This is what I've been working on the last couple weeks.
I think donations are basically done at this point. You'll be able to donate via a donations page, with a link at the top. It's all secure, going thru Stripe, and never touching our servers. Which means ① you don't have to worry about us handling your card data securely, because we don't even handle it, and ② we don't have to worry about PCI compliance.
Yes, it's ugly. I made it work. Someone with more interest and ability in design than I will make it pretty at some point in the future.
Once a donation is processed, it will show up on your user page.
This is only visible to you, no one else can see it. We could easily add an setting to make donation info public/private, if people want that. It's also not visible in zen mode.
We're planning on deploying it Wednesday, if all goes well.
As always questions, comments, suggestions are welcome.
Oh noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Phew.Once a donation is processed, it will show up on your user page.
This is only visible to you, no one else can see it.
My advice to anyone is to give what you think the site is worth to you, and that you can afford to give, without impacting your life in any sort of negative way. There's no right or wrong answer, anything is helpful. Trust me, in no way are we in danger of getting more donations thaN the site has cost us to create and maintain for these past 5 years. But, if you are asking what the site cost to run her the amount of users we have, on an individual basis… I don't have an answer for that. I suppose we could put something like that together.
Any number of discussions we've had have been about sustainability. It would be good to have a real idea of what that sustainability looks like, particularly since this site is so social and interconnected that we're starting to look more like "shareholders" than "users." Hubski has been in negative earnings for a long time and it's probably time that we, the shareholders, shoulder some of the burden.
Hubski should do a NPR style donation drive twice a year. Every fifteen minutes the tight rope walking monk should talk about how important user contributions are. Your only options are to wait for him to go away knowing he'll be back sooner than you'd like or browse Reddit for two weeks until the drive is over.
Check out the donation page at Might be a bit overkill for Hubski but it works well for them.
Maybe. I'm just glad people will have a way to feel even more connected. If it can help us make actual swag that we can share, all the better. That'd be awesome.
Thank you Rob! You've been an amazing addition to team Hubski. Your work ethic is kick ass, as is your integrity. Donations are something that the community has asked for for years. I'm interested to see how this plays out. This will be a fun experiment.
Scene: Late evening in casa del thenewgreen as he has car keys in hand, heading out for the door. "Hey hon, I'm gonna head out for a bit. I'll be back in a few days." "What? A few days? That's not going 'out for a bit.' Where are you going?" ". . . Denver." "DENVER?! WHAT THE FUCK IS OUT IN DENVER?" "I owe a guy a beer for helping out on Hubski so much lately." "Hubski? Oh Dear Lord. You and this Hubski thing with your stickers and your internet friends. Fine. You can go to Denver but I need you back by this weekend. My mother is coming to visit." "I can't make any promises babe. You know how erratic the weather in Colorado is. I might get snowed in or something." ". . . it's October." "Climate shift babe. It's the way of the world now. K. Gotta go. Love ya. Bye."
wife: "It's not that OTHER steve guy is it? ooof... what and idoiot" tng: "no... not that idiot, you know I don't suffer fools. It's this guy rob05c. He's awesome. He's been coding his ass off" wife [rolls eyes]: "just bring me back some good weed"
Stripe does support bitcoin, so we'll probably add it at some point in the future, when we have less pressing concerns.
lol we had like 3 different 50+ comment discussions about how to do this and we ended up picking the standard that's used on most websites anyways doesn't get more hubski than that Anyways can't wait to pay TNG for that t-shirt since I refuse to buy a hoodie when the money doesn't go to you guys good job rob
Yep. We can also implement e-checks, bitcoin, and international currencies, if there's demand for those. We'll also probably implement recurring payments at some point. But not right now. I'm moving back to scalability and API stuff once this is deployed.