Heading back to school in an hour or two. Getting some sushi as a last meal before a semester of powdered eggs and roast beef.
Finessed my way out from West Point's "lowest prices" totaling over $900 in textbooks. Got everything for $300. There are few greater feelings of satisfaction in life.
Quitting nicotine. Starting... now. Would love some advice on this endeavor.
Holy shit dude, how many classes are you taking to have $900 in books? Do you have an option to rent? Maybe I've just been taking the right classes, but over the past two terms (6 classes) I've spent like $300, mostly through the bookstore because I value convenience more than I should.
Congrats on quitting man. I replaced weed, booze and nicotine with tea and coffee about a month ago, but that was after some life re-evaluation. I think it helps not to think about quitting something as starting a new hobby to replace it with. Smoking isn't too time consuming, but I'm sure you could find something to replace it with.
We get solid family style meals, only MREs in the summer during field training. I don't think a Rhodes scolarship let alone West Point would be worth a diet of MREs.
I assume you get some hot meals even in the field? When I was in the Army National Guard, we'd get a hot breakfast, MRE for lunch and hot dinner.
I didn't think MREs were too bad. It hinged on the sides. Jalapeño cheese? Skittles? Awesome. Jelly? Charms (knock off Lifesavers)? Boo. Do they still it Charms in MREs? I haven't had an MRE in almost fifteen years.