I don't know how to feel about that one way or another, but I've noticed that as time goes on, his speech giving abilities are slowly improving. So at least he has that going for him.
Maybe I really should run for President. I wonder what my Official White House Pet would be. Maybe a llama? I'd name him Clarence. #rd95forprez #brownllama
I had a guest waiting by the TV to see what he would say and it's always really awkward since you never have any idea how they feel about Trump. I'm thankful I wasn't in hospitality over the summer since I hear they had a lot of supporters and it gets so awkward when they try to involve you in their discussions. He definitely showed pretty quick he wasn't Trumps biggest fan. A guy I served the other day was considering moving from Detroit to Toronto and I wonder if it has to do with Trump/politics in general.
I was just in rural/agricultural Oregon and Washington last weekend, which I refer to as "Trumpistan".
Last time out there was pre-election, and the Trump signs were EVERYWHERE.
This time?
I saw one, singular, solitary Trump sign.
Things that make you go, "hmmmmm...."
Around here, we wear our politics on our sleeve, but somehow Trump has muddied the waters. You honestly don't know how people voted unless you ask them point blank because people on both sides jumped party lines for a number of reasons. It's also interesting, because the political discussions we get in now are much more superficial than they used to be, but at the same time they're also much more emotionally charged. Even just trying to disengage and change the subject can be a challenge.
Yes! This is like what I've seen. Co-workers who were 100% anti-Obama and 100% pro-Republican party (implicitly pro-Boehner but really just pro-Fox News) are tight lipped about politics or even making jokes critical of Trump.
I suspect it isn't just that people jumped ship at the voting booth but also some who voted for Trump but dislike the outcome.
The nice/boring thing about Portland is that only 1/1000 people is a Trump supporter. You are almost always safe resorting to Trump bitching if you want to garner some sympathy.
The only person I know that voted for the guy is a Black monarchist. I only saw one Trump hat the entire election cycle.
The biggest reason I have heard people give for voting for Trump is that he is "a business man." That he "understands business." Yet, he's assembled a council of business advisors, nearly all of which asked him NOT to leave the Paris Agreement, and yet he ignores them.
Nicaragua, Syria and the US. Great company to be in.
Edit: No offense to nicaraguans and Syrians. I'm sure ya'll are amazing human beings, but your governments have left much to be desired... -as does ours, now.
If I was president, I wonder if the government would pay for my cat's health care or if they'd be denied as pre-existing conditions.