Perhaps you are steadfast that you're not going to vote for a republican but let's say you had to pick one. Who would you pick? Why?
Trump may be an asshole, but he's not hardline tea party, and has never caused a government shutdown - Cruz was instrumental in the 2013 one. Cruz has agreed with all Trumps statements about hispanics, women, and muslims, so in that regard he's at least as bad as Trump. Trump doesn't like gay marriage but since the Supreme Court has ruled on it, he's content to let it be. Cruz wants to pass a one-man-one-woman amendment to the Constitution. Trump wants to open relations with Cuba, Cruz vehemently against. Trump wants to raise taxes on the wealthy, and lower them on the middle class. Cruz follows party line that taxes bad. Trump is okay with limited gun control, Cruz is against even background checks. Trump wants single payer, Cruz wants to repeal Obamacare. So if I had to choose, it's going to be Trump every single time. Hell, I'd pick him over Clinton too.
Hell, I'd pick him over Clinton too.
judging from tonights debates, Clinton has been dragged down the left significantly by The Sandman and (surprisingly) O'Malley (He won the debate for me). Also assuming she isnt just bullshitting (insert "Everyone loves me")
Is there a website where I can see all the debates ?
I can't seem to find one, either. Although, faithful Wikipedia has summaries of each of the debates so far.
Trump. The man would commit an impeachable offense within a fortnight, while Cruz is an actual qualified politician. Whoever runs with Trump won't have the cult of personality, won't have an6 mandate, and will be a victim of the political process in every aspect. He'll be a great replacement.
I think that's almost a more interesting question, who would be Trump's running mate? Who would Trump want and who would accept? Edit: The obvious choice would be an establishment republican, but who would do it? Trumps supporters are old, uneducated white men and women. How would he get the young, educated people? That's right, a Trump Sanders ticket :)
According to the news of the past couple days, Vladimir Putin. Me? I'd hold out for someone truly awesome, like Herman Cain or Sarah Palin. But if I were trump, I'd find an establishment wingnut with an actual political history. Which means Palin, Santorum, Gingrich or Huckabee. All of which would be hilarious. Even better would be like Bobby Jindal 'cuz it'd only take a week for Trump to say something outrageous about immigrants.
The GOP does not depend on the young and educated. :( Or non-voters.
The best thing about a Trump presidency is that the left would shit itself. You would see 2 years of insane politicking, money raising and engagement to stomp him and his ability to lead, much like the 2006 election. The 2020 election would be fear, fear and more fear, but IMO a Dem. would win. No more Clintons on the ballot either, which is something that needs to happen now rather than later. Hillary would be a good president from the standpoint that she would get her agenda done, the problem I have with her is that her agenda is way, way to the right of mine. The problem with Hillary is that she is the ultimate boogeyman to whip the fundraising base. She fuels the NRA, Fox New ratings and Super PAC funding like nobody else.
Trump. Because I think he's pandering to and manipulating people. I think Cruz believes more of what he says than Trump. And to me that's more dangerous
I agree and add I think Cruz knows he can't say some things he's thinking while Trump will say whatever he likes. Trump is ridiculous. Cruz is scary.
I'm with you on that one. Trump is that crazy uncle that spouts off ridiculous and baseless political decrees, with his self-perceived superhuman vision he is compelled to share after a few beers. "The whole (place any complex nationally relevant issue here) can be simply solved by (the most obviously incorrect decision) because, unlike me, no one really understands that..." More bark than bite. Ted Cruz is that other scary quiet guy in the room that looks for ways to slowly manipulate others around him by working their individual fears and building off of those fears. He is strategic and is in it for the long haul. He could make stuff happen. I'll take dumpster fire number one, the Trump presidency.
Where did that guy go? I have not seen him a long time. Thankfully.
He has a news network called The Blaze that is vile filth that tries pandering to a younger crowd. He's also actually dying of a bizarre, unknown disease that causes him immense pain and, if I remember, will eventually take over like ALS does and restrict him to a bed.
Ah yes I forgotten that I refuse to click links to The Blaze. "Beck said he rarely slept, but was never tired. After taking a test for people with traumatic brain injury and testing in the bottom 10%, Beck said he was told he would no longer be able to function in about five to 10 years." I don't like him but do not wish that upon anyone. Seeing someone slowly degenerate is a horrible thing to see and an even more horrible thing to experience I would imagine.
I really, truly believe he is one of the worst people in the country, but I couldn't feel anything but sorrow for him reading that article about his condition. No one deserves what he's been going through, even at the cost of removing his disgusting rhetoric from the world. I hope he at least goes peacefully and without pain from his disease.
From those two options: Trump. Having a meme president would be amazing. From the whole Republican field: Trump, again. Rand Paul, if he didn't pander so much to the evangelical right.
Rand Paul is the only Republican I'd have to seriously consider voting for, because with the exception of Ron Wyden, he's the only politician out there who talks about privacy and civil liberties even when it's not advantageous to do so. I mean, his presidency would likely fuck over a lot of my friends, so I'd probably vote against him and be bitter about voting against the only presidential candidate I'm ever likely to see come down on the right side of an issue I'm personally invested in for the next 8 years, but I'd consider it. Fortunately (?) he doesn't have a chance.
He's also the only one that talks about the dangers of going all "Rah! Rah! America! Fuck yeah!" In regard to foreign policy and implores people to consider the consequences of our actions.