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hubskier for: 4178 days
I didn't know! Fixed :)
This is cool! I'll make a run at it! I'm Peter and I'm in university on the US east coast. - I play ultimate frisbee for my college's club team, so I'm pretty athletic. At 6'2" and 180# my last 1rm for squat was 315#. I'm shooting for twice my bodyweight by the time I graduate. - I worked on the coast this summer and sailed solo to the Outer Banks on a Cape Dory Typhoon. - I've got pretty severe social anxiety and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder which I manage by writing and listening to massive amounts of music. - I have resting bitch face. - My girlfriend's a dime and smarter than anyone I know. - When I was little my parents told me that being a strawberry tester wasn't a job I could have. I now agree but still think there's an opportunity for someone with my skills.
Finding new music :)
That's damn respectable. It takes a lot to say that and even more to evaluate yourself and really mean comes to terms with it. Hope to still see you around.
You're telling me! I told a girl that she had a really pleasant speaking voice. Turns out she'd just gotten sick and had spent all day coughing her lungs up. I felt real bad...
Sorry, bud. Didn't remember the post he was talking about until someone linked to it :/ wrote a thoughtless, aggressive, explicitly antagonistic article condemning that very same behavior? And then you posted it to the same website that you feel is aggressive and antagonistic? You're part of the problem, bud. I think your story about Ohio is interesting. You are the guy who went to Ohio and hated it before even crossing the border. You seem to have a hatred for the people who come to this site, universally condemning everyone for not falling for your baited post while you waited with bated breath to catch someone being hypocritical. You have all sorts of ideas about the people on this site, clumping everyone good and everyone bad altogether into a homogenized, hateful group. You're not any better than the Ohio-hating idiot you were subtweeting in your blog post. Relax, talk to people. You're not going to make any friends by being the "inveterate outsider".
The breakdown at around 2:15 is one of the best parts of this song. Chet Faker's live sessions are amazing, and I'd love to see him cover some Otis Redding. And then there's Vulfpeck's discography which I've been exploring for a few weeks. Groovy band that sometimes has guest vocalists. I went to see Snarky Puppy in Raleigh on Thursday. They put on an amazing show. One of the best I've seen.
Nujabes - Arurarian Dance, Counting Stars He and several artists (like Fat Jon) did the soundtrack for Samurai Champloo.
I wasn't saying that it was offensive. Just that a religiously and ideologically crazed radical isn't at all comparable to the average person. Not even the "lol phaggots suck dix" type. And I don't see anything wrong or disingenuous about treating people well in the hopes of being treated well in return. Reciprocation is the basis of every relationship and friendship I've ever had. It doesn't mean I'm fighting some suppressed nature to be an asshole.
If you're trying to make the argument that "normal" people turn bad when they have anonymity to hide behind, ISIS and terrorist organizations are an awful comparison to use.
The Apache Relay - Katie Queen of Tennessee Vulfpeck - 1612 John Butler - Ocean Beirut - Scenic World Milky Chance - Stolen Dance
Growing up, my dad struggled to keep a job. We'd stay some place a year or two, move, try again. I went to a new high school every year for four years. It made me a perpetual outsider in nearly every situation. Being the "new kid" over and over again sucks. It's not a big deal now. I found out quick that I make friends wicked fast, but I'm always evaluating where I am with a group of friends. It feels fake and forced. And because I'd move so much, I cycled through groups of friends, leaving behind the old ones and spending time with new ones. I have lots of used-to-know experiences with people. But that's changing now that I'm in college. I've had the same set of friends for 3 years now, and it's fucking awesome.
Breaking misted spray
Ten knots on a windy day
Water makes me fly