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comment by pizzahedron
pizzahedron  ·  3849 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Our AudioVisual Project Earth 101 (Personal Content)

i'll check this out when i have some audio-able free time.

i do some radio work and have recently been trying to figure out how to make a live concert available to those who may not be able to attend. scheduled internet broadcasts sound like a really wonderful compromise between the availability of an open archive, and some of the community and experience inherent to a live show.

i have no idea if this is your own invention or a commonly used technique, but i hope you don't mind if i pass it on!

Complexity  ·  3849 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I'm fairly sure the concept's not new; there are plenty of internet radio broadcasters running off several well known open source scheduled streaming software suites. In this case I just wrote a simple set of scripts myself. A bit more fiddly, but if you want a look at them, I'm happy to make them available.