what am I doing with my life
I badged it out of gratitude that "Green" didn't get stabbed. I was thoroughly entertained by this and look forward to reading about more "characters." I dig your style 8bit -a lot!
So wonderfully meta. The part with "Mmkay" had me cracking up. I enjoy your style of writing, can't wait to see some more parts of this. Dang. That's going to be a lot of characters.I mean I have ideas for pretty much all of you...
A horrible backwards name for a group of bandits and brigands that sweep through Hubskina causing mayhem.
They aren't all bad, though. I am in tears right now. Seriously. In tears. This is epic. I might love you. Tidder
Yeah some of them are just lost souls looking for greener pastures. (swedishbadgergirl and I come to mind here, even though there are others out there who have migrated...)
It's tongue in cheek. The author found Hubski via "Tidder" as did the majority of those in "Hubskiba." Though some found us via RPN and Rekcah Swen and good ole drow fo htuom :)
Haha but I already love this story, and I mentioned else where that I was going to look into making a DnD campaign based around this but I decided to make like (what I think is the main group) a bunch of NPCs that the player would come across on their journey, but that's as far as I've gotten. I think I'm going to wait until it's done before I seriously start working it on though, so I have the time.
Hey, at least you're not God, that position's already taken. I'll probably be a side character that says something kinda sorta important to drive the plot further. And I'd be happy with that, eightbitsamurai. Also, splendid image choice! If you have some good ideas, I could help with artwork stuff.
I loved it, got quite a kick out of the names. And the use of the song in the story was excellent. Kind of inspired me to do my own interactive story I've been thinking about. Some day, some day.
thenewgreen - you need to grow out your hair simply so the next time I see you, you can pull of this move. Start practicing. You must live up to the vision I, and 8bit, have in our heads.The man with the lute sat back in his chair and began to tune his lute. "People just call me Green," he said, brushing his hair back.