The pandemic has made me extremely crafty, mostly out of a sense of boredom. Hoping everyone else has been toiling to get the time to pass quicker, too!
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Foveaux, kleinbl00, zebra2, applewood, darlinareyousleepy, elizabeth, Dala, thenewgreen, ilex
Here's the elastics shelf at JoAnn. JoAnn Fabrics is an essential business according to the State of WA so it's open under shelter-in-place. This is what it looked like last week. I asked the green-haired guy cutting my cloth where the elastic was and he said "the aisle behind me, although I don't think you'll find anything!" So I went back. It wasn't far enough away from him not to hear him turn to his coworker and say "I'm so sick of people asking 'where's the elastic? Where's the elastic? How do I make a mask? How do I make a mask? Waah!'" So when I came back to get more fabric cut I told him "Look - I get that you're stressed and all? But I've got a clinic with seven employees that's been compelled to stay open through this thing and the only protective equipment we're going to see from now until the end of it is what's in this basket so I get it? But maybe keep it to yourself." Cooking everything under UV for half an hour, then flipping, then cooking some more. The big box is my daughter's "beat on a block of plaster with a hammer and chisel to find rocks" toy; she bought it with her own money. That's a MERV13 furnace filter. There were three left at Home Depot. I bought two. They contain two layers of synthetic felt with a layer of aluminum mesh in between. It's sharp as a mutherfucker. If you savage the shit out of an MERV13 furnace filter you will find yourself bleeding from fingers and arms. You will also find yourself with approximately six yards of synthetic felt that's eminently breathable. Pictured here is one half of a savaged furnace filter. The wad in the corner is one half of a savaged furnace filter's accoutrement of razor wire. Mask insert pattern. Masks by my wife, who sews about as well as I mix music. Therefore there's no point in doing any of the sewing. Half a furnace filter yields approximately 70 mask inserts, which must be doubled up in order to equal the equivalent of about n65. N95 it ain't but "better than straight cloth" it is. It looks like I have the ability to produce about 120 masks if need be. Which is good because the nearest L&D department has closed its doors and the other nearest L&D is actively discouraging maternity patients from having babies in the hospital. Meanwhile CDC guidelines recommend separating newborns from COVID-19 mothers for two weeks, which as anyone who has ever studied early childhood development can tell you is a developmental nightmare of epic proportions so to no one's suprise it's going over like a lead balloon with the pregnant moms' contingent (and every other health organization who are actively asking the CDC 'WTF is wrong with you'). Fuckin' sunshine and rainbows over here in Seattle.
The UV bath is a great idea, I wish I'd bought a light ages ago. Probably better that I don't, now. Except for food needing refrigeration, we just order stuff a few days in advance and then let it sit in the garage for three days. And I have to make a dumb breadpost later too. Should I play drums while I eat my bread?
Know what the WHO has to say about UV sterilization? BITCH NO ONE IS ASKING ABOUT HANDS Fuck you, WHO. Fuck you SO HARD. 405 nm light technology for the inactivation of pathogens and its potential role for environmental disinfection and infection control New Proof-of-Concept in Viral Inactivation: Virucidal Efficacy of 405 nm Light Against Feline Calicivirus as a Model for Norovirus Decontamination The lamp in question is this guy. it cooks 5100mw radiant flux at 405nm. It was held 4cm away from a petri dish. One watt is one joule per second. 100 seconds under a 4W lamp fucking killed everything. This piece of shit is 5.1W and I have it in my garage. And that's not sitting on a surface, that's swimming around in fake fucking cow blood. Know who uses 405nm light? The orcs-with-tits posseAntiviral activity was successfully demonstrated with a 4 Log10 (99.99%) reduction in infectivity when suspended in minimal media evident after a dose of 2.8 kJ cm−2. FCV exposed in artificial faeces, artificial saliva, blood plasma and other organically rich media exhibited an equivalent level of inactivation using between 50–85% less dose of the light, indicating enhanced inactivation when the virus is present in organically-rich biologically-relevant media. Further research in this area could aid in the development of 405 nm light technology for effective NoV decontamination within the hospital environment.
hey man don't be hating on orcs with tits, me and the (former) boys will have something to say about it on twitter watch yourself
"The Snookis". This was fantastic, thank ya. Yeah, if I go out like to pick up a prescription or something, I put my wallet and debit card out in the sun for an hour or so when I get back, just before giving my hands a good washing. UV is great for sterilization.orcs-w/-tits posse
Awww yesss. I'm ready for you this time, craftski. Finally got around to finishing that Metal Earth bass model. It's super nifty. I would totally do another. I've been doing lots of music stuff too. A couple friends and I started recording things in the garage when the band isn't practicing in it. We came up with one track which I think is actually kinda cool. We have a couple of branches going on for the arrangement of parts, but this is the one I've been working on, which adds in sound clips from The Brain That Wouldn't Die and other stuff: I dusted off an old scratchy 4-track tape loop I had recorded years ago and did something with it. There's not much going on, just layers coming and going, but I kinda like it: I also started playing a lot of guitar and throwing down ideas with them. My playing style non-deliberately tends to be kinda southern metal, so I really leaned into it this time. I came up with 4 or 5 demo songs, the best of which is this: Then there's a #breadwatch I need to post too.