thenewgreen katakowsj ecib darlinareyousleepy OftenBen necroptosis
Who is actually in?
I started after 8:30AM this morning. I had some coffee with cream, and a handful of blueberries and cashews for breakfast.
I smashed/cut my thumb pretty good last night. It's gnarly. Maybe I'll find out if fasting slows the healing process.
Thus ended my 72 1/4 hour fast at 8:15AM. I then had a french pancake with maple syrup. I felt a very primal reaction to the syrup, like my body was saying: "OMG fuck yeah, more more more!". The blueberries felt similarly. I'm sure it's all about quick energy when you're in that state. This was my third time in about 4.5 years. This one wasn't any more difficult than the two previous, however, I did feel foggier this time around. I left the burner on after making that omelet. It's about 1.5 hours after my first bite, and my power bar is already about 90%. My wife and I are going for a walk. I feel very good.
Awesome for you bro. I'm looking at just under five hours left (I started at 6:00pm on Thursday). I'm most surprised right now at how good I'm feeling. My cognition seems a bit foggy too, but I'm really not that hungry at all. I've got a sense of, "Yeah, man, some food would be really good right now...", but I'm not feeling nearly as strong a sense of hunger as I did yesterday. It's as though my body has now shifted into, "low power mode". I have been busy all morning with my family too and I'm wondering if that may have helped. Last time I fasted like this I did a 2 mile run at hour 65 or so to see what It would feel like. It's 25 degrees out here and I won't be doing it today, although I am going ice skating with my kids.
3.5 to go! Here's good reason:
Since my one, every time I've mentioned a fast my wife has said "I want to do that, -you can't do your next one without me", and since she owns a store with her busiest days on the weekends, and I "have to do it with her" I have to start a couple days later so her most low energy days don't fall on the weekend (in the name of love). Of course that means my low energy days will fall at the beginning of the work week... Btw, I know my wife and she has no idea what she's in for. I was able to do my last fast np, but my girl is kind of a wuss. She's not on Hubski so I can say that. I'll report back if I'm wrong on that.
I had dinner last night at 6:30 PM. Haven’t had any calorie since except for black coffee. I will say that this is a particularly inconvenient time. My wife is out of town and I have all three children to care for. I tend to get very inpatient when I’m fasting. My poor, poor children
Well, I’m over 24 hours in and doing great. Not hungry yet. A bit of a headache coming though. But.., I think I’ll have no issues sleeping. Still, I’m probably gonna make this a 40 hour fast. When I agreed I totally forgot my wife was going out of town. As ecib put it,I should be be eating pizza and drinking bourbon :) Well, maybe the bourbon and recording music. Still, 24+ hours was easy. I should start doing that once a week. It’s supposed to be very good for you. Good luck all! Glad to join in the next one. Ima party this weekend though :)
I'm a bit late to the discussion, as I've just made it back from the woods. I fasted from wednesday morning until friday night, so around 60 hours. Broke the fast with some rabbit. I finished the rabbit saturday night. Surprisingly I didn't feel any hunger throughout the fast. This could be partially due to being in a "survival" situation and had other priorities. As for the healing process.. I cut my finger Thursday night, and it didn't stop bleeding until late Friday. I'd say it was probably the cold that affected it, but I'd wager the fasting had an effect as well.
Update: I was absolutely exhausted yesterday. I felt a bit better after rehydrating but not by much. Today I felt surprisingly good. Fantastic energy and a clear mind. However, I went to the gym in the evening and was just destroyed by minimal lifting. I figure I need a day or two before my body fully recovers from the cold. I also weighed myself while there.. I lost 3 kgs in 5 days. That's after rehydrating. I'm now the lightest I've been in 6 years. I've wanted to start eating keto for a while, so I decided to just use this as a jumping point. So far it's going well, though I'm currently having a hard time eating enough fat. Progress will be made.
Spoke about that last point with the ex-med student I'm working with. I'd think the lack of new resources to power regen would slow it, but he thinks digestion process only slows down regen. If you grow a whole new thumb overnight, throw a holler.
I had a salad this morning (vegan) with some tomato paste sauce and a starbucks drink (cherry mocha?) I finished that with a health shot. I am going to buy more health shots for this fast. This one was turmeric/black pepper.
I had another shot (this one was with oregano oil) and my "dinner" was steamed and boiled greens. I couldn't get away with not eating after a day of productivity, but I tried my best to avoid eating by drinking water. I feel slightly dizzy, but I don't feel as tired as I have the past couple of days.
