As y'all know if you have been reading Pubskis, I have been on a 2-month long crusade to become more healthy and physically fit. It has been going really well. I can do 100 push-ups in sets of 10, I can run 3 miles non-stop (and generally run about 2.5 every other day), and I have been focused on being a lot more active and eating healthily. Oh and I haven't had a cigarette in I think 2 weeks and a day. (Don't ask me how it's been; I'm usually unusually good at quitting things, and this has been about the same. I know it's harder for other people. Sorry.)
Understandably, although I do not think I've lost much actual mass, the way the meat hangs off my skeleton has changed. I suspect I have a lot more muscle and a lot less fat than I used to, not that I was ever overweight. I've noticed several things, most about the way my clothes fit, that indicate this to be true.
My mother has also lost some weight recently, through walking, etc. Although you wouldn't know this unless you've been a Hubski-friend of mine for some time (as I don't talk about it much or often), I have a conflicted relationship with my mother. Would you like to know why?
Yesterday we were on the phone and, in a very typical my-mother-ish move, my mom told me that I could not possibly have gone down in bra size, because she has not gone down in bra size.
I had to buy new god-damn bras because the old ones were falling off, I have no words for the person that she is.
god dammit ref I'm going to go for a run tonight. Been doing the pushups thing, will have to push that more too.
Granted I do end up walking probably 4 miles a day at work...I should buy a Fitbit to track exactly how much distance I'm covering.
You're doing it a little wrong. You should make your friends exercise with you and then go drinking.
edit: Update, ran 1.5 miles on a hill interval sequence (it was nasty out so I had to treadmill it).
Congratulations on the hard work, it's inspirational. Keep it up.
In terms of the mom thing I can understand the conflicted relationship. Maybe not in a daughter-mother way, but in a son-mother way. I'm not sure if those two types share a similarity in any way, but I don't know I feel like I get it.
Having just moved out of my parent's house with my boyfriend, we've embarked on a fitness journey too! We signed up to the gym and have been going to bootcamp classes twice and yoga once. The goal is to go to bootcamp 3 times a week but the first time I went I was pretty sore for like 3 days. 2 times bootcamp +1 time yoga sounds reasonable for now.
I don't really have any body fat to lose but I've been neglecting being fit since I started Uni. Gotta get back on that until I get too old. My boyfriend would benefit losing a bit of weight tho so it's a side benefit of working out together :)
I know, it was a crazy summer. Having moved house and country I can get back to logging.