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hubskier for: 3529 days
And down and down it goes... I certainly won't say I kinda expected this to happen. Nope, I won't.DAOs? Where we're heading there are no DAOs.
Me too. Sideways, ETH is currently being sold (at least officially) via BTC. So a collapse of the BTC system, where we're heading since a longer period of time, would significantly impact Ethereum's use, development and deployment - and that isn't that good. Maybe we should create a new cryptocurrency - DAO makes it easy [[UPDATE: to lose your money]] ... Oh, DAO is ETH based, ETH is BTC based, it follows: all DAO-related currencies are BTC dependent in the current stage. Ethereum should become independent (if it wants to survive) but not take over the role of Bitcoin. It wasn't intended for it in the first place.
Haven't listened to high music in a while. Again keep up with great work! Sounds just perfect during me finishing all yearly work.
I would love an open-behind-the-scenes-source Hubski! Just found Pyski, wondered if I should fork it, but then I saw that the API prototype is down (hasn't been here for about a year or so); so when the API is up server-side, I'm ready to help with the client-side bindings :) Again all the respect for your work! Anyway, as a hobbyist cryptographer, may I ask if there is a plan/option to upgrade to SHA3 (Keccak) - I would like to see that feature, although I don't know much about Arc programming? Nevertheless, SHA2 is still treated as secure but with the slow rise of quantum giants, it wouldn't be anymore impossible to break it. Although it's a rather silly, paranoid idea, I know.
Love it. You earned a new fan. Keep going. :)
TrueCrypt is dead. Development was discontinued by mid-2014 and the original devs (as other security oriented people) are saying that the source is NOT secure as there are several severe code flaws, found in the second audit round. A promising successor to TrueCrypt is VeraCrypt as it fixes many vulnerabilities and security issues found in TrueCrypt. More to read here. It even got a PPA.
As I see it, it's more a PR gag than serious protection, mainly to improve their image after the more acute and serious problem, namely YouTube's ultimatum: grant us access to your videos for our paid premium services, or you get deleted altogether. I feel that the ultimate problem is ultimate of YouTube's and still barely someone bats an eye about it. At what are we watching when such things happen?
The bubble of the Internet Dream just burst... Or did it a long time ago? That's the question we're obligated to ask us. Internet isn't a "space". It's a concept, that defines a pretty complex physical environment, consisting of communication protocols, used by an extreme number of people over the world. And because of some individuals, who are playing by some "different" moral and ethics codex, it's far from being "safe". And I'm not talking about hacktivists. Not "space", Cameron, "knowledge" would be a better word that you should had used. Hiding the truth could be far more effective. It seems to function anyway. It's absurd.He [Cameron] said terrorists, paedophiles and criminals must not be allowed a “safe space” online.
In 20 years, the Web might complete its shift from liberator to oppressor. It’s up to us to prevent that.