"Hablas inglés?"
"Como se dice 'un zapato' en inglés?"
"A shoe"
What if soymilk is just regular milk introducing himself in Spanish? S o r r y
Un hombre entra en la habitación con una cabra en los brazos... Su mujer echada en la cama está leyendo un libro... Dice el hombre: "Mira cariño, esta es la vaca que me follo cuando tienes jaquecas..." Le contesta la mujer: "Si no fueras tan gilipollas te darías cuenta de que es una cabra..." El hombre sonríe..: "Si no fueras tan gilipollas te darías cuenta de que estoy hablando con la cabra..."
That, plus to what I have gathered, Scandinavians are not really known for their sense of humor. Perhaps that's a cultural thing that makes joke not transfer well but Poles see them as somber, serious and lethargic. That hardly describes Swedes or Norwegians that I know, but stereotypes oftentimes are far from the truth. It pretty much boils down to "this is literally the best joke anyone in Sweden could hope to produce" as far as joke goes.