Thank you. I might do pedialyte out of preference, but this is a good suggestion.
I had another ginger/oregano oil shot with some coffee. I've been drinking a lot of water, but the fast seems to hold steady with meds. I keep having to rest, so I'm thankful I took time off of work today.
I had to break fast last night. I started getting this weird pain on my left leg below my gluteus maximus. It was like a muscle cramp mixed with this burning feeling. So I ate a hamburger. All better in the morning!
I'm in for about half the time. I have dinner plans tomorrow I want to keep. Last food was pretzels and chocolate at 11 pm yesterday. I'm still going to drink coffee and tea without sweeteners or cream. I am more curious about how it will feel than about any health effects - I can't remember ever waiting longer than dinner-to-lunch without eating except while sick.
34 hours in: I'm hungry during mealtime, but that only last a few minutes. The bigger thing is I feel cold.
And I have bowed out at 44 hrs. I had dinner planned at a nice Japanese place for a week and wasn't going to pass it up. I am a bit surprised I made it that far, and that hunger passed as quickly as it did even after almost two days. Good luck to the rest of you on the third day. TMI note: that dinner ran through me in less than two hours. Don't know if it was because the first thing was soup, or just because I was empty.
https://imgur.com/gallery/bSARHmc First time using imgur. Hope this works. My nine year old daughter has five friends over for her birthday. They just finished ice skating and I've been the gofer for them. Sucked at first, but once I got moving I forgot the hunger and warmed up. Just sitting by the fire now.
I've never fasted but I find it interesting. I know that many people feel health benefits from it. I watched a video recently of a man with arthritis who put his back out and did a 7-day water fast. I was so shocked by how energetic he still seemed to be on day 4! And his back issues were cured by the end. The body is amazing. And crazy.
Yeah, human body is so resilient. I've done the 72 hour fast three times and I now fast one day a week for 24 hours, from Wednesday breakfast to Thursday breakfast. I expect that I'll fast for 72 hours once or twice a year from now on as well. I see it as spring cleaning for the human body. I found a surprising revelation of fasting was how habituated I am to eating at regular intervals. After fasting past 24 hours, when my glucose reserves were used up, and my body entered ketosis, my actual feelings of hunger leveled off. I could easily forget the hunger by staying engaged in some other activity. That is, until my regular meal times. During regular meal times, I found I'd have an increase in the desire to eat that was definitely not related to my feelings of hunger. For example, I'd walk through my kitchen and find myself reaching to open the fridge, or planning out a meal, as it was meal time. I'd catch myself, and remembering I was fasting, and move on. It was so weird, but it was cool as this experience has made me aware of how my eating habits are actual habits that affect me on a not quite conscious level. Now that I am more conscious of these habitual feelings, I have an easier time making healthier eating habits.
Just ended with a delicious fruit shake (yogurt, peaches, blueberries, strawberries banana and spinach. 67 hours and I felt amazing throughout. . For timing reasons, I had to end about five hours early (in hindsight - it’s just dumb that I didn’t start five hours earlier than I did). Aside from an untimely migraine in the middle of all of this... it was fantastic. I was euphoric since the afternoon of day 1. My body felt great, my mind was mostly clear (outside of headache time). I look forward to doing it again. How often do you all do these extended fasts?
For reasons, I couldn’t join at the same time as others. I’m in the middle of it now and have a conundrum. At 3am this morning,~30 hours in, I get a crazy migraine. Normally I treat those with ibuprofen (which requires food) so instead, I pop a Vicodin (leftover from some dental work a few years ago that I keep as a backup of ibuprofen doesn’t work). That only kind of works, and I mostly don’t sleep for the next several hours. I finally get out of bed and shower - get nauseous - vomit - lay back down. Get back up and try to get ready for work - get nauseous- vomit. So here I am 38 hours in. Head pounding, nauseous (a nice sidecar to migraines) trying to decide if this is in any way related to blood sugar or if it has nothing to do with the fast at all and to power through. Ugh.
I genuinely appreciate your concern. I just signed on to throw an edit... I fast often enough that I was fairly certain this wasn't related, but just laid low long enough to verify. I also get migraines often enough that it reinforced my hunch that it was indeed that - and not a blood sugar thing. Sure enough - I powered through, and thankfully feeling much better. It's weird. I'm still not hungry... And despite the tiny lingering "after-headache" I feel amazing... the way I normally feel during fasting. SO yay! still no calories... and feeling amazing. But seriously - I am very thankful for your concern and nudge to do the right thing. I should have known better than to post whilst delirious in migraineland.