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hubskier for: 4179 days
kazren please by no means feel compelled to include music similar to the types i listed below! it was more of a 'what i can offer'.
okay this is really impressive. beyond the technological in camera magic (would love to see an exhibit), rarely are geometric special effects so tasteful.
add me! current music interests include: early electronic pioneers, fuzzy surf rock
i'll check this out when i have some audio-able free time. i do some radio work and have recently been trying to figure out how to make a live concert available to those who may not be able to attend. scheduled internet broadcasts sound like a really wonderful compromise between the availability of an open archive, and some of the community and experience inherent to a live show. i have no idea if this is your own invention or a commonly used technique, but i hope you don't mind if i pass it on!
okay here we go! original course notes, including psets, labs, exams
more exercises and info around that site also looks like there is Feynman's Tips On Physics: A Problem-solving Supplement to The Feynman Lectures on Physics (by feynman and co.) and michael gottlieb (feynman's co-author) on yahoo answers said, about a year ago:
My colleagues and I are currently working on remedying this situation by creating one big book of about 900-1000 exercises collected from the older exercise books, with answers for all (or most, and worked-out solutions for many) that cover all the main sequence material in FLP. There's an agreement in place (with Basic Books) to publish this new exercise book, but we are still working on the manuscript, which we hope will be done sometime near the end of this year.
hey thanks for the thorough response! you're right, a companion series of problems and how to solve them would definitely benefit any student looking to fully understand, and not just know. in fact, feynman thought so too! it's amazing the holes in my knowledge that surface when i attempt to actually manipulate and work with that knowledge. it's almost as good as trying to teach it to somebody else!I think one way we could help the students more would be by putting more hard work into developing a set of problems which would elucidate some of the ideas in the lectures. Problems give a good opportunity to fill out the material of the lectures and make more realistic, more complete, and more settled in the mind the ideas that have been exposed.
as an individual with a name unique in the playground (in this country, and particularly paired with my last name), i would like to say that, based on my interactions with actual people and their apparent perceptions/first impressions of me, i absolutely love having a pretty-sounding name that is pretty uncommon. makes me seem all interesting and exotic. unfortunately, all of my shoddy uninformed internet activity is now easily linked to me. i wish i could easily undo or escape what i have done to myself. i actually decided today that any kid of mine will be named something akin to a john doe.
thanks for the Asimov recommendation/reminder. i have a fondness for scientific works by fiction writers. can you explain why the feynman lectures are certainly not very good if one seeks a level of understanding similar to physics students