So, it's the weekend, which means we're all more likely to be imbibing. Tonoight, I went to a formal gathering which had really great champagne and wine and because I knew I'd be returning to my hotel later, I preemptively bought a nice bottle of wine.
Tonight, I'm having a 2012 Domaine Grand Veneur Les Origines Chateauneuf-du-Pape -Holy fuck is it nice:
What's in your glass?
Keep in mind, I've had nights where I've had Kool-Aid and Vodka that would put up a pretty damn good fight against tonight.
It's all relative.
That picture of you is nothing short of INCREDIBLE.
I regret the fact that my gf has just passed out while we're switching movies (Constantine > No Country For Old Men), but I still love her.
Am I actually going to post this comment? I don't know, I'll keep typing, and we'll all find out posthumously-ish.
Yep, looks like I'm going to hit the "comment" button.
I love you all.
P.S. I am drinking New Amsterdam Vodka, and the architecture of the container seems to be drawn from the design of the new Freedom Tower in NYC.
but also, this happened to me tonight, but I don't know what the fuck she/he/them is/is/are drinking
You have a halo about you and should probably stop omegling. Now. Unless you want to end up giving your kidneys to someone that just really, really needs them and like... you're the only guy that understands them.
I've been there. It's rough.
But yeah, what are they feeding you? What are you drinking?
i feel you bruhbruh
well none of my friends can make anything interesting with their apocalyptic-reserve stockpile of Smirnoff (the very popular Extra-Nasty Edition) so I effectively depend on getting invited to parties via my ability to make nice cocktails. I show up with a bottle of Cointreau and bitters, but usually just dunk some Absolut in a jug of cranberry juice and tell girls it's a Cosmo. They don't even have the sense to google it. I hand it to them in a solo cup. When have you seen Cosmos in a solo cup????????
Everything in modulation, as they say.
modulation is key.
girls are key.
solo cups are sad.
I think I"m going to change the title of this post to:
I'm thenewgreen, I'm wearing a tuxedo, ask me anything. What do you think?
I like it!
On which occasion do you recall wearing the nicest tux you've ever worn?
how do those Rockstars/Monsters/etc. compare to coffee? Do they last long before a crash? I know they're not healthy but someone recommended drinking a Monster instead of 2-3 cups of coffee if im staying an afternoon and night up to study.
If you can find it near you, go with Runa. They're at a lot of Whole Foods. Trust me, they're great.
Oh sweet, this is perfect. Whole Foods makes it mom-approvable too. Thanks!
A little late, but at the time of this post I was drinking the worst whiskey sour I've ever had. Tasted like rusty water and cat urine. We were seeing Lucinda Williams play at a venue conpletely inept when it comes to mixed drinks, and a terrible beer selection. She was much better than the whiskey sour.
Had a great sake at dinner before though.
Chateauneuf makes some good-ass wines. Pretty sure that's a direct quote from Wine Fancy magazine.
Nothing tonight. Been trying to cut back recently for financial/conscience-driven reasons. Not going so hot. Want a beer so bad right now. That's probably the best reason not to have one.
That pic ain't helping, now I just want good wine. And cuff links.
PM me your address. Just do it. Don't ask questions like some asshole that asks questions. geez.