From the PDF:
- SUMMARY: This document initiates rulemaking that would propose to create a new Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS), FMVSS No. 150, to require vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication capability for light vehicles (passenger cars and light truck vehicles (LTVs)) and to create minimum performance requirements for V2V devices and messages. The agency believes that requiring V2V communication capability in new light vehicles would facilitate the development and introduction of a number of advanced vehicle safety applications. Some crash warning V2V applications, like Intersection Movement Assist (IMA) and Left Turn Assist (LTA), rely on V2V-based messages to obtain information to detect and then warn drivers of possible safety risks in situations where other technologies have less capability. Both of those applications address intersection crashes, which are among the most deadly crashes that U.S. drivers currently face. NHTSA believes that V2V capability will not develop absent regulation, because there would not be any immediate safety benefits for consumers who are early adopters of V2V. V2V begins to provide safety benefits only if a significant number of vehicles in the fleet are equipped with it and if there is a means to ensure secure and reliable communication between vehicles. NHTSA believes that no single manufacturer would have the incentive to build vehicles able to “talk” to other vehicles, if there are no other vehicles to talk to – leading to likely market failure without the creation of a mandate to induce collective action.
What does this mean? It sounds like they're asking for input, but about what exactly, and from whom, I don't know. This sounds more like it's a software that'll be installed in cars by manufacturers that will permit communication between them to prevent collisions based on trajectories and speed. Where would Google and it's mapping technology come in? I feel like such a layman.
Start here.When Google cars become a more common sight, all those logs could be uploaded and shared. This means that every Google car can learn from every other Google car driving around. It’s the largest form of machine learning. A Google car doesn’t just practice on its own: all cars practice all the time and can exchange this information.
This is the key to why Google of all companies is tackling the problem of self-driving cars. Just like they’ve crawled the web and collected all its data, they can crawl the world and collect all its data. They’re the only company who could do such a phenomenally large task, and they’ve done it before with Google Streetview.
Does the NSA have a backdoor yet? White House press release, 2023 - "It's very unfortunate that this computer virus exclusively targeted the automotive systems of nearly all of our political opponents, and essentially led to their fatal, entirely accidental, motor vehicle mishaps. We've calculated the odds of this, but for the sake of time, and the lack of public awareness concerning scientific notation and statistical probability, we will gloss over discussing the result at this time." Edit: In all seriousness, this is the first time there is widespread submission of human lives to a computer system. While the ensuing legal circus will certainly be entertaining, the potential for compromise and failure is harrowing.