hubski (poorly phrased, let me know if you don't understand and I'll try to explain).
Looking forward to it!
PS Can we also discuss the new alt-J/Aphex Twin/Leonard Cohen/Pentatonix albums? Super pumped to listen to them all; I'll probably marathon while we chat.
*These times converted to ET for your convenience
Which play?
Just reading up. If it's the play discussed by Tony Kushner in the linked article, you'll probably be stirred and shaken.
It's actually "Love and Information": 100 characters, 57 scenes. Disjointed. As far as I can tell, mostly unrelated (although I haven't seen/read it yet). Will report back after the performance.
- Over 50 interchangeable scenes, 14 actors portray more than 100 characters desperate to negotiate a world obsessed with a ‘need to know’ and unlimited access to information. What really matters; where are the silences; how do we sort reality from the manufactured noise? Funny and poignant, Love and Information examines our technology-driven culture, celebrates our spirit and offers an ode to love in a disconnected world.
PS That other play you linked looks really interesting, though. I'm reading the article now. (My only prior exposure to Churchill was that a classmate read a few of her plays as part of a year-long literary analysis project. Mine was on Stoppard.)
Hey lil! Sorry I hadn't got around to responding to you before, it's been a crazy week. I'll try to be there, no promises though. I have a biomechanics test on Thursday so studying should probably happen tomorrow night.
Love the topic, it sounds like something we could all contribute a lot too. Definitely one that goes well with something like scotch or brandy, at least.
As I am always idling in IRC, I shall be around. ironpotato is usually on IRC as well, but I've never seen him on that server/channel - if he's conscious tomorrow I'll annoy him until he shows up (at least in my channel).
Edit: Also, after talking to lil in IRC, I suggest putting some links to popular/free IRC clients on the tmi page. Mibbit is okay for temporary use, but I think the channel would be more active if people got a better intro to IRC. An alternative would be to add a link to a more in-depth post on what IRC is, including some clients across platforms.
I should check my email more often.
Sorry I've been on a homework/anime kick, I'll be on tonight