This is what I've been working on the last couple weeks.
I think donations are basically done at this point. You'll be able to donate via a donations page, with a link at the top. It's all secure, going thru Stripe, and never touching our servers. Which means ① you don't have to worry about us handling your card data securely, because we don't even handle it, and ② we don't have to worry about PCI compliance.
Yes, it's ugly. I made it work. Someone with more interest and ability in design than I will make it pretty at some point in the future.
Once a donation is processed, it will show up on your user page.
This is only visible to you, no one else can see it. We could easily add an setting to make donation info public/private, if people want that. It's also not visible in zen mode.
We're planning on deploying it Wednesday, if all goes well.
As always questions, comments, suggestions are welcome.