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I completely agree with veen. I would add that certain people have the capacity for such a need and certain others do not. And frankly I think really this challenges the idea that spirituality is innate to us. In reality it could be that spirituality might have more to do with cultural influence or upbringing rather than inherently being part of human nature. That is simply my guess of course- but it would account for the sometimes stark differences that we can see between different people.
For a major part of my life I identified as Roman Catholic, but I have since deconverted and now consider myself a Secular Humanist. I believe that any viewpoint should be scrutinized and considered and not simply taken on faith. I also reject supernatural beliefs because I currently have not found any convincing evidence to support them. Having grown to become somewhat of a skeptic over the years, I feel a bit uncomfortable (and perhaps pedantic) using terms like "supernatural" or "non-physical" because they don't make much logical sense to me (e.g., How exactly can a person conceive the non-physical when the physical is the only thing that has been a part of his experience?). Similarly, I get somewhat frustrated by the term "spirituality" because so many people use it in different ways- it's extremely subjective. But I think I can try to take a shot at what I think differs religion from what I consider spirituality. From what I gather, the meaning of the term has really shifted over time. Traditionally the term used to have a much more pious connotation than it does today; more modern conceptions of the term tend to omit any specific theological reference. I believe that this definition change is reflective of a growing understanding that there are many paths to the spiritual experience. Personally, I do not think the spiritual experience has to refer to anything necessarily supernatural. Rather, I think the term really refers to the way individuals seek and express meaning and purpose in life. It also relates to the way an individual can seek connection to something they consider meaningful (often more important than themselves). Perhaps what separates each spiritual experience is how it is directed- whether it is to the self, this moment in time, to others, to nature or to the sacred. By this standard, I would say the spiritual experience is a fundamental part of the human experience. It can definitely be attributed to a particular religion, but it is ultimately not necessary. Much like what was said in the video, religion is a more organized and related set of beliefs and practices . The spiritual, on the other hand, is what can be experienced by any individual.
As a gay man, I feel as though that any kind of person coming out is a step in the right direction. Although I agree with the commenter in many ways, I do think that as more different kinds of gay people come out- the more mundane "being gay" will be seen in greater society. It will give the sense that gay people come in many forms: rich, famous, successful, poor, etc. In the future, we may even reach a point where people think you are just mentioning it for attention. We obviously aren't there yet, though. And I think this is where the frustration for some of us comes from. I identify as gay cis male- and I'm openly out to my friends and family. But "coming out" is not a process that ends the first time you do it. You have to eventually come out to every one you (at least) associate closely with. Now, nobody is by any means obligated to reveal their sexuality in the workplace. But straight people have nothing to lose when they mention their partner in casual conversation. Gay people might have to lie, give the runaround or be honest and ready to deal with the potential consequences. Ultimately that is part of the problem. As a 21 year old who is just starting out in the workforce, I can't afford to come out to my boss or coworkers. I don't have the luxury of affirming my sexuality in the work environment- because discrimination against gays is still very much a relevant issue (whether it is overt or not). There is no doubt in my mind that had Tim Cook come out earlier in life, he most likely would not be in the same position that he is in today. He has the ability to say he is proudly gay because it doesn't matter at this point- he's the fucking CEO of Apple. He's untouchable. He's got nothing to lose- unlike myself. I'll have to wait until I reach a certain age or status where I know I can comfortably be out at work. It is for this reason that I respect someone less privileged being out at work more. They don't have the so-called safety net that Tim Cook has.