For as long as I've known mk he's always been busy with one project or another. I've often been impressed with how many things he's super good at. Earlier in chat, he used the phrase "Ennui is a disease".
That's also something I've appreciated about hubski all these years - people here do stuff, make stuff, break stuff, test stuff. It keeps me going to see what you're all doing. So in that vein, I share with you a little project I worked on over the weekend. Since being shifted to a work from home situation, and with my 57 children doing school from home... space is at a premium, even in our pretty good sized house. I've been largely working from my bedroom, trading time between sitting in a comfy chair with my laptop and standing at a small table - with my laptop precariously balanced on a rolling suitcase. Over the weekend, I took some scraps from the garage and made a standing desk unit. It still needs some final sanding, and I might even paint it... it's not adjustable - but it's hella better than the carry-on bag shenanigans.
Nice work. Turning out a productive custom-made tool in a weekend is time well-spent.
I'm always interested in how people set up their desks. My monitor is almost 3 feet away from my face, my entire arms - wrists to elbows - are flat on the desk. The keyboard and trackpad are at the base of the monitor, and I generally sit when working. (Although I do have a motorized desk at work, that I run up to full height maybe 2 or 3 times a month.)
The computer is a virtual world that we manipulate through physical controls... and it's always interesting for me to see how other people like those physical aspects arranged.
Nice! Is that glued? Do you have a band saw? I really want a bandsaw.
Since you've started the #craftthread, I'll share my weekend projects:
A boot tray thing. My wife wanted muddy shoes off the floor. It's a scrap of bowling-alley floor with some roughcut maple scrap trim.
A new wooden door mat. Our old wooden one disintegrated as I kept adding screws to buy time. I've been looking for a large and heavy replacement for about a year. Yesterday, I used a bunch of pressure-treated scrap I had to make one:
I know katakowsj has a woodwork project he can share...
It's all screwed. I had visions of making it all tab/slot, but lacked the time/materials/tools to make that precision this weekend. Maybe 2.0 later.
no bandsaw (yet). I think someone already beat me to this idea, but I think it would be amazing to have a woodshop I could pay for a membership to use... or just have drop in rates. I'm no carpenter, and not even much of a weekend warrior. But there are LOTS of projects I would love to do, and having access to the right tools would make much easier.
"Ennui is a disease." 100%. I couldn't agree more. Also, nice desk!
funny... I'm not even sure I have ever heard the word "ennui" spoken... and not entirely sure I would know how to pronounce it out loud if I had to. It's one of those words I read, and know the meaning, but wouldn't feel comfortable saying it out loud without hearing it confidently pronounced by someone else. I feel like it would be pronounce "enn-you-eee".
Wow, you’ve really never heard one of the most annoyingly memetic songs ever, “Ennui”, the real disease.
It's like 1990's rom-com soundtrack meme though. I use the term "meme" too freely, perhaps.
I can't find it! We've almost all heard this song, and we didn't know what the guy was saying, so it's un-googleable (edit: no, I'm just an idiot, see: elsewhere). The entire song has one lyric: Ennui, and at some point, I think we all thought it was a man repeating "On the way" or "On a way" etc.
The most prominent backing track is some almost-lo-fi acoustic guitar pickings, not even 3-note-or-more chords. Probably light brushes hitting drums quietly. Can't remember a bass track.
Anyone??? My google-fu has failed me. It's actually been kinda like a personal-failure-themed day. Brutal.
kleinbl00, help, you know culture stuffs
omg my wife just found it by googling "On my way song", and the lyrics really are "On my way", and I'm an idiot. There are plenty more lyrics, too, than "on my way", but they probably cut off the song before Matthew McConnaughy started talking, or whatever
Nope, it was this one:
I'm so sorry to have wasted your time. Thanks, everyone, for watching my show, "How am_Unition incorrectly pronounces 'Ennui' ".
It’s “air go”, for me.
Do you say “zee” or “zed”? :)
The internet really mangled how people perceive the words "memetic" and "meme" . If I start singing the intro to that song, when a guy's mumbling "on the way", while playing the guitar part, 90% of American adults will be like "oh yeah!!", and they'll know the tune. That's memetic enough for me to call it such. Memes aren't only a picture with white text.
But yes, somehow my dumbass brain decided the guy was actually saying "Ennui", and I have no idea when that happened.
I'm so sorry, everyone!
What you're describing are called eggcorns and they are the best thing ever. Especially as they're the common reaction of any average reality show contestant to the vocabulary of the average reality show producer. You heard "on nui" where he was saying "on my way." We had a contestant once who told everyone she wasn't going to be their "escape goat". A friend of mine overheard a producer asking a Real Housewife if she found someone else "sycophantic" and the Real Housewife responded "...yeah when janine did that thing it made me feel all sick'n'frantic..."
/r/boneappletea will help people nip that problem in the butt.