Original Thread
Been working on a card game called FissureVerse on and off for the past... gosh, six years! After a few months of inactivity (working on a novel series mostly instead), I've gotten back into the swing of things. Development logs and cards and such can be found here:
It's a little bit like Magic: The Gathering meets Cosmic Encounter. Still a work in progress (and probably will be for another six years). I should have another post in the next day or two, with 8 more cards.
Love the idea to this, supporting you all the way !
Although I haven't read all the logs yet, I'm making it my goal to read them all. They're really interesting to read actually, game developments are interesting and it's a fun thing to study (I say study but not really..) if I ever get bored and want something interesting to learn about.
Thanks! You're in for a long, confusing haul if you wanna read all the dev logs. Hope it's semi-intelligible! When it's in a printable state, I hope to be able to play test it, and offer easy-to-print instructions so others can, too. I'll probably make a Hubski post about it when it gets to that point. (Don't hold your breath.)
Happy reading!
I usually browse the "Undiscovered" tab in DeviantArt, find students & hobbyists with art that already matches a card I've designed, and ask if I can use it. Sometimes they say no, sometimes they don't reply, but when they say yes I'm thrilled. Sometimes I get risky too, and ask professionals.
Cosmic Encounter was my favorite game in college, and I never got to play it enough. I mixed and matched the fantasy of MtG with the macabre sci-fi of Cosmic Encounter to get the theme of FissureVerse. I wish Cosmic Encounter had more of a story, so that's something I'm goin to be pushing in FissureVerse.
I wrote it a while ago as sort of a cross between commentary on lazy poems and to boost my own levels of pretentiousness. :P
SUDDENLYSome prose that's
with a line
your 'tab' key
abused here
or <- there
with s p a c e s
at random
p l a c e s,
is not what
- E.E. Devac
Let me guess: too tongue-in-cheek?
I've recorded a couple of things recently. I don't know if i shared them here. One's a cover, one's original. Please excuse my voice. I hate it, but it's the only one i have.
I think that original is awesome. And your voice fits perfectly.
Here's 4 fractals based on the sphinx dissection. The sphinx puzzle is to take a sphinx shape (composed of 4 equilateral triangles, see start images of each of the fractals) and divide it into 4 similar pieces. Each fractal is made by removing one of the four pieces, dissecting the remaining 3, and repeating.
Someone asked me the other week if my lizard was a zombie. It isn't. At this point, zombies are kind of cliche, but I could see what they were talking about. So now I'm making one. I'm gonna sit on it for another night or two before tackling the background. As it is, it's full of trees, but at this point I'm kind of tired of trees (sorry Bob Ross) so I might make it something else. City? Trailer park? I dunno.
I was also originally gonna make this a cube, to add a bit of depth, but it wasn't going well. I think I'm gonna try something much simpler in the future to tackle as a cube and then work up from there. I'm thinking a simple knight's helmet, ala Castle Crashers.
Halloween decorations.
How to:
1. Hoard empty paper towel and toilet paper holders in summer months when the thought of Halloween is simply laughable
2. october: with foam sponge brushes paint the tube outsides black. let dry
3. paint interior: paint 1in from each opening of tube black, let dry
4. cardstock or construction paper. look up some pictures of DIY bats other people have done online. fail to find a template
5. fold cardstock in half like hamburger. freehand wing design. cut out.
6. repeat. make them all different. experiment with the best looking wing. 2 wings/page easy, 3 wings/page pushing it.
7. take black paper towel tubes and examine rim. push down 1 side of outer rim (bending inwards). push down rim segment directly opposing.
8. flip tube and repeat. take care to align push points. we are forming the ears and feet on the bat body with this
9. repeat til all your tubes have ears and feet
10. hot glue wings on bodies
11. if you're fancy take an awl punch holes and thread your modafinil using a curved needle through each bat. tie in loops tape up. do not recommend scotch tape the bats will fall. Recommend punching 1 hole on bat body above wing below indent, and other hole on the indented back "bat ear" portion of tube. this helps bats hang most upright. if you're not fancy just use a needle and stab yourself a lot.
12. repeat until done
It's been a sister sister project for a few days. We've had fun.
Started this last night. I almost crashed on the 101 trying to snap a pic of this boat in a fog. It needs more work, but I am practicing doing subtle things with color. The challenge is to make a large area of similar tone not look like paint. I haven't achieved it here yet, but I think I can move it closer once this dries some.
I just finished a redesign for a client. It's fast and snappy, when you hover over a link on the website it starts preloading it. It feels absurdly fast. And it's under 3mb, which is something I'm proud of with all the pictures it has. https://www.koots.com/
Here's a website I've been working on: http://rifflist.org/
its basically a site where you can post an idea for some movie, book, experiment, business, game etc... People can browse through the list for inspiration, share their own ideas to get them out of their head, and comment on ideas to riff on them.
Still haven't figured out how to make a backend for it though :P, so adding a comment is all client-side right now
Ooh, this reminds me of Workflowy, but you can't collaborate on that site at all.
I've used Workflowy since it was in early beta, and have not found any tool more useful. Great site. Great people. Great product.
They also got it to GREAT and then left it. They have the perfect minimalist tool, and they have not overburdened it with useless crap and features and interface re-works. It has been the same for ... I dunno... 7 years now?
Love it.
In case anyone is looking for a clean, fuzzy clock homepage (with dark mode after 9pm):
I'm not much of an artist myself, but I love art, and I love to help artists create things. I like to make spaces in which art can happen.
My friend Lauren has a vintage typewriter collection. So I had the idea to collect a bunch of tables and chairs, and for us to set up a bunch of typewriters in random parks around Seattle. Passersby were able to sit down and type whatever they wanted to. We made sure the machines were working well, had paper and ribbon, and even had some writing cues laying around for those who didn't know what to write, but wanted to.
It was apparently newsworthy, and over two summers we did this in 5 or 6 parks around the city.
Writers were welcome to give us their work, and their address. We would then shuffle all the submissions, and people would get someone else's work in the mail, months later.
We called it The Carriage Return and published many of the pieces to this tumblr.
It morphed into Ribbon and Rhyme, which was using the typewriters for poetry in various Seattle Public Libraries.
I've also produced a bunch of raves/Burning Man events.
Like this one, which was a one-night "decompression" event after Burning Man, called Seacompression.
And this is me being the emcee for another year's decompression event I helped produce.
So those are some of my artistic endeavors.
And on Saturday, I picked up another 50 vintage typewriters...