Go to the bottom of the site. Click random. Get lost in old conversations and links for hours and hours. Stay up too late reading old posts from 2012. Look up at the clock and realize that six hours have passed by but you can't take your eyes from the page, reading old links from lil, humanodon and theadvancedapes and the like. Realize that you are already late for work. You don't care though, you must keep clicking random. You need to pee but can't be bothered with toilets. You use a rubber bladder with a catheter, it allows you to stay fixated on the random button. You stop bathing, don't return phone calls and haven't eaten a vegetable in weeks. Your spouse leaves you. But damn, those random conversations are worth it.
So yeah, click on "random" and report back in this thread the cool old posts/conversations that you find.
I think so. I had originally envisioned it as such.
I'm sure it would, although I am not sure how I feel about another link up there. We are going to be adding yet another feed in the coming days, which will also be relegated to the bottom at first. I'd like to see how the community feels about this upcoming feed before shuffling any about.
This is probably way too complicated, But would there be any way to have the links in the top bar be toggle-ables? Example, I browse much more by feed and chatter than I do global or tags. If I had the option, I would get rid of those and put the random button up top.
Maybe a "more" button or something of the like up there with all of these ancillary feeds.
What ever happened to the Photo Challenge? That looks cool! Anyways, I ran into a few comments from this:
I'm not sure why you have to keep posting about that user. I've seen you reference them twice now in the last two days for no reason. Move on. If someone encounters an unsavory post or a rude encounter via "random," hopefully what they'll get from it was that the majority of Hubski responded with civility. I've been hitting random for a While now and I've not encountered spam. I'm pretty sure mk has it dialed in.
I think it would be better placed at the top. But clearly some of us have issues finding UI there as well so maybe not. Edit: possible #bugski, many of the post links on the random pages have their second tag repeated. Looks like any that didn't have a community tag assigned.
'tis an era of Hubski UI-fiddling that made every tag into the chosen tag, and added a "personal" tag which you can still toggle by adding "@" to the end of your tag. edit: tag
What I meant in my shitty sentence was that the personal tags still exist, but you have to add an "@" to the end of the tag you're writing to make it a personal one. I actually dig the idea, I'm glad the option was kept.
Or and this one: randomuser you should read this one. It's so...kleinbl00
Fuck that guy. :) Although seriously I have "known him" for perhaps five years and I respect his opinions. He is a pretty smart dude. We have disagreed at times and that is OK, At the end of the day I respect his opinion. But fuck that guy kleinbl00. :) I had a bunch of martinis one night and got on his back about a letter I wrote and he was still a good dude about it, Whatever, hahaha
That is a phenomenal read. Good random comment!